Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
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.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Thank you all for coming out tonight.
In the future we will have things scheduled later and maybe in smaller groups but I needed to get some information to you all so I wanted to take the opportunity to show my appreciation for each of you while doing it instead of just shooting off an email.
I’ve said it before and I’ll continue to say it, I’m so thankful for the team of people at Liberty that serve in the various capacities that they do.
Without your willingness to serve our Savior in the different areas, Liberty would not be able to function.
I want to take a minute or two tonight and teach a quick devotion from the life of Joseph that I want to be a challenge and encouragement to you.
I’m going to speak tonight on the topic of a willing heart.
When Joseph’s father stated his desire to send Joseph to check on his brothers, Joseph didn’t say, “I won’t,” “I can’t,” or “It’s too hard.”
He simple answered.
Here am I.
God values a wiling heart.
Each of you heart have willing hearts to serve.
Jesus made it abundantly clear to the disciples that is not about how much you have that is important it is about how much you are willing to give.
It was a quality that was so uncommon that Jesus drew His disciples attention to the widow who was willing to sacrificially give her all.
When it comes to be willing to serve it’s typically not a matter of can or can’t…It’s a matter of will or won’t.
When we are serving, we are sometimes sacrificing.
Teachers sacrifice time during their week to study.
Nursery workers sacrifice time during their services to be a blessing to moms so they can enjoy a service.
Leaders in different areas give more time than what is seen at the church.
And each of you have a willing heart to serve even when you might disagree with how things are done.
Not every decision I make will be one you like or agree with.
But a willing heart says “Her am I” and serves.
As I delegate authority in areas of ministry to you lay leaders and you make a decision that someone serving in your area doesn’t like, be grateful for when they still say “Here am I.”
It’s ok for us to disagree on methods of conducting ministry related business.
Paul and John Mark disagreed and separated ways.
Both were productive laborers for the Lord.
Now I don’t want any of us to go separate ways but I do want us to understand there is more than one way to skin a cat.
Willingness is a matter of attitude
Ever worked with someone who was capable of doing something but just wouldn’t?
Ever had a child try not to do something they were perfectly capable of doing?
It’s easier to work with someone who possesses lesser gifts or abilities but has a willing spirit than someone who is able to help but is unwilling to.
The enemy of willingness is selfishness
Author Ken Collier said “Just two choices on the shelf, pleasing God or pleasing self.”
Thank you for being willing to serve selflessly under new leadership in the past few months.
Thanks for rolling with the updates that I’ve been trying to implement in order to have a more organized ministry that is going in the same direction.
Thanks for not being selfish.
2 things I want to close with and I’m done.
What do you do when someone isn’t willing to serve where you think they should?
First…we are not God.
We may think it is best but that’s not for us to decide.
Remove thoughts like this from your mind to keep yourself humble and not be bitter at someone who isn’t in nursery, who isn’t teaching a class, who isn’t ushering, or what have you.
Second, pray for them.
Pray for God to open a door for them to be involved somewhere.
Just because they can’t/wont’ serve in your area doesn’t mean they can’t be used somewhere else for the Lord.
As updates continue to come I want you to keep you heart open and willing to continue serving the Lord..not a man.
Tonight, I’m passing out a leadership commitment to each of you.
Some of you leaders may have already had a discussion with me about this and I may have said I was going to get it to you first.
Please forgive me.
Time has gotten away from me and I needed to get the ball rolling.
If you are unwilling to serve in accordance with what is in there do 2 things.. First, pray.
Make sure that it would be God’s will for you to step away from your area of service.
If that would be the case then bring it back to me and let me know you need to step away.
I won’t ask questions I won’t look down upon you.
Please don’t take the following as harsh as it can sound…If it comes to my attention that a person is in a ministry leadership position and is in public sin or going against what we’ve agreed to here, then I must come talk to you directly to seek to reconcile our relationship.
Sarah and I’s hearts are growing with love toward each of you as the days go by.
I don’t want anyone to step away from
< .5
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