He Rose again on the 3rd day according to scriptures
He was seen by men
Macro Gospel
Luke 24:25-27
Jesus as the incarnate world is the fulfillment of all Scripture concerning the Messiah.
OT Scriptures Fulfilled
Virgin Birth Is 7:14/Matt 1:23
Birth Place: Bethlehem Micah 5:2/Matt 2:6
Resurrection Psalms 16:10; 22:22/ Matt 28:6Act 2:27-28
Ascension Psalms 68:18/ Lk 24:50-53; Act 1 9-11
(Ps. 2:6–9) Christ as king in Jerusalem, ruling over the nations of the world
Psalm 24:7–10 depicts the victorious, returning king triumphantly entering Jerusalem to rule. Isaiah 9:6–7 describes Christ as the Son in His governmental rule.
Isaiah 11:1–16 indicates Christ’s reign will be a reign of justice (vv. 1–5), a peaceful reign (vv. 6–9), and a rule over restored Israel and the nations of the world (vv.10–16).
Isaiah 24:23 prophesies Christ’s reign will be in Jerusalem.
Isaiah 35:1–10 emphasizes the blessings of the restored land and nation in Messiah’s kingdom.
Daniel 7:13–14 emphasizes Christ’s rule will be over all people and nations.
Zechariah 14:9–21 prophesies the destruction of Israel’s enemies and Christ’s rule over the nations of the world.
[1] Enns, P. P. (1989). The Moody handbook of theology (pp. 220–221). Chicago, IL: Moody Press.
No Other Gospel
II Cor 11:13-15
It is a distortion of the Gospel (Specifically in reference to the Law)