Sermon Tone Analysis
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< .5
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> .9
Is 45Looking back to just six years ago, God had been working in my life, in the Background without me seeing it and definitly without me recognising it
Looking back to just six years ago, God had been working in my life, in the Background without me seeing it and definitly without me recognising it.
I had not given Him thanks in my life for what was surly His protection and blessing even in my life yet while I was still a unrepented sinner.
I was full of bitterness, the bottle, my anger, my selfish inpulses had wrecked just about every relationship in my life.
I was on the verge of loosing what I held to the most.
My beautiful wife Silvia, She had put up with alot.
My drunkenness, my anger outbursts The world as I saw it was Rons world
We were pretty rocky in our marraee at this point we had moved to Brackettville and she was far from her parents and things were not going well between us.
She concidered going back to her mother house.
I decided then lets start going to Church as we Started The preacher seemed to preach straight to Silvia and I week after week.
He had been going through the story of Joseph that rang true with us with the spirit of jelously and selishness
After a few weeks The Pastor called out the message of Isaiah “ Look to me and Be Saved.
I was like What are you doing God. at this point White knucled fighting the Holy spirit call within me I tried to reason with God.
lord dont you remember when I made a prayer as a kid I was even Baptized.
I tried to tell God of my concerns.
Lord If I answer your call I will look silly Im a grown man, They will laugh I thought, They will see me weak I thought.
The Irresitible power of His grace continued to move through me untill I had no choice and there I stood befor the Pastor in front of the Church Weeping as I had never weeped before.
The power of Gods call is irresistable for thosethat are called according to His purpose!
Gods Soverignty is not something we should be ashamed of but somthing we should Boat about
Lets Look at the greatest Story of redemption of the Old Testament How Gods Grace How Is soverinty was at work to bring about everything we know and Love
The Sory of The Exodus Led By Moses Is the Gratest Story of Gods Redemption in the Old Testament for the Nation of isreal and is meant to point to a even greater story of Redemption to all nations One that would lead the Son of God to the Cross for the Sinner so that Redemption so that justification may be possible.
How did we get here.
I venture to say It hinges on so many single acts that without Gods mangnificialt Soverighn Grace we would not have the Nation of Isreal nor the birth of Christ without a birth there would not have been a death without the death there could be no ressurection
Brfore we look at the sequence of events that had to take place so perfectly I want to show you a few scripture to lay the foundation
He Foreknew What would happen and what needed to happen to accomplish his will
1 peter 1:2
1 peter 1:2
2. Gods soverin nature works through His Pre determined plan
3. Gods Grace is Extended by and through His Forknowledge and predestined work in our lives
Genisis 15:13-15
Genisis 15:13-15
I want you to now Look at the Story of Joseph We dont have time to read every vesre I encourage you to do so at home som many teachings in this story.
I want to show one thing The Forknowlege of God How tat knowledge is used to bring forth His will through His Predetermined Plan of Redemption
Jacob Son of issac Grand Son of Abraham, Father of The twelve Sons which would become the twelve tribes of Isreal.
Jacob had a Son Who the Bible Was loved the most
Genesis 37:3
The brothers Then Begain To plot to Kill Joseph They threw him into a dry well.
To kill Him at that moment they thought that they should sell him to the Ismelites.
At that moment some midianite traders were passing by So they lifted Joseph up and sold Him into Slavery.
He Goes to the slave trading square where he just so happens to be pirchaced by Potiphar a officer of the Pharroh
Who had a wife that would attempt to saduce Joseph and when he denies her adulterous atrractions removes His robe and claims He tried to Rape Her.
For this Josheph is Sent to Prison Where He was cell mates with the Chief Baker and Butler of the Pharo Which because of Gods favor on Joseph and His predestined work gave the interpratation to Joseph to understand and explain the dreams of the Butler who would be fully restored to his posistion Who two years later God would give a dream to Pharo who would need a interpratation of a dreat it just so happened the Butler remembered Joseph and how he interpreted His dream So Pharo Calls upon Joseph Who interprets the Dream of pharo so that Egypt could prepare for the phamon that would come Joseph Is made the Prime minister of Egypt second only to that of Pharoh When the phamon hit his brotheres that through him into slavery came kneeling face to the ground before thier brother begging for provisions from Egypt lest the perish.
Josheph Reveals himself to His brothers listen to what He said
genesis 50:17-21
So The Whole Story of the Redemption by God to Isreal through the Exodus would have never taken place if just one fact was missing
If Jacob would not had favored Joshua
If The Masters Slave would not have tried to saduce Josheph
If the Butler was not the cell mate Of Joseph
Can you see we would not have the Isrealite nation, The nation of God Whom He led out of Egypt
By whom Christ would come the greatest Redemption story of ManKind
So how does one apply Gods Soverighn Nature to your Life?
Recongnise His ways Are Not your Ways
2. When you feel all is Lost trust God has a plan in your Life
3. God is Faithful to those who are Faithful
2 timothy 2:13
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