Sermon Tone Analysis

Overall tone of the sermon

This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
Here we have, just 17 words.
But never have just 17 words said so much.
Now… before we begin, even the first word of verse one, we need to set the context of this entire Gospel by reading from
From the first verse, to the last verse… this is the ultimate context of the Gospel of John.
Every word written here… the life events of Jesus… are written with a purpose.
that we who read it, will believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God… and that by this belief… we will have life in His name.
So… this is a book about Jesus… who He is, and what He has done…
And so, John starts out with a verse that lays a pretty impressive foundation.
This is the Greek word ‘Logos’.. - Which, in the Greek language, isn’t an uncommon word.
It is often interpreted as a ‘saying’ or ‘a question’… It generally refers to something that spoken…
It’s from a root word that means ‘to gather together’… which is often used in a mathematical sense.
And, in fact, the word ‘logos’ is translated with the words ‘ computation or reckoning… and many times in the New Testament, when you see the phrase, ‘take account’… the Greek word behind it is logos.
So in one sense… if Jesus is the Logos… then we might be able to say… that He is the final accounting… that He is the standard by which a reckoning is made..
I was getting input on this from a pastor friend this morning and he suggest that maybe Jesus is the sum of all that God is.
In a more common sense… the word Logos had philosophical meaning to the Greeks… Logos was the impersonal, abstract principle of reason and order in the universe.
They considered logos to be a type of creative force, and also a source of wisdom.
If this is what the HS intended to say, through John to the Greek audience… then they would been impacted in a unique way…
The only difference would be… that Jesus was not an impersonal source, force, principle or emanation.
In Him, the true logos who was God became a man.
What they saw as being a philosophical idea… John presented, as being a deity in human form.
To the Jews… this would have had an impact also.
- To them, the term ‘The Word Of The Lord’ was an expression of divine power and revelation.
So… obviously… John presented Jesus to his Jewish readers as the incarnation of divine power and revelation.
We don’t fully find out who Jesus was before ‘the beginning’… but we do find out, that Jesus always was… He pre-existed the beginning.
We don’t have that part of Him recorded… but we do have ‘the beginning’ as the point where Jesus comes on the scene.
Every good story has background… and ‘The Beginning’ serves as some significant background for who Jesus is, and what Jesus has done.
Before anything was..
Before anything was known...
The WORD was already there...
Now, the language of these first five verses thrusts us back to .
You cannot read verses 1-5 without the creation story popping into your head, unless you are completely unaware of the creation story.
In , this time period… known as ‘the beginning’ is described.
Verse 1… God created the heavens and the earth… - this serves as an overview of what is about to happen… for the earth is formed in vss 9-10 and the heavens… or the sky, is formed in vss 6-8.
In verse 2… we find out what the starting point of this story is.
The earth was without form and void… letting us know… that a thing… which eventually was created into the earth that we know… pre-existed that specific and defined creation.
Two other things were present… One: darkness… and Two: water
At some point, God created the void and formless earth, most likely… speaking it into existence..
At some point… God created the water… also, most likely… speaking it into existence.
But… we don’t get a record of those events.
The first three words of begin to tell us about a very specific miracle that Jesus took part in.
And… it’s uniquely complex.
If you read the first 2 chapters of Genesis… you will find five unique methods by which God, along with Jesus, fulfilled the work of creation.
And we are going to consider this.... because, according to … these are works of Jesus…
The Five methods are as follows:
God spoke something into existence.
God used water to form or reveal something.
God used earth to form or veal something.
God used His breath to bring something into existence.
God used a part of man to bring something into existence.
In many of these cases, God, along with Jesus, used a combination of these methods.
You’ll want to have your Bibles open to and 2 for this part.
First off… LIGHT - () - God, along with JX, spoke it into existence.
Secondly: Day and Night () God, along with JX, spoke this distinction into existence.
Next: The Sky ()… God, along with Jesus.. used water to form or reveal this… by taking what was already there, and by separating it… He revealed a space in between… called The Heavens… or… the sky.
Next: The Land and Seas ()- God, along with JX, used water… and the movement of water, to bring distinction to the areas called land, and the areas called seas.
Next: Plants () - God, along with JX, used a combination here… between the earth to form, and the voice to create.
Next: Sun, Moon and Stars: ()… God, along with JX, spoke these things into existence
next: The animals of the air and of the se () - God, along with Jesus, spoke these into existence.
The land animals ( and )… God, along with JX, use a combination of speaking and the earth… For, as He spoke, the animals came forth, from the earth.
Man () God, along with Jesus, used the dirt of the earth, and His breath, to bring about our creation.
Finally: Woman (), God, along with Jesus, used a part of man, to bring her into existence.
This term, “In The Beginning”… describes the wonderful and complex miracle of creation… and Jesus was part of the whole thing.
-He was WITH GOD...
Not just present… but active as a co-creator.
Something that stands out to us in verse one, is the word WORD.
This is the Greek word ‘Logos’.. - Which, in the Greek language, isn’t an uncommon word.
It is often interpreted as a ‘saying’ or ‘a question’… It generally refers to something that spoken…
It’s from a root word that means ‘to gather together’… which is often used in a mathematical sense.
And, in fact, the word ‘logos’ is translated with the words ‘ computation or reckoning… and many times in the New Testament, when you see the phrase, ‘take account’… the Greek word behind it is logos.
So in one sense… if Jesus is the Logos… then we might be able to say… that He is the final accounting… that He is the standard by which a reckoning is made..
I was getting input on this from a pastor friend this morning and he suggest that maybe Jesus is the sum of all that God is.
In a more common sense… the word Logos had philosophical meaning to the Greeks… Logos was the impersonal, abstract principle of reason and order in the universe.
They considered logos to be a type of creative force, and also a source of wisdom.
If this is what the HS intended to say, through John to the Greek audience… then they would been impacted in a unique way…
The only difference would be… that Jesus was not an impersonal source, force, principle or emanation.
In Him, the true logos who was God became a man.
What they saw as being a philosophical idea… John presented, as being a deity in human form.
To the Jews… this would have had an impact also.
- To them, the term ‘The Word Of The Lord’ was an expression of divine power and revelation.
So… obviously… John presented Jesus to his Jewish readers as the incarnation of divine power and revelation
The Word, was with God...
This doesn’t simply mean: Jesus was present… Jesus was in the room… Jesus was in the same house.
- No… the word ‘with’ comes from a Greek expression which means far more than common existence.
- The picture this expression gives, is of two people facing each other and engaging in conversation or work.
Some have suggest that this expression can be translated… - face to face -
In the beginning was the Word… the Word was face to face, involved in common work and discourse with God...
And finally, the third part of verse one… that part that many people… and many religious sects struggle with.. - It says of Logos… the Word… Jesus… that HE WAS GOD.
Now, sometimes you might find small groups of nice people knocking at your door, and they love to make reference to this verse.
They claim, that in the original Greek… this actually says “he was a god”… and that term god, as they say, is a general term used of a spiritual being..
… in the same way that Elohim is used in the OT to speak of God… but is also used to speak of divine angelic beings.
It’s really important to many religious groups… that Jesus not be God.
Because, if Jesus actually isn’t God, in spite of His own testimony of such… then they are given a lot of room to mess around with the message of the Bible.
And of course… the testimony of the rest of the NT lends credence.
W/O a doubt, the testimony of the NT confirms the third statement of …
Why does John re-state this?
Two reasons… to emphasize and to clarify.
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9