A Lesson of Endurance From Nehemiah

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When we are faced with intense opposition, Nehemiah reminds us to turn to God for help. Prayer is our greatest defense in these times. Here are some valuable tips to stay focused on the work God has called us to do.

A Lesson Of Endurance From Nehemiah Pastor Lila Clay Today we want to examine Nehemiah 4 and see how an event that happened so long ago can still teach us life lessons today in this modern 2st century. Read Nehemiah 4:1-3 Did you read the sarcasm? The mockery and negativity from the opponents was palatable. Have you ever faced naysayers in your life? No matter what you are doing or in what century you live it isn't uncommon for us to face people who seem to rejoice at the prospect of our defeat. Read Nehemiah 4:4-5 When we are faced with such opposition Nehemiah reminds us to turn to God for help. Prayer is our greatest defense in these times. Read Nehemiah 4:6 Verse 6 is an awesome reminder for us to keep our head down and stay focused on the work we are trying to accomplish. It also encourages us to reach out to others for help. When we reach out to others not only do we decrease the amount of time and energy we need to expend, we also increase our resource base. These individuals can pray for you and cheer you on. Read Nehemiah 4:7-9 Don't be surprised if your opponents crank it up a notch as you get closer to finishing your goal. They can not only become more vocal, they might even begin to plot against you. Verse 9 reminds us to not let up on our prayer life in the final stretch. It also encourages us to stay alert. Read Nehemiah 4:10-14 As the task or situation wears on you may find that those negative voices start to manifest themselves inwardly. Team members, family, friends, even your own thoughts might begin to betray you by becoming more negative. It is not uncommon for people to want tog give up and feel hopeless as they grow tired and frustrated. When this happens turn to verse 14 and follow Nehemiah's example. Start reminding yourself about what God has done already for you. Recount the greatness of God and begin to praise Him. After you have rekindled your faith then turn to your family, co-workers, peers, or friends and remind them. To see what happens to Nehemiah and his builders read the rest of the passage. Read Nehemiah 4:15-23 In this final passage, see how Nehemiah begins to strategize. He stretches out his man power and resources accordingly and he stays vigil until the end. Notice that half a wall was still enough to accomplish the goal. Which was to provide protection for the city. Be realistic on your projects, it doesn't always have to be the largest and greatest. It just needs to work or get the job done. It is amazing how the efforts of Nehemiah and his builders during a construction project in an ancient city can give us good advice today. Let's recap! When working on a project! 1. Pray when opposition arises 2. Stay Focused 3. Get help when you can 4. Don't get thrown if the opposition intensifies, just buckle down and stay on task. 5. Keep Praying 6. Pay attention to what is happening 7. Strengthen yourself and those around you when needed. Focusing on the Greatness of God can help you do this. Remember what He has done. 8. If you get low on resources, take time to plan and reallocate your resources. 9. Remember you just need to meet the goal. 10. Finish what you started as best you can.  
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