Galatians 2.11.14
The conflict begins…..Acts 15:1
· Face to Face
· Opposed….ἀνθίστημι (anthistēmi) from.. (anti…against and histemi….to stand) Acts 13:8, Eph 6:13, James 4:7.
· Condemned…(to know to be guilty) perfect tense …...Mark 16:16, Rom 8:13, I John 3:20-21
Note: The emphasis of the perfect is not the past action so much as it is as such but the present ‘state of affairs’ resulting from the past action, speaking of a past completed act having present, and in a context like this, permanent results. (Christ on the cross, It is Finished!!)
What are we afraid of? φοβέομαι (phobeomai)…. Acts 10:28, 11:2-3
· Men from James….(From Jerusalem, Jews of the circumcision)
· Gentiles….ἔθνος (ethnos)
· Stopped….draw back…Heb 10:38
· Separate ….ἀφορίζω (aphorizō) draw a line……Luke 6:22, Matt 13:49
Walk the Walk
· Hypocrisy…. (ὑπόκρισις (hypokrisis)…put on a mask….Matt 23:28, I Pet 2:1
· Behaving inconsistently…ὀρθοποδέω (orthopodeō)…..walk upright or straight
Note: Orthos (Ὀρθος) means straight, and pous (πους), which has the same root as the verb podeo (ποδεο), means foot, literally “to walk with straight feet,” thus “to walk a straight course.” It speaks of straightforward, unwavering, sincere conduct in contrast to a crooked and wavering.
· Compel…To force…..Acts 26:11
· Confrontation has its place…I Tim 5:20
Close……Acts 10:24-33