The Power of the Decree
This study is to uncover how the promise is contained in the decree and the legality of decreeing the promises of God.
Our Main Passages
Declare and Establish
You Must Tame the Tongue
We all fail in many areas, but especially with our words. Yet if we’re able to bridle the words we say we are powerful enough to control ourselves in every way, and that means our character is mature and fully developed.
And the tongue is a fire, a world of iniquity. The tongue is so set among our members that it defiles the whole body, and sets on fire the course of nature; and it is set on fire by hell.
1615 I. גָּזַר (gā·zǎr): v.; ≡ Str 1504; TWOT 340—1. LN 19.14–19.26 (qal) divide, cut in two, i.e., divide an object into two parts (1Ki 3:25, 26; Ps 136:13+); 2. LN 30.75–30.85 (qal) decide on, i.e., come to a conclusion in the thinking and planning process (Job 22:28+); 3. LN 19.14–19.26 (qal) cut down, i.e., cut an object into parts, from a main base or foundation (2Ki 6:4+); 4. LN 13.69–13.103 (qal) not exist, formally, cut off, i.e., to not have a state or condition exist as a figurative extension of cutting an object off or down, implying removal of the object (Hab 3:17+); 5. LN 34.31–34.39 (nif) be excluded, formally, be cut off, i.e., no longer be in an association, with an implication that this severed state will cause life to be lost; as a figurative extension of the cutting off and removal of an object from its main root or foundation (2Ch 26:21; Ps 88:6[EB 5]; Isa 53:8; La 3:54; Eze 37:11+); 6. LN 33.323–33.332 (nif) be decreed, i.e., give an official order or command, implying sanctions for disobedience (Est 2:1+)