September 22, 2019
All right. So we're going to call this the power of God and
I came about one of today's sermon by reading through the Bible. I've been going through a course of scriptures per day so I can read through the Bible in a year and every now and then there's something just pops up and you know, sometimes you see on TV this whatever brand of program you watching it at the very end. They have these little logo is knees little Snippets and then one of them is this little kid pointing at something say
And I had one of those moments when I was reading through Ezekiel. And is a matter fact I went once but I didn't block it. So to find it again. I ended up having to read you almost a whole book of Ezekiel until I found that passage cuz my brain just wouldn't quite remember what that passes was. But I know I was going to when I saw it. I knew I was going to recognize it and it tied into a song. And the song it tied into is the song. We just sang you'll recognize a few of the concepts in that song as we go along. So we look at the power of God. I decided we would go through some of the basic attributes of God. If you Google the attributes of God, you'll come up you'll come up with any number of attributes and starting with three and going up to as many as 18 or 22. I stuck with the basic 3 and so this is going to be a group interaction. We're going to see if you know what these attributes of God are the first one we're going to look at is omniscient. And what is omniscient mean? This is your cue all-knowing all-knowing very good class are the next thing we're going to look at it or not. I'm doing in these in a specific order and it's not the order that a lot of people think of them as the next one is omnipresent. All right, what does that mean everywhere? Annette the everywhere is not just now but it is the past the present and the future God exists everywhere in all time and last and so that God is everywhere.
I did not use a spelling checker. And the next day and the third one we're going to look at it just ties into today sermon is omnipotent and everyone knows what that means. It is all-powerful. So what does that actually mean if God is all-powerful. if you look in the dictionary of the definition of power hitting it goes everything there's people in power is also a formula for power and I was looking at that one. It says power is work over time. So God's work overtime. And in this case know that he is omnipresent. So that's God's work for all time is God's power now if he's all-powerful and all time. He knows everything that power is going to be pretty substantial. And what we're going to be looking at today is some of the ways that God uses his power for our benefit.
So the first thing we're going to look at and I'm going to be jumping through the Old Testament a lot in starting with exit US that Genesis and exodus working through but God has a way of delivering his people from the moment. He picked people to deliver. He did it on behalf of a people or a nation a person or family first one the first click one we're going to look at is no up. Obviously, we all know what happened with Noah God Favored Noah and then words of the song Noah found Grace in the eyes of the Lord and God provided a means of Deliverance for him and his family. We all know the story of the Ark. Another person that we think of that we can think of who had been delivered from things. We see Daniel. He was a righteous man. He was a captive in Babylon. Mini two or three a couple of times his life was in danger because of his beliefs and God delivered him from the fiery furnace along with his friends and by him alone in the Lion's Den where he spent an evening with the Lions and they didn't bother him at all. The guards who came to release them. They got eaten, but they weren't. Wasn't about protecting app.
And Joe will if the job is a righteous righteous man. God withdrew his Protections in his power to test Joe but in the end he used his power to restore go to to a position of wealth power and families greater than what he had beforehand. Now a reason I bring up these three men is because they're also a key ingredient of what I read about in Ezekiel.
now we get to that if anyone is you can read that you have to go from the right to the left. And I'll save you the arduous task of going through it. It's one of those phrases in the Bible that in the nation. Of Israel Judah God's people. It was a catch phrase and it was a phrase that was used to describe. God's power on someone in prison guards present power and most scriptures translate that to a mighty hand and an outstretched arm. We seen God's miraculous miracles in the Old Testament. We saw him using other people's hands and arms to be able to fulfil his mission like Moses when he lifted up his arms and hands and they battle would would be one when they fell the the tide would turn on the battle would be lost the time word god instructed Moses Moses to take his staff and spread the waters to deliver the children of Israel. These are all illustrations of the way that a mighty hand and an outstretched arm can be conveyed. So we're talking about deliverances. So we're going to start with Exodus 6:6. Therefore take the Israelites. I am the Lord. I will bring you out from under the Yoke of the Egyptians. I will free you from being slaves to them and I will redeem you with an outstretched arm and with Mighty acts of judgment. So here we take a quick look at. God using his power on behalf of his people who he had chosen who had escaped the famines by by harboring living in place in Egypt after wild Gibson's took advantage of them and it was time for God to bring them out of Egypt. And if you remember there was all those plagues that God has judgment involve plagues over the enemies of God.
The next one we're going to jump to is Deuteronomy 4 34. Has anybody ever tried to take for him save himself One Nation out of another Nation by testings by signs and wonders why War by a mighty hand and an outstretched arm or by great and awesome. God Deeds like all the things your lord your God did for you in Egypt before your very eyes reading the people that what they saw what God I did. No one else has been able to do no one else in history took a whole nation. It was under captivity in one nation and delivered them literally overnight.
Beginning Deuteronomy. He's relating to the nation of Israel. Remember you were slaves in Egypt and that the Lord your God brought you out of there with What a Mighty hand and an outstretched arm there for the Lord. Your God has commanded you to observe the sabbath day. Remember there's a key ingredient in this whole purpose of the God's power. Is he want people to remember what he's done why he's done it and who he is. Jumping ahead and Deuteronomy. And again, he's talking to the nation through Moses. You saw with your own eyes the great trials the signs wonders the mighty hand and an outstretched arm with which the Lord your God brought you out. The Lord your God will do the same to all the peoples that you now fear. God power is on our side. He is our bodyguard. He is the guy that we can always go to to protect us to deliver us. Keep us safe.
And he recognized that these are your people God your inheritance that you brought out by your great power and your outstretched arm. You can see the theme we're going. Would you like to have that on your side God's power? Is aren't outstretched arm. Finally saw the Lord brought us out. Pray, he did it to work for us Mighty hand outstretched arm great Terror and was signs and wonders. He didn't just bring them out and leave them alone to wander while they did wonder why he didn't leave them alone while they will laundry.
Until his purpose can be accomplished.
So this is one aspect of God's power being utilized for his people. There's another aspect that we don't want to hear about. God's discipline that same power that he used to deliver. The Israelites was the same power that he used to discipline the nation when things started getting out of hand. Remember God told people to remember. However. Remember today that your children were not the ones who saw and experienced the discipline of the Lord your God his majesty. His mighty hand is his outstretched arm. So the people who wandered in the wilderness for 40 years, they were disciplined many times. I'm not even going to bother to try to count how many times but but the theme was always the same. God says do this. They say we want to do this got this fine. Take this.
And but the children didn't necessarily remember all of this thing.
But we're now we're going to bring to easy come back to his Ezekiel. The Disobedience the lack of remembrance of what God did for their benefit and God is telling him now because this is going to here's the effect of what you've been doing is Eco takes place many generations after the nations were delivered from Egypt and those the they got together and they said hey, we're tired of living by prophets. We want to can cuz everyone else is got one got this fine. You want to hear you go and so they got a king. And that's where the trouble really started if you followed their through the all the lineage of all the kings and at some point there was two kings and half the people say we want this first church put in the Bible and then they started fighting against each other and then against the nation's to finally in Ezekiel. God says to the people who Ezekiel you say we want to be like the nation's like the peoples of the world who serve wood and stone but what you have in mind will never happen that the God is being really firm at this point. He's gone through a lot of stuff. As a matter of fact earlier in his in his Ezekiel. God says who will be saved. Even if Noah Daniel and Joe were in that Nation. They would be the only one save no one else in contrast to what happened with lot and Abraham begat tried to talk him out of destroying a hold a whole nation a pole City. So they want to be like everybody else and God says that'll never happen and we're going to continue verse 33 as surely as I live declares The Sovereign Lord. I will reign over you with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm and without poor draft. We're looking at that hand which is now hand of discipline. He has spared the rod a lot over the generations and now it's time. Furthermore he says I will bring you from the nation's Gabby altogether from the countries where you been scattered with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm and again without cord wrap. I just to put this in a little bit more context. What is this rap is easy to take in this rap out upon the nation's he's taking them out from used take it. He's there his wife is going to be on the nation. You know, it's this is going to be a kin 2. All right. I'm going to yank you out of school and you're going to go in your room. And then we'll let you think about this and then I'll let you know what you're just what your punishments going to be. And so I'm going to read Eugene Peterson's translation from the message. What year did secretly thinking is never going to happen? You're thinking we're going to be like everybody else. Just like the other nations. We're going to worship Gods we can make and control. I sure is I and the Living God says God the master sink again. Will a mighty show of strength and a terrifying Rush of anger? I will be king over you. Not a man, but now God I will be king over you. I'll bring you back from the nation's collect you out of the countries to which you've been scattered and where the mighty show strength and a terrifying Rush of anger. I'll bring you to the desert of Nations and haul you into court where you will be face-to-face with judgment.
Toronto Star on gods discipline for his mighty power But let's pick up. Let's look at one more aspect. The God's love endures forever just like and so we look at the Bible one more time. But this time we look at in Psalms 136 verse 12 with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm, his love endures forever all of his power that he used to create the world to deliver the Nations to this pool Nations. That power is now put it to his love for us.
Come to my with all kinds of songs how great The Father's Love For Us. You know, it's Indescribable uncontainable. We can't even begin to Fathom how much God loves us.
And that he pours out his power is omniscient is omnipresent is omnipotent power. on this little Earth for his people Which he didn't need to have but he want.
And he's made a way for us.
to enjoy his power and freedom to be delivered from sin for discipline when we just going to forget about what God wants us to do when you go off on her own. Do rely on his love? So he rescues us with his power. He just wants us with his power. He loves us with his power. Let's stand this morning as we close.
Heavenly Father there is no one like you.
And we just stand today recognizing your your great and awesome power and presence.
And each one of us is important to you. if there's someone here today that doesn't understand or
or looks back at their life and sees God in all the bad times as well as the good times. Maybe you straight away maybe. You're not sure if God is real to you or not. This morning. We ask that God you just make your presents, you know. make your ways no touch each one of us in our hearts is only you can We thank you for this day for this Gathering.
We ask all these things in Jesus name. Amen.
blood mist
text Jackie. Peters.
Bridgeport, Michigan vinegar and soap dispenser here in the name of the Compadres right into Tesla so we can see Jessica Daniel. I read that last week.
It was good. It was interested to see if the recordings actually worked yesterday 50 seconds. I had to have been something for today it failed again. Play Lullabies. But that was just yesterday what happened to all the rest of it. Oh well.
Gary. It disappoints the second time it's happened. I had to use in there to start and stop recording. Recording it on are the little thing was working. I was strange.