The Secret Of Contentment

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What are the things that you want most. Truth is, for most of us, the things that we want are dictated to us by the environment in which we operate. For example, when we are hungry, we want food, or when we are thirsty, we want water. When we are cold, we want warmth, and when we are hot, we desire to be cooled. And all of these things we, for the most part, have the ability to provide for ourselves, and in that world of self-sufficiency and scientific achievements, we hear less and less of the providence of God. So lets look the source of our contentment

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The Providence of God (Phil. 4:10)

Providence comes from two Latin words
pro, meaning before
video, meaning to see
so God sees all things before they happen
nothing takes God by supr
God is surprised by nothing
He does not only see in to the future
He is already arranging things as they should be
Look at the story of Joseph and his brothers Good example of God’s providence
God was working in the future of to preserve live
As for you, you meant evil against me, but God meant it for good in order to bring about this present result, to preserve many people alive.
We go through things sometimes never realizing that God is at work to do great things
Revived Sacrificial Giving
New American Standard Bible: 1995 update. (1995). (). La Habra, CA: The Lockman Foundation.
Paul was thanking the church for their revived or renewed spirit of giving to him as as minister
The churches giving, while not necessary, was needed to advance the Gospel.

The Power Of God (vv. 11-13)

Paul is not complaining or in need
Paul makes it clear that his happiness had nothing to do with things, regardless of how great or small.
Paul also lets us know that regardless of the secular circumstances that he is contentment remains strong
People seem to have no trouble calling on God when things are not good
they have no problem being “abased”
Prosperity or being self sufficient has done for more damage to believers than adversity
life is easy on the mountain top
spiritual condition is revealed through the difficulties
Speak to the point of suicide and the relation to contentment
Suicide 2nd leading cause of death in ages 15-24
girls at twice the rate
gay, lesbian and bisexual 5x higher
adult males 3x higher then females
40% identifying as transgender ave attempted suicide
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