The Need for Power pt 3
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The Need for Power pt 3
The Need for Power pt 3
Previous weeks
. need to understand our desperate need for Holy Spirit/Power
.The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity
.The Spirit enables us to live in the promise land
. Disciples need to be Disciplined
.The Kingdom of God is more then just words its Power
.The gospel does not simply tell people what they ought to do; in it God gives them power to do it.
. The first thing the Spirit does in us is the internal work in the inner man
.After the inner man has been dealt with the things of the Spirit can and will be outworked through our lives.
.The ways of Holy Spirit are opposite/contrary to the ways of the flesh
.Jesus said we will do greater works ()
Did you know that Jesus himself needed the Holy Spirit to do what he did??
scripture teaches us that Jesus was both fully man and fully God
The man part of Jesus, needed the Holy Spirit in the same way that you and I need the Holy Spirit, to be empowered for his ministry Jesus needed the Holy Spirit!
The New King James Version Chapter 316 When He had been baptized, Jesus came up immediately from the water; and behold, the heavens were opened to Him, and He saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove and alighting upon Him.
It was after this moment that the ministry of Jesus really began.
no believer should ever think that they don't have a need for the Power of God in their lives, it is absolutely necessary for us just as it was for Jesus.
I don't believe there is a anyone here who doesn't want to be used by God to help other people know the truth. There are just people who don't believe that they can!
We see in this scripture that Jesus did all of these things after Holy Spirit came upon him, just as we will do all these things Jesus spoke about once we receive the Holy Spirit!
So now I want to look at according to scripture how we know that we have the Gift of the Holy Spirit. That this is truly more then just words but Power in our lives