King Jesus, Save Us!
John 12:12-19 “KING JESUS, SAVE US!”
Sept 22, 2019
As you listen to the Sermon today, try and answer some of these
questions to contemplate the meaning of the text and think about how
it applies to your life.
1) The Great crowds that came to the Passover feast, waved and laid
down palm branches and called out “Hosanna” which means
“save, we pray”. Why do you think they were calling out in this
way? What did they hoped to be saved from (John 12:12-13)
2) In light of passages like Isaiah 6:1-5, what is our greatest need?
What do we need to be saved from?
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3) Why did Jesus ride into Jerusalem on the foal of a donkey? John
12:14-18) In fulfilling the prophecy of Zechariah 9:9-11 what sort
of King was Jesus claiming to be? What does that tell you about
Jesus nature?
4) (John 12:19; Zech 9:9-11; John 3:16; John 11:49-52). In what ways
do these passage declare that Jesus is in fact the Saviour of the
World and the only hope for this world? Do you believe this
personally? What are you doing now to share this good news with
others? Are you willing to join and small group and work together
to reach others?
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