I Believe In You
I believe in you call Dr. Come on I want you to follow me. I want you to talk with me. I'm going to teach you how to go fish with people. I'm going to teach you how to become something more how to grow.
You done all that money. Did you have your hands?
Why do we need Jesus Christ in Jesus Christ calling them? Because you needed to show some people how to catch other people how to show them his message how to show a new way of living.
This relationship is hard and everything is Left Behind.
sometimes look at things and stay well.
My mind I just stuck in this place is starting the job stuck in this class dinner suck. I'm not able to be everything that people expect me to be.
750 tractor on dating. Sometimes we get put it up.
Someone pointing today if you don't get trapped. Donkey Shrek biggest cheapest places to trust in these people who becomes disciples He pleases Trust. with his precious message of Hope put in a place where we also lose that.
Research key if we are able to do more remember last week, and I said you have a dream it was given to you walk in that train walk in that calling. He believes that Jesus believed in the fish and maybe even though he did not even know that he's not even even though he's not.
So don't get trapped me on Viki. I'm taking 98 I to believe in I do I really do whether you are watching it on your coffee coffee shop wherever you are you Donkey Shrek. Jesus believes in you, he trust you. I'm leaving you and I trust you in Northeast journey is going to be one where you are believed in and where you are trusting. Even this week. I was working with the a children's off in Vietnam.
I got back to my homepage be accepted.
Volume in one another and not step into one another that we keep our lady will defined as Christians. We know that we are walking on a dream estate by 972 35th Street Casino, you know of a place
We don't need to come outside of our own Lanes. I trust and I believe you. I sure did miss you for more than 15 years, but I'm 20 and one thing and it is very sad to see it. Just like focus on what they have to say before they focus on the goddamn nose fix in the Box.
And we get you a place where we are trapped are taking is tracked. I've been a victim of my own making.
Tell me a fact.
Philippines 1 cities Apostle Paul wrote this and I am certain that the God who began the good work within you book. Work until need to get to finish all the day when Christ Jesus returns. We can suck in our group with Jesus Christ and we only go to a certain place sometime and he wants to push this and go as a little bit more and you may stay red once my mom.
You just speak in a little bit in time in step forward. I was telling people but it's in leadership development or Christian at developing instructions Once Upon a Time quiz 1 wouldn't Paradise plus one foot in front of the people born in the ministry? Cuz one foot in front of us if you're developing a new business plan for you. You might be scared. But as you start to step it gets proven on God will prove himself to you. We are going to work. We must be confident that wherever we stop. God is continuing the process of growth are alive. I Love College continuing the positive growth in our lives. We should not be the same person you were yesterday. We should be a little bit further along. We should hope to be further along than any witches spot. I know people say, I don't like to read the Bible or I don't know. I don't like to play. I say this you don't know how to pray.
Talk to God to say, Florida.
Lord help Lord help me today to start diving in is what I'm saying. Just start with one verse by verse wherever you are. About doing things growing. When is the new job or your face?
So just to think it's start because the heat will continue the great work and talk about faith.
I believe in you I value the goddess help. You become your best self.
I want to be the God helping us to become our best selves. I would not be able to stand before you just say hey over, you know, if I'm not progressing. I'm just going to
You know you Christian home. I can just become that normal like that.
Person is just like app. I don't want the eyepatch. I don't want the average in the way when I don't want to be average.
Who are we becoming if we need to, say Lord where I'm at with who I am. Let it be in French. And Let Your Presence rolling. I'd like to step one second. Let me know let me know.
and with that is it end of the message a civil point today? Don't stay the same. I believe in you. I trust in you I trust in God's will continue the work he started in you. You can sit around. And you can leave your lungs. the ordinary that was thought when you were growing an interview are extraordinary where you are I use that for Next week, but we're going to talk about he's going to have a little bit different of a session. We're actually going to take it down.
But we're going to take down the sound. We're going to take down the music and we're going to sit around and have a conversation.
about how I trust anywhere I'm going to talk about is trusting you where you are at this point. You're welcome your favorite class or whether you are 20 years.
that you can't people forgot about
who you are is getting us some people on Earth before no matter how you look whenever I don't make anybody supposed to be stutter if you if you looked at the matter. What time is it in Chicago?
And so if you're sitting at home, and you're not here tonight, you need to come out cuz we are going to have a special night and we're going to commission you to do you work with Where You Are. Solo GPS take you tonight with everything that you do we celebrate because we're building something like an organization. It's because we know you're going to provide the finances for this year.