Bridge the Gap...I've Got Questions
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What is the Gap?
What is the Gap?
In the insurance world there is a product called Gap Insurance? This is to help a car owner who totals a car, but the car owner owes more than what the car is worth. The gap insurance makes up the difference.
We have a gap in the church today. We have promises that God has made with His children, but we are not seeing the promises manifested.
What is the problem?
What is the problem?
Why are we not seeing the manifestations like we should?
In the Bible there were all kinds of encounters people had with God, that were incredible. Why are we not encountering God?
We could say that it is a belief problem, and that is possible.
However, I believe! Do you believe?
Why did Jesus live on the earth for 33 years before He was Crucified?
Why did Jesus live on the earth for 33 years before He was Crucified?
Why didn’t Jesus just come on the earth and when he was old enough allow himself to be Crucified?
While Jesus was on the earth he literally started a revolution against the church of the day. Why did he do that? Why not just die?
What was so important that Jesus had to show us, he waited for three years to be crucified?
One thing Jesus showed us was His humanity?
During the time he was on the earth he was tempted by the devil, the Bible says that Jesus was hungry because like us his human body depended on food, and Jesus slept because His body needed rest.
Jesus was human all the way! Everything He did, He did as a human.
Another thing Jesus showed us was the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.
Jesus taught about the Kingdom of God and Jesus demonstrated the Kingdom of Heaven.
Jesus demonstrated so that we could see what we are now called to do.
If Jesus performed Miracles and taught with authority, why did the church have such a hard time accepting Jesus?
If Jesus performed Miracles and taught with authority, why did the church have such a hard time accepting Jesus?
When we answer this question, then we will find one of the keys to bridging the gap!
Jesus is the word of God, we are called to the works of Jesus.
The scriptures say that there traditions are canceling out the word of God.
Could it be that some our traditional thinking and actions are a reason the works of Jesus are not being manifested today?
Its called a Religious Spirit
Its called a Religious Spirit
A religious spirit acts religious, but rejects the power of God.
A religious spirit identifies the man made traditions as the word of God.
A religious spirit becomes offended at truth that speaks against our traditions.
A religious spirit will bring division all in the name of the Lord.
A religious spirit is prideful and unwilling to learn what the spirit is speaking today.
The truth is that everyone at some point in time will have to confront the religious spirit in their own life. Why? Because our nature is to build up traditions.
We must change our thinking
We must change our thinking
11 When I was a child, I spoke and thought and reasoned as a child. But when I grew up, I put away childish things.
12 Now we see things imperfectly, like puzzling reflections in a mirror, but then we will see everything with perfect clarity. All that I know now is partial and incomplete, but then I will know everything completely, just as God now knows me completely.
I Corinthians 13:11-
The answer is to have the boldness to get alone with God and ask Him to show us if the religious spirit is hindering us.
I could give an alter call today, but if we are really serious about this then we must pursue God.
However, as a Church we need to repent of a religious spirit.
Repentance Prayer
Repentance Prayer
I repent and renounce every opening, known or unknown in my generations that I have given to a religious spirit in my family line even back to the 10th generation.
I repent and renounce every opening, known and unknown in my personal life that I have given to a religious spirit, and every work of darkness connected with it.
I repent for not fully receiving Your love, compassion, mercy, grace and forgiveness and I renounce any belief that You, Father are distant and judgmental.
I choose to embrace all aspects of Your character and to intimately know You.
I repent for allowing myself to be led by any other spirit than the Holy Spirit.
I repent for relying on my own intellect in worship, praise, prayer, reading of the Word and spiritual Warfare.
I repent and renounce all legalism, traditions and religious formulas.
I repent and renounce all participation in dead works.
I repent and renounce all dullness to the things of God.
I repent and renounce hardness of heart
I choose for the oil of Your Holy Spirit to flow across my heart.
I repent and renounce placing man’s opinion of me above Yours.
I repent and renounce compromises of the truth, of my integrity and of my purity.
I repent and renounce all compromises in my attitude toward sin.
I repent for my lack of transparency for covering sin, for not confessing sin, for not receiving correction for being defensive and quick to justify and rationalise my sin.
I repent and renounce all deception and hypocrisy.
I repent and renounce all pride, arrogance and self-righteousness.
I repent and renounce all comparison, judgment, criticism, gossip, jealousy, covetousness and anger.
I repent and renounce all persecution and slander of those moving in the Holy Spirit.
I repent and renounce every act of rebellion that has reinforced the spirit of religion in my life.
I choose to have obedience as my heart attitude.
I choose to no longer partner with the same spirit that killed Jesus and that continues to attempt to kill the work of the Holy Spirit today.
I choose to no longer oppose God.
In the name of Jesus:
I break every hex, curse or vow, every spell, incantation or ritual.
I break every covenant and blood covenant, every sacrifice and blood sacrifice.
I break every ungodly soul tie, every ungodly generational tie in my family line.
I break any other legal right, known or unknown, for the spirit of religion to stay.
Spirit of religion, as the Body of Christ, I and those with me come against you:
We refuse to allow you to steal our intimate relationship with our Lord.
We refuse to allow you to kill the flow of the Holy Spirit in us.
We refuse to allow you to destroy the anointing of others through us.
We choose to receive the anointing to break the power of the spirit of religion in the Church of Jesus Christ in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ of Nazareth.
Dealing with Costly Words & Actions” by Dr. Selwyn Stevens
Even for some mature Christians, the only reason that the demons are still present in their lives is that Jesus is not Lord of one or more areas of their life.
Meditate on this prayer for each area of your life and ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any hidden sin(s). Repent and confess these sins thereby closing the door to these evil spirits.
Then these spirits have no legal right to remain and they must go from you, (). Then a time of refreshing shall come upon you, ().
Lord Jesus, I confess that I have sinned and I acknowledge my need of You.
I thank You for dying on the cross for me and I accept You as my Saviour.
I invite You now to be Lord of every area of my life:
Lord of my spirit, all of my worship and my relationship with You;
Lord of my mind, all my thoughts, all my attitudes and all my behaviour;
Lord of my emotions, all my feelings and all my reactions;
Lord of my will and all my decisions;
Lord of my body and all my physical health;
Lord of my eyes and all that I look upon;
Lord of my ears and all that I listen to;
Lord of my mouth and all that I speak;
Lord of my hands and all that I do;
Lord of my feet and everywhere that I go;
Lord of my sexuality and all its expression;
Lord of my family, my entire home, all my pleasure and all my relationships; Lord of my time, all my work and all my service for You;
Lord of my material goods, all my possessions, all my finances and all my needs.
Thank Jesus that Your blood was shed that I might be set free.
You and You alone are my Lord and Master, Amen.
Now that you have repented, renounced and broken all relationships with the spirit of religion and have proclaimed Jesus as Lord of every area of your life, walk in freedom with the Holy Spirit.