Jesus: Our Great High Priest and Provider of Rest

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Jesus: Our Great High Priest and Provider of Rest  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  45:07
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Good morning. The are in Hebrews chapter for today.

Hebrews 4. There's there's a I don't know. I think I said maybe the last sermon I was up here in I said you knew you wanted you want to play a fun game Church party game. Here we go. All we're doing is going through ski bruise if you start circling all the Old Testament quotes that there's a ton to the point that Hebrews chapter 3 and Hebrews chapter 4 almost read like a commentary on Psalm 95. There's so much of Psalm 95 quoted in those two chapters that it's that it's almost as if the the preacher hear the book of Hebrews was actually using this is a commentary to explain Psalm 95, which Is David's way of explaining what was happening at the Exodus with Joshua and in the end the folks entering into the Promised Land? He's not playing it to the New Testament Church here again, and it's just as neat Connection in his neat tie in that happens here. Let's let's actually go ahead and dive into Hebrews chapter 4. As we start to read the scripture today.

Turn off verse 1 therefore while the promise of entering his rest still stands. Let us fear lest any of you should seem to have failed to reach it. We're good news came to us just as to them. But the message they heard did not benefit them because they were not United by faith with those who listened. We who have believed enter that rest as he has said as I swore my wrath they shall not enter my rest. Although his Works were finished from the foundation of the world for he has some were spoken of The Seventh-Day in this way and God rested on the seventh day from all his works and again In this passage, he said they shall not enter my rest.

Since therefore it remains for some the internet and for those who formally received the good news Faith failed to enter Because of Disobedience again, and he appoints a certain day today saying through David so long afterward in the words already quoted today if you hear his voice do not Harden your hearts. Joshua had given them rest. God would not have spoken of another day later on. So then their remains a Sabbath rest for the people of God. Whoever has entered God's rest has also rested from his works as God did from his. Let us therefore strive to enter that rest. But no one may fall by the same sort of Disobedience for the word of God is living and active sharper than any two-edged sword piercing to the division of Soul and Spirit of joints and Marrow and Discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. And no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give an account. Since then we have a great high priest who has passed through the heavens Jesus the son of God, let us hold fast our confession. We do not have a high priest who is unable to sympathize with our weaknesses, but one who in every respect has been tempted as we are yet. Yeah, that's one of those real powerful words in scripture yet without sin. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace that we may receive mercy and find Grace to help in time of need father God. I just thank you. Thank you for your word. I think you for how are your word is consistent and true from from the time of Exodus to the time of David writing Psalms. And now to the time of the Hebrews preacher sharing with his congregation. Your word is true from beginning to end and then we see this we see how it all connects as we study this week. We thank you for having this thread of redemption and salvation all through the story of you revealing yourself to us the book we call the Bible. All right asked it is we we guide into this today we dive in as we start to really look at it. You would speak to our hearts that you would challenge us. You would convictus you'd make us think of a scripture It is connected Old Testament to New Testament.

You are the same God yesterday today and forever. And you would remind us of that three word. Father speech was clearly put me aside and be your words only. In Jesus name I pray amen. So like I was saying earlier Hebrews. Orang3 are really kind of almost like said A Commentary of what's happening in Psalm 95 Hebrews 4 still a continuation of of the thoughts from chapter 3. The preacher was proclaiming Jesus greater than Moses. But in that proclaiming Jesus greater than Moses. It is not just a Jesus being greater than Moses. But our hope in Jesus is greater than the Hope Moses brought to the juice is greater than the hope that Moses brought to the Israelites all of the promises of the law all of the promises of rest in that Promised Land are lesser. Band of the promises of Christ and the rest we receive in him and as we study through chapter 4, like I said, we're going to see that it's this commentary on Psalm 95. And this idea of Sabbath rest is here. So idea of rest, the people of Israel want addressed. I was thinking I was blessed today to be able to substitute in for Jennifer McKee in the children's Sunday school class and it was fun. We danced to me saying and we moved we did hand motions and we had games and can a little bit of me like an adult Sunday school be like this but but we still learned a lot right with it. Wasn't that we didn't learn things. We've learned through the looking at it the story of Joshua specifically this just story of Joshua where he was at the Battle of the Five Kings of the king of Jerusalem, Jerusalem Hebron algon. I'm going to I'm going to miss the last two

I'm too young to be able to remember stuff. That's not okay. I'm sorry Russell. I apologize brother. I was just looking trying to find a spot that I could think but they're at least five Kings and they rose up against a gibian and and giving called out for help me Israel. You're our friend or are we made peace come to our Aid and and he did and the people of Israel one address, but they didn't get the rest Inn in The Exodus. They didn't get it under Moses Moses was even allowed in the promised land. He died and got took his body off and buried it. The people visual didn't get to have a funeral for Moses. Joshua takes the people into the promised land in the whole time that Joshua is leaving Israel. All of Israel is in war all the time. Another generation or they're not they're not ever really settled in the Book of Joshua. They don't get settled into we get to the Book of Judges and then the people forget who got is when we look at the Book of Judges there never really resting there. They're settled. But not resting. And the people never really entered into it and this is kind of an idea of what's Happening Here that the rest of the people had that hope Jesus is greater than that. Hope that rest we have in Christ is so much greater than the rest that they could have had in the Promised Land.

To this this concept of Rest Inn in Scripture. It is much bigger than we understand rest in Western Society rest for us may be sleeping in on a Saturday morning taking a nap after you've gone out to to to lunch on Sunday afternoon. Sometimes pic on your brother Rachel taking a nap at 10 in the morning just cuz you can and I know it does that as part of his daily habits, and I'm okay with it, but we think of rest of that way sometimes

Rest was more than a relaxing vacation or a way to unplug and unwind for the people. Do this was a promise that God would would almost remove the work from them that did it was this idea of restaurant restoration back to Creation back to the Garden. That was the kind of rest. They hoped in the promised land was a promise of rest for the people of Israel. It was more than just a piece of property was more than a place to call home. It was a connection to God's promise to restore has fallen corrupted creation to them the promised land mint enjoying and entering into God's salvation and living where God would dwell Moses symbolically embodies all of that since he was the one who led the Israelites to the promised land and even then Moses didn't get to enter into it.

When we see it anytime we see therefore in scripture verses wanted to start off with a therefore this remind us to think back to the previous trunk of scripture. Verses 16 through 19 of chapter 3 the preacher of Hebrews describes how the unbelievers and those without a true faith.

Will not enter into God's rest for those who I'm looking for 16 of chapter 3 for those who were heard those who hurt and yet rebelled. Was it not all those who left Egypt led by Moses? And with them was he provoked for 40 years was it not with those who sin whose bodies fell in the wilderness? And to whom did he swear that they would not enter his rest, but to those who are disobedient. So we see that they were unable to enter because of unbelief.

To that generation that Exodus generation the ones who complained about there were at least onions and Egypt folks wandering out in the desert for 40 years. We're not allowed to enter into God's rest. that generation I'm reading Hebrews correctly here. Looks like we may not know some of those folks when we get to heaven that generation may not be there.

They did not enter into his rest. Ask God's holiness, right? And then that's not there. He's a he's remove that from them.

God's promise of wrestler is still there, right Jesus didn't abolish it. He came to fulfill it. It's a bigger rest now and what the Israelites could have had see you in these vs. There's this comparison between the church and The Exodus generation. I'll look out that stuff man of if the hebra preacher here is comparing the church. Did The Exodus generation? That means he's cautioning us to not be disobedient but to follow God there's a comparison there. We have received a Divine promise as a church. Capital C. Capital C church, we have just received a Divine promise. of Deliverance sore The Exodus generation. They had a Divine promise that we will God will pull them out of the the oppression of pharaoh. He will remove them from them both were called respond and a promise of Faith. Right? We were safe faith is what saves us our faith in Jesus Christ the braces he gives in our faith that we have in that that's our Salvation. They had to have salvation that God would actually move them out of that Egypt and into the Promised Land.

But here's the difference the generation of Israelites who escaped Egypt in The Exodus lack of true faith, and they never into it. It entered into that promised land they missed out on the rest and that promise of rest in the preacher here in the book of Hebrews realizes that there are some in his ancient congregation 2000 years ago that may not hold you a true faith. Verse two is a warning about hearing the gospel, but ignoring its call.

Church, that is the scariest thing for any man who stands in any Pulpit On Any Sunday morning to look out into a congregation and know that there may be some that this side of Eternity or the other side of Eternity. He may not see

That is a truth and that is a scary thing for anyone. Who does that. There are times that it's almost overwhelming to think that I know the gospel has been presented to people they've heard it. And if moved on and never done anything with it, the only appropriate response to a gospel call is faith. the Israelites wandered for 40 years and an entire generation perished because they did not have faith. in The Sovereign God of creation

in the scary thing is Faith is so much more than an intellectual comprehension of the Gospel.

Think about the Israelites for just a moment. Think about what that Exodus generation saw and witnessed.

They knew and understood the promises and warnings of God. They had witnessed plagues in Egypt. In witness Moses hitting hand carved tablets my God. This says this is my law. These are the 10 things to do to show that you love and follow me.

They witnessed Moses when he was in the presence of just the backside of God. Having a glory so bright they had to put a sack over his head. Because they couldn't look upon him without being blinded.

They knew and they understood the promises and warnings of God yet. They disregarded them and they actively disobeyed.

Church hear this

There are people that we all know.

people in our own lives people are families that know and understand the promises and warnings of God if they don't believe There are people that we know and love that know the gospel message and can actually probably tell it to you. Thank you. Probably even tell others a gospel presentation.

Yeah, they lack of true faith in Jesus Christ.

These people will call themselves Christians then they call themselves followers of Christ, but they don't truly know him.

When I read this passage.

Scares me for their souls. Is it says they will not enter the promised rest of God?

Preachers concerned about this because he is continuing on he says let us fear lest any of you should seem to have seem to have failed to reach it. He is afraid that there are people he knows and loves who know the gospel message, but won't reach the rest. This is why we guard the gospel. This is why we should remind those in our midst of the Gospel message often. There may be some here today right now who have heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But are not believing and are not acting on the gospel Jesus Christ in faith.

Books, that should be scary.

If we use a church want to reach this community for the gospel Russell got to reach our own people with the gospel. Does why we proclaim the gospel message all the time? This is why we study the word of God. This is why we fellowship with one another reason why we should spur one another on we start looking later. He talks about the word of God sharper than a two edged sword. Every one of us should be stabbing each other with the word. Play meant to live it to be spurred on.

We also see her in verses 1 and 2 that the good news of The Exodus generation is the same good news that was preached to the church. Now Old Testament saints were saved by their faith not by their works now. That's that's hard. Sometimes who you see all the walls it man. I was talking to brother Jesse about about my Old Testament class and how much reading of Old Testament scripture I had to do in a very short. Of time and I remember I fudged a little I listen to audio Bible because I couldn't figure out how to get it all in and still get everything else. I had to do done in a day when I had eight weeks to read everything from Genesis to Esther. I had to try to figure out how do I get all of that scripture read in 8 weeks? And so my audio Bible was a savior for me in that moment. I'm not going to lie, but when I got the Exodus and then I got to Deuteronomy and then I got to Leviticus I'm reading and I'm listening and I'm like, oh my gosh all these laws Every one of those laws that if a Jew or obeying them says I have faith in God my faith is my salvation and God they were an Act of Faith and that's what was happening the faith of these Old Testament Saints. That are safe think think of Romans chapter 4. Paul is writing there and Impala saying anything it's so very perfectly clear that Abraham.

Abraham who was before Moses ever got the law. Was saved by faith. Not through the law.

This is important. Is our faith in Jesus Christ the does the saving not some intellectual knowledge of who Jesus Christ is I could go to any Street Corner in Martinsville and ask somebody to tell me who Jesus Christ is and they will look at me and they will probably tell me he's the son of God. He was born of the Virgin Mary. He lived a perfect sinless life. He was killed on the cross for my sins.

But they may not have any real true faith in Jesus Christ. It's got head knowledge, but no hard knowledge.

This is scary. Verses 3 through 5 start a quote from Psalm 95 11 and it shows us that faith in the gospel is necessary to enter into God's rest.

God's rest here is linked very closely to God rested on the seventh day after the sixth day of creation the other preacher still comparing the church to The Exodus generation in this and in the whole time while the excess generation was not allowed to enter into the rest of the promised land God's Sabbath rest his holy Heavenly rest at Sabbath rest is still open today the today at the time of the writing of the Hebrews rest was still open because that rested come through Christ and at rest will remain open. Until Christ's return we can still enter into it through our faith in Jesus. Christ is still going to be there. verses 6 and 7 go back and restate the premise behind Vs2 and five preachers of notorious for restating their points over and over again hoping people get it while he's doing that here again.

Verse 7 suggest that today of Psalm 90 95 versus 7 and 8 is extended to worshipers and here's today but there's an urgency in the call. Today if you hear his voice do not Harden your hearts.

It's not something we like to think about often. But today may be the only day you and I have left.

We don't know. I never know. Where were never really promised tomorrow? So as long as you have today you have an invitation to come to Faith in Jesus Christ. You also have today to share.

The Gospel of Jesus Christ with those who need to hear it today. That's the urgency of this cough is the urgency of the Gospel do not ignore the call of the Holy Spirit calling you to Faith and do not ignore sharing the gospel with those who need to hear it.

so important Versace is it is the preacher moves on he mentions Joshua now, I got to remember all the way back to the wandering. Right? So they were in Exodus. They're wondering out a generation has died off 40 Years of God's people each. He took him a generation is gone. right

At the end of all of that Joshua has given the charge to take the new generation into the promised land which he does.

Again, he's he's making that comparison about us. That is kind of giving this reassurance that the Congress to the congregation that while the promised land was good. It was not the true and final rest the guy had to offer and had mine for his people. As the people entered into Canaan they didn't get rest so fun that it did it in the children Sunday school lesson it tied into this that it made that connection that there was the Battle of Jericho in the Battle of AI in the Battle of the Five Kings and Everest battle after battle after battle after battle. The Book of Joshua is is kind of an extension is it supposed The Exodus now, but it's this extension of claiming the land and its this fight to claim what God has given them. The whole book is that way?

As the people entered into Canaan they didn't get rest. So then how do we enter into God's rest? The whole book of Hebrews is going to is going to tell us to enter into God's rest that we we must believe in Jesus Christ who brings the rest to us.

Anna's we're going to continue to study that we see that over and over that is just as it is Jesus. Jesus is better than Moses. Jesus is better than the Angels. Jesus is better. He's the one who brings us rest. first 10 elaborate more on this and it says for whoever is entered into God's rest is also rested from his works as God did from his

I think about that statement. At the end of those six days when God rested creation was done. Is work at that moment was finished. I got still working. I'm not saying he's not but it was finished and he rested that God does not need to rest. He's not a tired God. I love the story of Elijah and the prophets of Baal how much Elijah pokes fun at the prophets of Baal and ceilings. Maybe he's taking a nap. Maybe there's some other things going on. Our God is not one of those little G God's who gets tired and grouchy. He is a God who who wrested though to show us? But his rest will be like when we have Christ in our lives.

Those who have Christ no longer have to live this mindset of trying to prove yourself as righteous before God. Oh my God, I think about that. I think of this idea of trying to the prove myself a good Christian. I don't know of anybody who's not gone through a phase where that's in your mind. Like I prove that I'm a good Christian. So Type checks in there every week. I'll make sure I'm at every time the doors open the church. I'm not there. I got to do all these things. I got my I got my good Christian check list right check check check, you know, that's not what it's about those of us who have Christ. We no longer have to prove ourselves to him because Christ has done the work for us.

He's on the reports. He has proved that right our righteousness, right? He's proved the righteousness on our behalf. We don't we can't do it. So he has done it for us Hebrews. 4:10 is one of those great. Great. I love this for whoever is in her God's rest is also rested from his works as God did from his this is one of those great. single versus statements of the Gospel write it just like John 3:16 for God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whosoever believe in him should not perish but have everlasting life or like Romans 5:8 while yet while we were still sinners Christ died for us. Those statements are powerful statements to remind us that the gospel is more than more morality. man The gospel is more than morality folks. We live in a world and we live amongst churches that think the gospel is morality. You know, there's a Don't drink don't smoke don't hang out with the girls who do kind of mindset for some folks. You know what? Maybe we should hang out with some folks who drink cuz maybe they need to hear Jesus. Maybe we should hang out with some folks to smoke because they need to hear Jesus. Maybe we should just love on people who need to hear Jesus the gospels more than morality. Good morals still send people to hell. I wish it weren't true but it is cuz my good morals to God are still dung.

Is he is perfect righteousness is beyond anything I can do on my own. Good morals still doesn't work. The gospel is so much more than that.

The gospel is more than external religion, right when we think about the check list like I just mentioned. I'm at church. Every time the doors are open on there for Sunday morning Sunday nights Wednesday nights. I'm there in the pantries there. I I volunteered this. I volunteered that that's external.

head not heart It doesn't work and it's not good works. It's not volunteering and service.

volunteering and service are good and and in our love for people we're going to do good things in Jesus name on their behalf, but Think about what Jesus even said that there's going to be a time when folks are going to come today, but Lord I did this this this this and this in your name is Isaiah, but I don't know you. It's more than all of that. It is a faith that we have to have. The gospel is the message of what Christ has already done on our behalf because we could not do it on our own we can have Rest by trusting in the work he has done. And we get to rest. And we get to rest from trusting in our own work. That's that's a tricky thought we get to rest from trusting in our own work. We trust in our own work that what I'm doing. Is it good enough always keeps coming up in the answer is going to be no. It's never good enough is Never Enough? No matter what I give no matter what I do eat. How often and how hard I pushed pursue in Jesus name if I'm trying to do that as my way of entering into God's rest. I'm just going to get tired.

My faith is in Jesus Christ. It doesn't exempt me from doing work in his name, but it doesn't mean that I'm trying to do work so I can earn my way in. And that's what we've got to be cautious of. Is it kind of continue on verses 11 through 13?

RR this action plan first thing that happened in verses 1 through 10 and it is kind of weird the way he says it he says let us therefore strive to enter that rest that word strive is a fun word to throw in there. Let us strive to enter rest. Astride means to work. So this is a salade just weird if we strive for rest, then we work towards rest, but we work not for not being disobedient like that Exodus generation. We work against our own efforts to prove our own righteousness. That doesn't exist. We work against our efforts to justify ourselves. When Jesus has already Justified us. So then what do we work at besides those things? We also been work at exhorting one another? We work at keeping one another accountable. We do this through worshipping together fellowshipping with one another hearing the word of God proclaimed singing hymns with one another studying the word together. These are things that we work toward that to help us work toward the rest. verse 12

Describes the word is sharper than any two-edged sword cutting Soul and Spirit bone and Marrow.

the word of God Is a surgical instrument?

But it's a big surgical instrument. That works. Well, when we are in the word of God aided by the Holy Spirit the word cuts through the sin and the Darkness in our own lives. The word is what restores US spiritually the word is how we know who Jesus is and what he has done for us.

Without the word where is good as dead? So the word of God heals the sickness of a sinful heart and it brings us life, and we will never know God's rest without knowing the word.

I find it interesting that there are people out there and in people who claim to know Jesus and they'll say to me real say to us. I Don't Need No Doctor and I don't need no theology all I needs Jesus. How do you know Jesus without the word of God? Jesus is described he is revealed to us in the word of God. Here's the funny thing though. If you were to go ask that person will then tell me who Jesus is and they give you an answer that answers their Theology and their Doctrine. I don't know that I would use that argument with them unless you know them. Well, that's probably one of those smart-aleck kind of remarks back but but understand it what they're saying to you is they really don't know Jesus. And they need to hear the gospel message about faith in Christ.

first 13 an verse 13 reminds us that we are laid bare before a holy and just God.

Verse 13 Lisa said no creature is hidden from his sight, but all are naked and exposed to the eyes of him to whom we must give an account man. It takes me right back to Genesis chapter 3.

Adam and Eve tempted by the snake. They eat. First thing they notice is there naked. God's in the garden amongst them. balls out their names

we can't come to you were naked told you you were naked.

You didn't tell him they knew. They knew they'd send that sin exposes itself.

Arson exposes itself. We are laid bare before a holy and just God.

As we are in the word of God God is going to continue to reveal himself to us this book. This big chunk of paper and leather. print Is God's revelation of us to us of who he is in our lives? Is revealing us himself through us all the time and read and as weak as we read more more he's revealing himself more more more and end as we realize just how exposed we are as a reed will see that we see our sin and we see his glory and we see that we've been given this gift of scripture.

So that we may see. Our sin and His glory and we may see Israel sinned and see our own Disobedience reflected in the Sin of Israel. What is we we read it more when we study more than we see the return from our Disobedience and we turn toward price likeness.

Do what we see here in verses 1 through 13 is it God is inviting us to enter into his rest and to do so, we must remain in our faith in Christ. Encouraging one another with God's word.

That's so important.

verses 14 through 16

take a little bit of a turn it begin to introduce us to this middle section of Hebrews that looks at the priesthood of Jesus Christ. We aren't we are caught hold called Hold Fast our confession. I get better confession is made in faith that we saw from above in our confession is is it we believe that Jesus is the only begotten Son of God. He is both fully human will fully man. He lived died on the cross as payment for our sins rose on the third day now he sits at the right hand of the Throne of God and he will return the redeemers church. This is the confession we hold fast to this is who Jesus is. The preacher of Hebrews is reminding Us in this passage that the Israelites did not hold fast to their confession of who God was

they allowed their hearts to wander and and send to abide.

They did not hold fast. And therefore they did not enter God's rest.

We are to hold fast our confession. We can only do that through faith. And that great high priest Jesus Christ. There's no other way that we can hold fast to it. First 15 reminds us that not only is Jesus our great high priest but he's not he's not unsympathetic to our cause he's not unsympathetic to who we are such a sympathetic. He's also empathetic. He has been there and understands. He understands what we go through because he has been through it. He has known all the same Temptations. We have known yet as the Son of God. He remained without sin. Jesus never cross that line from temptation to sin.

This is crucial.

to our Salvation without a sinless high priest who can make the atonement the Jesus Paid. Nothing would be sufficient to be the proper propitiation of our sin. But Jesus was sinless and we can thank God for that and his sacrifice accomplished total atonement for sin once and for all.

Because we have this great high priest interceding to God the father on our behalf. We are told to approach the throne of God's throne with confidence in verse 16. Let us then with confidence draw near to the throne of grace. I can't imagine Drawing Near The Throne of God confidently. Jesus in my life faith in Christ says I can It's almost as if God sitting there, but Jesus is on the right hand on I got it up here. And I can draw confidently to that great throne.

But those without Christ. this throne it is a throne of terrible judgment. This throne for those who rejected Christ They will receive the full penalty for their sins.

Those of us that have Christ is thrown as a throne of grace is a grown in the throat of of beautiful Grace beyond our comprehension, but those who have rejected price. This is a throne for the grace is replaced with Wrath.

But those in Christ will receive grace and mercy there because of the work Christ is already done not by anything of our own doing not by works not by efforts, but strictly through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. We have a great high priest he sympathizes with us because he has been tempted like us Mia tones pays for our sins. And now he intercedes for us at the right hand of God. The father. Jesus is our priest our intercessor. He's also our bringer of rest. He is why we now have access to God. We can have confidence in the work done by him and we can confidently draw near to God in our times of need. As we draw this to close.

And we think about this this rest of God this heavenly Sabbath rest. But the only way to attain that is through Jesus Christ Our Savior and the faith we have in him.

If you're here. And you have a head knowledge.

You do. All the quote-unquote Right Stuff But it's external. It's not internal. If you've got a tub today.

Don't don't ignore that tug don't ignore that call from Holy Spirit. It says today if you hear his voice do not Harden your hearts.

a generation hardened their hearts to God and they're lost. Never to be redeemed. Don't be a part of that it if you're if you're here you go. This was great. I have this confidence. I see what it says. I understand it man. That was encouraging to me then continue this encouragement one more step Take This Promise of rest to those who don't have it. Those who are weary because the world is wore them down and they don't know Christ. Proclaim the gospel boldly so that those who need Jesus can enter into Jesus's room. Play with me. bothers me We enter into this time of a call to action self-reflection.

This is my prayer is my concern that anytime we we preach a message through scripture talks about those who don't know but have heard the gospel. It is always my concern that there's someone.

In our midst was heard the gospel message and knows it but is not living their faith.

Other let us to have faith in our living it. Let's be loving to them. Pairing to them and encouraging to them so that they may come to Faith in Jesus Christ.

Father for those of us who have faith in our in our listening and interfering in her and her seeing the word as your holy word your holy divine revelation to us. We see an urgency in the scripture.

The share the love of Christ has poured out on us to share the rest that we have been able to enter into to share the message of Jesus Christ good news with others. Spur us on guide. Goad us to share the gospel frequently.

So that others may know.

Are you called us as a congregation? Be just that. That that that we are to go out and to share it in our communities as we are going to proclaim the gospel.

I asked you would give us those opportunities.

And when we see them we grab hold of them. We share the gospel boldly.

Father continue to speak to our hearts continue to convict us intend you to challenge us in your word.

In Jesus name I pray these things.

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