2019 Sunday September 22_Pastor Julianna Daniel
Father we come in till I meant in the spirit today. Oh God, give us a chance to hear. What the spirit is saying to us?
under the spiritual Mighty powerful hand of Elohim
so you can hear what it's Santos.
We Are Spiritual being so God How many people pay attention to a spirit? But Lord many times. We put more interest in our bodies. the Nanos. But we come in to Arena the spiritual Arena today. Who is Tenerife?
And we are going to pay attention.
Speak to a spirit.
We are lost.
Bring us back.
Bring us back.
causes to turn around from the parts of unrighteousness set up lots of righteousness for your namesake. God
let me not be seen. Bangladesh spirit of God have his way through me. Let me be your Oracle or God. Let me serve you to the best of my ability.
That's the end of it all USA weather. I'm sad for the 7th. You are so give me. Oh God, help me.
That I was submit. Do your own shh? So I can function with today. Some hearts. briga, heelan, Brittany liver on spring break through
best toddler in captivity Bear Branch and against their will Spirit of the Living God branch and in the mines and in the hearts of your people Give us a revelation knowledge. Hello, God have the spirit of unbelief to die from within us. because you said if we will believe we will see the glory of God. Thank you, Lord, God. Thank you, Holy Spirit.
Be seated in his presence. Hallelujah Hallelujah floribama Shore Cardiology
grilled calamari with moussaka
we are needed. We all needed we have special. Do you know God cannot do nothing? He cannot do nothing in planet Earth without the help of a man. the health of a woman you cannot do it. the Rescue Mission
you need a man.
To be a prime minister it have to be a man.
When the children of Israel was in captivity. God raised up a man.
His name was Moses.
He was a deliver.
God wanted to rain stop. a man the deal with the wicked generation
erase the baby light show.
witchcraft was rule NBA
and people fear
the evil side more than the good side. God said I'm going to bring an answer that. erased up an Elijah and a little lighter was so bored. He went to confront the prophets of Baal and he said today today you will know that my God is powerful. powerful When God saw the situation that was going on in Babylon.
God raised up Danielle Daniel was a powerful intercessor. He came and a very King the plan for him is the very King challenge.
You sleep Babylon. What's full of Witchcraft after this today? The Chaldeans the astrology of the suit SEC says and there was so much witchcraft the whole system was diabolical. God raised up
and God said go. I didn't beerus this wicked system of witchcraft.
I might tell you. Daniel he is still in the game. He kept his assignment. I need to turn the system out cited.
UC Santa on West fight
man and woman of God have a message. That's a Monday to chance of picking the city Sam something the line champ something for the family chain some things with what's going on. When God saw the condition of the earth, he sent his only begotten son Jesus Christ. He said going to rescue the whole world.
when Jesus Christ game he said that Spirit of the Lord is upon me. He said my God has anointed me to set the captive free to bring sight to the blind. It came with a mother from God.
You see God is a system in the spirit.
The work in the natural you need a human map. You need a human being.
So God damn through Jesus Christ. He came true. a Human Being Mary
God use me a reward.
In order to book the Messiah.
That's why I said anything you want in this life is in the hand of a man in this life.
You seem not truly in this world. No matter what man is here with hold. a woman and a man
two of them That's why I don't have no time for racism.
because when God wanted to create the woman he put them on to sleep.
The only thing is coming wake up yet.
And so God wants us to begin to understand that in order for you to enjoy your life. You have to have faith. He said is impossible to please God without faith.
Do you begin to see faith in action? That's why you have to really and truly. Yeah, but what the word of God is saying before you get into your steam to think you don't need God. You need God more than your little life.
Because guess what it was God idea to created you. We are creating the image of God.
And saw your beauty.
We apply fan for something things. But when coming to God we don't. Because if a pregnant woman go and get a test and it said she's pregnant you look at the woman that you look exactly the same within the first few months. But you go Challenge and tell her that she's not pregnant or fix you up. Because she knows she's pregnant.
Nostos, all the areas the enemy just trying to penetrate the weekend off at.
Each and every one of us are born for a purpose. That's why when you begin to read the word of God, he give each and every one of us our destiny. That we can't give you the destiny your mother. Can I give you a destiny your father? Can I give you a destiny your destiny comes with God? So if you don't have a relationship with God you will never embrace your destiny.
So it's time to believe God have faith in God. Today, I'm going to go to talk about the times we're living in.
Why God is speaking. You have to speak. Because we are living in times where people believe by more than believe God.
some of us believe in a psychologist or psychiatrist I'm about to be leaving of financial advisor. some of us believe in in in in man in France in everything else my God.
I'm so goddamn about the time that you going to believe. There is a God whether you like it or not.
He is your creator. He is the one where do you think mine got all this intelligent from? Do you know Jesus said he called man sheep? You know why Jesus called man cheap? If there is a animal that is tripping on the face of the earth is a sheep.
countries that say I am a good shepherd
I'm a good shepherd with take care of his sheep. David said the Lord is my shepherd. I shall not speak up. Devin is saying I am so stupid as a sheep's I need a Shepherd to guide me. I need a Shepherd to be there to the right direction. Do you know a sheep with lost his life one little piece of grass? He was never see that the grass is on the precipice. I don't see don't know who wrote The Graphic and father died.
He would just go towards the grass.
How many finish grab the grass is going over?
What caused him to do that stupid?
But where do you begin to on the Sun God is in your life and to embrace the God of War wisdom the God of all knowledge and it's the god that is in tonight's that God is powerful stuck on is awesome. He knows the end from the beginning. He South Park from me or God. You don't know nothing.
pencil God It's raining up man and woman in the earth in the spiritual house. He says I am going to give them my word.
Please play the violent take it by force.
Everything that you want in this life.
Everything everything you want in your life and your destiny. Everything is in the hands of someone else.
You might not believe it now because you want to play religious.
What the church have been religious too long? God Is Risen of real churches That is going to tell you the truth. So you don't call me after me until 10 and take your whole you know, that's the truth and is a good preacher. Yay.
You here for information Revelation about what is going on in this life so that you will not make the same mistake over and over.
Is the Bahamas?
Your car is in somebody showroom. Maybe somebody live in your house that you're supposed to get right now.
Even sometime don't even feel bad.
Bill husband that people supposed to get when you get them if you find them in the hands of another woman.
I know I won't get no a man because you want to be religious.
Some of y'all man that got their wife trust me to get them from another mind.
You're lying your car your house every single thing that you have accomplished in this life. It was in somebody hands.
And if you don't take no action.
You would never get pics.
Even if you want a tree is in the ground waiting for you to get it.
So God wants us to become real.
He wants us to be unstoppable be saying that I got any more. God wants us to get bones. He wants us to be in form.
He wants us to know the truth about the life. What you don't know.
It can kill you.
Vo-Tech nothing binds up the Bible say the Earth is the Lord.
God wants to rule the Earth.
What what what have been going on?
the church Who God give the government? spiritual governmental rules
Put on winter session. Taking me a place in a party. We have left all to the politicians. the politician of hijack
Misty top attorney in the church
Deb hijack the power in the church And they're trying to rule our lives with their loss.
Sometime it's not easy for them to rule with your loss. That's why even with the language lost. They have to rev a group of people and they know what they call them. Watch dogs.
I'm looking to watch dogs is going to monitor you. How do you know what dogs to do?
every dog have a mouth I didn't notice.
when dog bites to the face poisonous
So do you spell politician?
Leaders in great companies that they didn't know the power belongs to the church. Sauder Park politicians that you will see no matter the three piece suit expensive. They all have the little witch.
Ben Harvey astrology They have their suits airs. informing them what is going on in their position?
May I have the magician? baby that wants a week all even everyday
and because of that.
They have denied. the power of God because these witches and wizards and demonic people let them think that that powerful on the pole for more than God. But God is sick and tired with this wickedness that is going on in the Earth. And God said as I did in this fall. So what do I do now?
I'm going to do it now.
As I did. in the Book of Daniel in the Book of Daniel chapter 2 You would see in in Daniel chapter 1. It was Nebuchadnezzar that sent for Daniel, but didn't know. He did not know God up plans for Daniel. So God just giving me the opportunity to call down there now. The ways of God is far from fighting out.
So when they call Danielle and say, you know, I want well favorite man a skilful man in all wisdom and knowledge and understanding science and such of the ability of the Sun in the king's Palace. and hope that my pitch to learning and the tongue of the child these little do that know God is the one that was going to get the best deal.
Don't underestimate the power of God. Child of God we're ever going to put you to work. It's not because you're pretty.
Isabella because you're smart. You just know. God have a plan for your life right there.
So you better get got a question. Because you know some of us go to that position thinking is my my my my did to mother my degree that get me when the rich there is like the witch to become like a bad breed dog.
The wizard what you would do is I would say I am a wizard.
Then which will tell you I don't care.
Got to lowest point in you got some sense to know what? If the image of God, I need a press the press that your parents your loved one your family prayer for you to be where you are under about something is only practice today. Is the only prayer can keep you there? if prayer put YouTube the only thing that can keep you there a spray. You decide it is the only intelligent is your smartness. It's your distance your. I going to tell you you go eat at those African Siri the Peppa.
Peppa and Ginger
it's time for us. It's time for us the church to take back the seat of authority. I begin to stand with God. I'm beginning to believe the word of God. So God is raising up a prophet. God is raising up a person. God is raising up. Pasta God is raising up God is a jealous. God is raising them up in this hour. I'm God is saying I'm going to suck, you know what to say.
them because it see it is his hand. Is the hand of God when you called the apostles and the prophets and the pasta and the teacher is the hand of God. Is the hand of God and God set them there for the perfecting of the Saints and the work of the ministry. So we all come into alignment. It's in Ephesians chapter 11, because I don't want you to think I'm teaching anything that is not in the Bible. He gave it his Saturday prophets evangelists. Every one of them have purpose in God designed by God. God is raising them up in this hour because why his church has been attack. by spiritual wickedness
God is going to rain stop spiritual eyes spiritual mouth have to deal with the situation.
Because what they don't realize we live in times that people want to pay for a consular. I have to go see my psychologist. Any charges at least $100 an hour? I'm done rather going to give that Mom who ain't no it's happy cuz most of the time they call crazy so they don't know they had from the Department.
But we given them money. I'm free for them. More than the prophet of God and the man of God with a word of direction. We don't want to listen to that my counselor said this my counselor said that
I remember in an important one of my daughter with their baby and I was giving them a little bit instruction about taking care of the baby and breastfeeding. It said thank you very much. But we rather listen to what the book says. I said show help yourself.
When the time they decided to win the baby according to what the books say. And both of them couldn't sleep. All hell breaks loose with the baby. They come in pasta Jalandhar. Could you pray for us? I said follow the book.
Yes, listen to the book that I do not need my pray and I said very nice. I need my bread at follow the book and hear what it says you have time for the book.
many of us
immature men have been crippled by demonic powers because they know what God has put into them operating the church. Until the enemy is Jeff going about like a roaring lion trying to Cripple God's men and gods woman into the church. Met people in the church with Brett Carlin, they're flipped in their possessed Zelda stuff on set of operation of the enemy comes against them sometime when they come to praise God so much problem. They can't praise God and the enemy set it up this way just to make life miserable for you. But when you begin to understand God you begin to rise up and say I know God is greater. I know God is able to do exceedingly abundantly more than we can ever ask or think.
Whitney Tarver fast like Daniel, but I read the book of Daniel a special. It's my whole name. I said God of War.
So I can able to make a difference in the Earth. Danielle came and went down there came all of a sudden. Maybe you can answer what's Delta really and truly do a lot of things.
That God allowed him to do to show himself off. Oh, praise God. So the first thing that Nebuchadnezzar did he win and he made a big item and he put the item on plane.
And then he tells he called every single song that is in the old territory and he say you see my eyes. Could you please come?
Young come and Bow Down and Worship my item.
Ucbi. It's me and I'm in your kid.
And you are in my kingdom. So you got to worship me. You got a bow dog. Have you ever go to a job site? And you see some people sit there like or Nebuchadnezzar?
Hope you have a go to the bank and see them sit around their desk and the telling you if you cannot have the loan. You are not qualify.
Sometimes you go.
Does sucking people and accept?
sucking man f****** woman except Like or Nebuchadnezzar I'm telling you listen, you know who I am. If I say you can't have it you cannot you are not qualify. and so Nebuchadnezzar the Daniel Play I Will Not Bow Down
do your God in the Bible said Darnell Daniel purposed in his heart to serve the truth and the Living God. You have to be determined. The solve your God everywhere you go. Somebody is a wrong to mock the power of your God and if you never open your mouth challenge, am I turn it up... Falls. God will mock you.
Sometime that put us in that bus what he needs to know. Listen, I respect you, but I'm not going to allow your intimidation to weaken me that I bought him. Because guess what he can't fire you because you express yourself.
Unless he hire you. Because some of them hire you I'm going to hire you do they can fire you but when God give you a job. You know, you're proud of Godsey YouTube. You tell me I said nobody tell me I know mine can't fire me for my God is with me.
Listen God is looking for the apostolic and prophetic prophetic is a governmental gif. It's governed the church. And God is looking for the spiritual government, which is a church that pickets place in, New York. Son of the church are we get to have eyes to see where the enemy is attacking? And then we'll be able to help us from our little confusion. What a purpose why we are suffering behind. So God knows every Deep thing. Nothing is hidden from the presence of God.
What you do realize that is making the government is this demonic advisors does the job? It's a demonic advisors. Animal Jam PC Monica advisors are not from God.
So before you know it the whole set of problem exist.
from there that the counseling So God is saying I am tired.
with these men along with magicians I'm so sad and demonic advisors to put thing in throat and into laws to control the temp and have a life in ruins. It's time for the church arise. Are we going to rise up we gotta rise up in prayer? We got to rise up and pray.
Praise the King. That's why Warfare Church supposed to pray. It all away. We have knowledge God he will Direct Auto Parts. It's time for us to know that just like in the natural a baby cannot be born without the womb of a mother even so in the spirit every single thing that I have to be manifested in the earth and has to come through the womb of the spirit. Somebody got a birthday. Somebody got to be clapped. Somebody got to be crib. Somebody got to speak and fart. So if the church is silent. Then you know the spiritual condition is silent.
I'm so pretty that church is not a reptile is a reality.
Because many of us we don't want to pray we don't like to pray. But what you don't realize it is good for you. Because why the enemy has been tying up a lot of ordinary time B enemy of The Blocking of a blessing the enemy comes to steal kill and to destroy. He has been called enough lots of pain because we refuse to humble yourself and pray and seek his face and turn from our Wicked Ways.
It's on us to get back.
Enter praying is a time for us to appreciate the prophetic anointing in the apostolate the anointing the word of God being spoken through the mouth of it. So appreciative.
The prophets that God is releasing in the other than the true prophets of God coming to get us in the air. In The Pines of season we are living in. We need to hear what god of the sea. We need to know what is the reason for problems with taking into the other Arena. Take it to the Lord in prayer.
Do you know that the other Arena UCC MN if it's a radio station of comments? a radio station that talks a radio station that goes all over the place to get off some of the information in order to make its name. Is CNN.
And some of us will not even go to the Chinese. I pray we all sit down and watch. Who you watching? CNN
and CNN cannot solve problem is only tells you about all the problem every place in the earth and not only that they put some of the the man to say, sorry.
And God it said I have profits that I put on site to help you to reveal to you the source of your problem, but you don't want to come to church. You don't want to hear what the spirit of the Lord is saying? What went down there came in and he saw the situation and God begin to speak to Danielle Danielle know he was assigned to Babylon for such a time as this I love what that deal did in and Daniel to 121 Daniel Blatz the name of God forever and ever he said wisdom. I might say yours Lord. How do you say the change of the time the season he remove games? He said of Kings. He given wisdom and knowledge the damn. No understanding and guess what Daniel know as an intercessor he reveal in the Deep. Secret how do you know what is in darkness and the light dwelleth with him and Daniel? Praise God? That God is a revealer a secret. Now when the prophetic start the move in the house of God instead of us in God. Thank you for bringing him into the body. Thank you for revealing the salt of the situations. We all get fried chicken. Some of us love the people. We was so dumb ass. I don't believe. Because what the demon don't want to leave you.
And when you look at it, you like the demon. So you are you an insult God spirit? and say I do not believe what the spirit of God is saying, do you know God knows everything about you more than you know about yourself and solar eclipse review deep things. They got their eyes from God eternity eyes that see far. This pizza help you coming from your bondage, from your grave, from your pimps coming from your heart. People are very Wicked. Then like to put you in places that you will never rise again.
That's why it's something with a killer mom, then I'll just put them on in the roadway everybody pass. They would look for a hiding place in order the dead body so that nobody would see them. God is sick and tired. With what the enemy have been doing to his chosen elected children of God. So God has risen up man and woman in the house of God to have the body.
What many of us are we checking?
Blue Planet II Chronicles plan 10:20. He said my people believe the word of the Lord. Have you shall be established believe the prophets? and you the Prosper when you look at those are 12 and 13. It's led by a prophet the Lord brought Israel out of Egypt. I'm by a prophet of Israel. God want to preserve us with prophetic inside prophetic instruction, but many of us because of lack of knowledge. We have more confidence. And don't lie and Prophets.
Do you know? A consular without Christ is a lying prophet. What can you come to the about more than whole Sara thing don't know.
So we need to know God wants to break the church into a new era.
He wants the church alive ice Sissy.
We Pizza Plant guards for the prophetic. Yeah, what am I supposed to be in 7 says surely the Lord. God will do nothing.
Without not revealing it to his mouthpiece. Is Sullivan the prophets? When the Lord is speaking. Just say yeah, my Lord. I hear Lord.
You'll have to believe the word of God.
I believe it's killing us.
Who invented playing cards for praying intercessory prayer and mother's praying people that is standing in the gap on your behalf. Just stop the mouth of the enemy from devouring your potential and your ability while you sit there and say nobody can do me nothing.
That is a time that making Havoc of your life. He's only Jesus Christ the son of the Living God can bring protection and preservation tour life.
Jesus revealed himself to the woman at the well.
this woman I always said love that scripture because that's a woman miss me.
She doesn't have a name. But she was a woman who Society Miss Honda. She was suffering another rejection isolation.
And yet in spite of a pan on a rejection, she was still up, They're paying the man to entertain them.
and I'm so when they finish when she finish it to thin them they were in there in a in a group or they'll get together in a rum shop or they get together in a game and it was just begin to this woman bejesus shorter
Jesus showed up to rescue this woman from Jardin Lima. Jesus said listen, you don't have to live this way. I'm here to give you something that you will be satisfied for the rest of your life. As we were talking and Sunday school, you better love your life. Love yourself. Appreciate your life. Get some good water to satisfy you from the spirit of God because I want to tell you if you don't have no Lovin You For You
I feel sorry for you. Because anyone can just pick a ball up and throw it at you and call it love when your cat. Thank you.
when to have the love of God when you have the love of God inside of you, you will not be deceived by other people. Love o God love God love God with all your heart love God with all your soul will syrup topping husband loves we are off and wife love some some Jeff my wife my life my life. My my my husband.
Let Your Love be filled with God
Because duffalo can fail any time. time
thank God for his love today. Jesus was a prophet.
to this woman underwear And this woman was rescue once and for all. I want to tell you God. Is raising up the prophetic Ministry like never before Eli was a prophet to Samuel. Because when Samuel did not know how to hear the voice of God. Eli say when he calls again say am I send me Any Majin Eli did not get a chance to really and truly meant to his son. But yet God trust Eli to Mentor his insomnia.
We need to submit and begin to say God. It's time for me to believe. believe Sweet Pea that went Danielle how to dream of the king of the tree imagineer this dream and where they have the tree money did not remember his dream he called the magician he called as soon as he called to try to be happy said Tell me my dream.
And they say we don't know nothing about your dream you tell us and we will tell you from what you tell us.
He got angry when it said I can't tell him he said you know what? I'm going to turn your house into a dunghill. I'm going to wipe you guys out. Imagine you're taking all my money on you can tell me what I dream. You didn't even know he was foolish. Because sometime wealth and riches have you talkin foolishness?
Your dream you expect somebody to do your dream.
God the spirit of God know your dream because he was that so dumb you play Let's Go by stuck in front of time. and when Daniel receive Revelation from the spirit of God Daniel Prayed and Daniel went to tell the king what he dream and when the king got the Revelation from Daniel this I know you are from another kingdom. I know the spirit of God is within you. I know that power is it you he said I'm about to promote you I want you to be my kingdom because you can reveal to me things that I don't even remember because of your God. I want to be close to you. Thank God for the prophetic. Because Manny a lot of things going on in the church. And we never know. Whatever you tell me the devil is having a hard time with church that c. Because God is revealing things by the spirit of God. And what do we got to know? We have to be get to say God or penalized?
Charleston manifestation, is it a profit see into the future is in the process of God's contact lens didn't know the end from the beginning still not picking up their own bed speaking from the spirit of God.
big at the revelation of God God is showing you who I am you God is real.
He was show you. Exactly, who is the song? Behind, sometimes we don't know. What the f*** that sound like I was watching one time and I saw this this man was crippled.
I knew he was dying in a wheelchair and when the prophet of God came to him. He said I know that you died. He said it was your your brother. He said your brother did it because of lioness to listen, some people Wicked while I miss country song.
They can tell you for a piece of love. How about shut up brother think we're the one that's in the wheelchair the victim. He probably loved his brother and think that his brother would never do that.
But thank God for the prophetic. The man of God was able to pray for him until the demon of paralysis. And this man was able to rise up and walk. Revelation gifts to be a manifestation
biggest mammal fire Harry X It's tied up.
God wants us to get into churches so that we can get protection get Deliver us that the Eyes Upon This time you're being like that. We all know the peripheral bus will know it's a prayer for marriage will know to pray for finances will know the perfect job. We were not able to get a break you will notice.
Because every single thing is in the word of God.
Everything is in the word of God and it's different unlearning. God knows the thoughts of her heart. God knows the Deep Thoughts of her heart. Why can't you be the goddess Tarot? Why can't you believe God knows everything? How could you give that glory to man? How do you will actually? Tell the Holy Ghost I don't believe. You were pop the anointing. Of the Holy Spirit and the Holy Spirit wants to help YouTube. But when you pop the spirit of God, he would not help you. Because what you cannot Embrace will never work for you.
God is an awesome God.
Whitney to get the revelation
It's time for us the two type of trees in this world and you need to know there's a factory and is a symmetry. Many of us are heading to the cemetery. What is better, you go to the factory. There's all this action. There is always noise that is always things going on in the factory set of church is like a factory where the spirit of God moved the church that was auctioned. There is no stairs crying tears streaming down his present. That is nonsense. Eldridge. I said man, I be blessed and fat-free. If you don't like the church to be a factory you alone go to the cemetery.
Believe the name of the Lord believe the word of God Embrace God today. We need to stand up and fight. Against the magician Spirit fight against the suffering Spirit fight against all the witches in the Wizard project solar walk with cursive.
but when you get connected call God Abba chaka chaka wait time card for deep spiritual Revelation in this house. We thank God he revealed to us by his spirit.
We've had got a Lysol Panda helper.
Hallelujah Hallelujah
Do you know the king brought Danielle into the City and he brought it was a slave. but when the spirit of God come upon.
Oh God, he became powerful power change hands. Will you begin to demonstrate?
He began to speak with prophetic Authority. Even when they say we are not allowed to pray for one month. You're not allowed to call him the god of Israel for 1 month. The Bible say Daniel glory to God. You weren't stranded. Albany said listen, I know I have a God who never fail. I have a God who never never feel your strawman the fiery furnace and can't burn me you throw me in the pimp. It would not drunk me. You put me in the ground, but can't keep my body dog, because I know a god. Who never fail?
It's time for us. the stand up it's time for us. The pillow myself enough is enough.
I know, huh?
I know.
I know.
I know.
I know.
today if you know the wickedness. baby animals released on the Earth You got to know how to pray. Because many your phone young man. I've been trapped. Because they have Panic woman. demonic, man This is from the pit of Hell. They look human body.
best time to bring destruction
I'm trapped me there now call Glee and all that very pretty.
Arab man like pretty woman that going to get them till they get gas.
That's why. this wonderful
not a spirit condition.
Of what's going on? so that when the man, you take them to the Lord in prayer.
All Eyes need to be open prayers of your children don't get connected.
Tony some wicked women want to destroy men. and woman with great destinies You want to catch that song? cabs that progress You know damn many men already got the dump.
I bet they don't even realize but they're messed up.
They don't know why the life is going back to weigh.
They don't know.
What God is opening on Ice today? So that we can begin to pray. I'm Tom against a tree poem. little blonde child against the church Every Power that is Lord song. Against All My Children listen the enemy of man sets free But if you know how freestyle xxpensive.
If you know what it comes with. some of them come with ads what is free when you get there? Come with onset of limitation stop Nation poverty.
Some of them come with us that that be with you. You can't stay with one woman. You can't stay with one man. You can't do it. The man you're praying Thomas. I'm going to keep a man. It doesn't matter that pirates single-a man is a man for you.
and God is saying you would no longer be able to walk with this bondage. The walk with this entanglement. There's talk for you. That's all for you pick up some of the things.
Just came up on you because of lack of knowledge.
lack of knowledge if you never break those. listen I was married once and when I get to know who Jesus Christ is and realize it is not normal. It's not normal to be married over and over something is wrong. So before I look for a husband number two. I said no. I have to see what is wrong with this one. My husband save anything is biting you and your back right now. Don't go fighting your clothes.
And I begin to call in the word of God just a god. Break this crossover my life Brandon cuz over my destiny Brad discuss over my poor attention because I said God when you bless me with us with a husband again. I don't want the same thing to have fun. Do you know if you don't with that?
If you don't press brake the car from the first man. Supper if your spirit soul and body when he's dead or alive on the Sammy back.
Number to go to be even what's the number one?
And if you finish you know because this is what was happening in my family. It was not the one married to marriage was three marriage. But I said no, this is not normal is this some of us look so cute on the outside but watching a real life demons are not cute. They come to steal kill and destroy. Have you got to get naked with God? Hispanic God brought the cops out of my life.
It's not the man with the problem with me. Because when I trapped by ex-husband family nobody in that family divorce, so who are the problem? I know you won't see me because you're ashamed to tell me is me. But the problem was in my family. Listen, this is a war zone. It's time for us to say it happened to me. And I want to get rid of this infection.
Because what? It is not normal.
It is not normal.
It is not normal.
My husband said that's all Papa Papa said there was this girl.
Want me to go to the doctor after marriage she was laying in a casket.
He says to dress in a wedding dress in the casket. Do you think the family is going to accept that he said when when young people?
Die or the marriage happy birthday. He said there is somebody behind. I know we already mad because we got the West Indian foolishness inside of us. somebody behind. It does not normal. And that's not normal. Forever young woman to lose their life or young man to lose their life and that woman or the man become a widow. It's time for us to confront the devil.
because when when he comes to kill steal and destroy
play God. Open my eyes. So I can do. with my issues I don't think with my spiritual stagnation.
I don't want this. that is popular to me about in America to take my children.
Are pomegranates Wicked spirit? That is in my life set alarm.
Can somebody buy tickets para? Dama Dam? Dam?
every Power behind my marriage Are pomegranates bad? It is not God's word. For Mom to be alone. Marriage is of God and everything that is calling about my marriage.
I receive the fire of God.
Weatherby boss What a separation. At home against you you shall not be my portion. Whatever spirit is behind my marriage solo on somebody fire cartoon every Power of the enemy. Said come again. speak rapper witches speak rapper Westside and my brother died. And my family and my mother son and my father son Holy Ghost Fire in the name of Jesus. semi relationship must work It must work for God. The Lord I Thank you. for giving me with some so I can address. every situation in my life and my job and my marriage in my home with my family with my children with my husband with my wife Holy Ghost Fire costume. What is not of God?
Call Raquel de la casa Kya sometime. You don't need to come to the altar, but we going to sing come by fire. Come by fire. It's time for us to know there's something behind there's something behind up and something that's something behind that is something.
And Wendy said come by fire your Club in your hand your cup in your hand because whatever that is, not of God made a fight of gods come from the fire of God confronted today and your job and you're home and you're having a $30 laptop Sia. come by fire by fire