The Adventure: Unstoppable
See when you get there this.
See if it up there now.
Give me one second.
Did you move yet?
technical difficulties
I think we got some.
We got to move my guys, but I didn't do that.
Change it up there while it's really moving by it's moving by itself.
Thank you for my Tech Guy. Oh, that's what was going on.
What were in the center Jackson right now? Penguin has a funny story.
Go ahead at 4.
Yes, it is.
Yeah. Hey, man. He one else got got something they want to share.
Yes, Bruce.
It's fine. I'm probably going to get a what do you call that? drinking while driving
w y a d d y
a d u p drinking while preaching
forget it.
Thank you, though. Thank you. I really appreciate it. Well, anyways, we're supposed to be talking about being Unstoppable why we let that stuff was. And that scripture if you keep freezing in Rome is it tells you that if God is for you who can be against you and also has another place in there where it talks about where it talks to you about that that you are led by the spirit of God that your sons of God. So your ability of you and his child. Your inability for you to be led by God's spirit. Is it clear indication that you're not walking like it's like you are. But you're not looking like you say you are. And when you begin to do those two different distinction and causes a thing called confusion.
That's where the Bible says a double-minded man or person is unstable in all his ways. They don't know which way is up. And which way is down. I was working with the group for all this man. They have the Mickey Mouse operation. I'm like why because he doesn't know his head from his will leave that there is henna Filipino albums
because the problem was it was too wishy-washy where in your life are you wishy-washy at
Because in Rome is he talking about those who are led by the spirit. They're no longer wishy-washy. They have this hope I am in the Bible in the Greek. Hope means of confidence to receive it doesn't mean wishful thinking like you know, why I hope today is a sunny day. I hope it's going to get better. It's a confident expectation things are getting better. That's the hope that we have in God when he says I want you to if you keep reading in Romans, it talks about the hope, but hope what you're seeing is not hurt because you received it. The posture of this biblical hope is me expecting. You know, it's like when I tell my son I'm going to go buy him a toy and then you know what, he does to we take him to Walmart to pick it up. Non-stop. Are we going are we going I mean, it's like clockwork like okay. We're not you got to chill man. We're going to go right now. That's how we're supposed to posture ourselves with God. We're supposed to take the same approach and say today is it now? Is it here to expect expect expect a situation in your life choices too. Dramatic Chase question is are you expecting? Got to intervene.
But we can get to expect Don. Do you know that's the beginning of you relying on him? But listen being codependent and any other relationship, but God is wrong. But we are called to become dependent upon him and the more that you're depending on God, the more the revealing that you're his child comes forth your dependency on God and other people to their Divine Purpose and Destiny.
Oh boy.
jeer ability to depend on him Well what other people into their Divine Purpose if you're not going to depend on God, you will hinder other people from their Divine Purpose. I don't believe that. Well, then that's just like saying what Cain said am I My Brother's Keeper. Oops?
Do you know your obedience will lead other people into greater obedience your obedience to the word your love for God produces obedience. Naturally. It's not this heart thing. I got to be obedient to Ten Commandments. Oh boy. What a drag it's not that it begins to be because I love him and because I value my relationship with him. I don't go there with my wife. There's some faces that where it's it's no we're not going there. Know what I said to my wife. I meant when I sent to my wife there with you in sickness and in health I minute. And I value our covenant God cut Covenant with us when he gave his son. He shed his blood and he says listen do you value what I've done for you? Because if you don't value what he's done for you, you will not I'm being honest. You will not value your relationship with him. You won't lay everything down. It says in Scripture that him who gave his own son. He gave the best he gave Jesus. He didn't say I didn't send an angel to go down and do it and he did accept the animal sacrifices of my prized possession. I'm going to bankrupt mine cata me. I'm going to give Jesus. I need. So that we can be accepted him that knew no sin became said it didn't say you took on said it said he became it. I think when we read that scripture do we cross that he became said he became the very thing that was stopping in hindering us from entering into a relationship with God. So he became the thing that was hindering me that I can become the righteousness and him. Just simply means the right way of being. I made right with God. I have the right structure. Now. I have a right attitude. Now. I have a right mindset. Now. We learned earlier about resetting. Let me setting your mind on things above. That's how you begin to have the right mindset. You quit focusing so much on the Here and Now
Be here now is where people make impulse choices. Everything is based off of impulse. Everything is based off of how it feels how it seems what it looks like how other people are going to take it. But when you start making the connection to God to say listen, I'm going to live before you and you alone something begins to form with taking you to shape and structure things within you if you begin to have this phone.
I've never going to stop I'm never going to quit you ever get ever get that in your heart really firm there and let it build a foundation within you that this is what I'm doing and no person going to stop me. Something for venue where you became Unstoppable unmovable. What was it it was you coming into agreement with the truth of what God says and when you agree with what he says he brings it into a reality. There's a Grace on it. movie on in Romans It says this that if God is for us who can be against us. Do we really believe that though? At our private lives and we really believe God is for us.
Are there areas in our lives that were like, I haven't leave this down because I really don't. I don't know how I'm going to be without this. I don't know how I'm going to feel without this. When the biggest things for me to do my life was if this is real cool. After I got married the church, I grew up in it. I walked away from that was one of the most terrifying moments of my life because it was my family's Church. Who's the church I grew up in all my relatives go there. I think God starts giving you a nut. Hey, I want you to go somewhere else.
He's asking you are you really willing to lay everything down? Idolize things, let's be real. I would tell you to leave and go overseas. Would you really do it?
Or would you say Lord? I have too much invested. I worked really hard to get my kingdom here. Or would you lay it down off of the glory of God?
See the Bible is full of us laying things down. And it probably said the Revelation they overcame by the blood of the Lamb. That means what Jesus did by trusting in Him the word of their testimony. That means after I me I trust in Jesus. This is what he brought me through but the last point is what we do not live in two they love their own lives not to death. What are you loving more? Because I'm telling you those things that you hold up high and love more those things that you make an idol out of that's the thing. That's that that's stopping you from doing you and not allowing you to enter into your purpose and your Divine destiny.
That's the thing. Just killing you. I'm being serious. Your obedience will slots other people into their Destiny. Is that true tap? Let me play there's a guy in the Bible by the name of David Wright. He was a little Shepherd boy, everyone scared of Goliath David goes down with a slingshot mini lops off the Giants head after he kills them right up from that moment David stirred up courage another man. And if you go on read and you find out that when you see the David's name is David and his mighty men. David's ovd has catapulted his these men. To be vigorous Fighters for God and they did some amazing thing one more one of them killed all of Goliath brothers who were giants another one plays like an entire Army and another one jumped into a bit with the Lazy Lion. And he kills him with the spear. But dude, I am not jumping in the pit with Mufasa.
I know my hair is kind of Scar but no. I'm not doing that but Davis man fighting and it did something to watch them here goes another one of God's name is Jesus and he walks out everything perfectly and his obedience. Come on. This is about 1 minutes Disobedience all of Creation with I'm paraphrasing. The Boom is bad. And this is about 1 minutes will be it. Now we can all be justified. We can all be safe. We can all enter into still look she's saying that our obedience to him our love and reverence for lots of other people into their purpose and Destiny had there's not a lot of people living in their purpose and Destiny. It's because the church is it listening? How I feel a strong work now. it's because we're not listening with papa say We take on the form of godliness. We do the right things, but we don't have the right person we do it from man. But when we begin to walk with him, we do things different because we're not looking for Honor from them, but we're following him. I'm following him watch people into Destiny because I left my parents church, which is really hard. I grew up there you get what I'm saying? There was no attachment. There was my parents. Everything was attached. They're my family still goes there by the grace of God.
I walked into a different freedom. I walked into the unknown. I begin to the adventure. But I begin to move and start preaching to people everywhere I want. This is where I begin to minister to the office in Washington Braddock Lee born-again you ever going to Amish house is fun going to an Amish house with the dude with a full beard and hat and he's just like, what are you doing here? And we lead them to Jesus and they get baptized in the Holy Ghost. And then it happens again. I think you find yourself another Amish person's house doing the same thing. And then you start thinking about God. This looks a lot different than what I thought and you find yourself linking up with people who are not Muslims.
And then slowly start seeing. Begin to affect every other religious culture out there. if you would begin to leave behind what is what you value more than him? You wouldn't begin to live into an adventure with God because he's going to lead you that and that's he leaves you still take you far beyond where you ever thought he could. GM possibilities are endless. The opportunities are endless.
Story from two weeks ago. I was in a I got a guy invited me to come over Amish family and I'm telling you all the way down to I'm just going to share this. Okay, this is it. Plus I work for today. Let's go for I mean this guy's house with his family that born-again Believers and everything. We Gather hands and they asked me to look at me they said top what's this thing about the baptism of the Holy Spirit. How's it Go boy. I said you want to say you want to talk about things I want to talk about this. From the youngest child is like 10 or 8 years old to the oldest adult. There's like eight of them all together. They each grab a Bible and put it in their hands. I said good grab the Bible put it in I said because listen my words are no good, but his words are really good. And if I'm speaking his words and it's really good, but you need to know it's God's word. So we flipped through the scripture. I start sharing with them about the baptism all the way down to the eight-year-old girl. Who's the youngest baby getting to ask the Holy Spirit of the family starts shaking I'm telling you this.
To the point where the language begins to change from normal English and they weren't speaking, Pennsylvania. Don't feel a little girl who was like that but cops don't like me god. Wow the week before that at to Jehovah Witnesses. Came to my house. They said hey, what's this thing about the baptism of the Holy Spirit? I said man. This is getting popular.
ex Jehovah's Witnesses
You know the ones that believe Jesus is the archangel.
Born again, and now they want to know about living in the fullness with him during my house. I didn't know his wife had no feeling in her legs. I didn't know this cuz if I would have known that I would have prayed for healing right? I think God for the things. I don't know. Because when I don't know something I won't react in my own wisdom. I cannot rely and depend on him because those who are led by the spirit of God are sons of God. See there's something to be said here before we move in that story. You can know a lot about the Bible you can quote scripture. But if you do not know what God wants to do in that moment, you will lean on your wisdom of what you gained from reading the word instead of relying on the spirit and hits leading. Did you catch that? It's very dangerous to do that. Let me say why. You can tell someone the truth from the Bible, but if the spirit of God knows how to get to the person's heart. Telling someone the truth is good. I'm not saying don't do it. But telling someone the truth by the spirit impact a person's heart and soul and it begins to leave an impression of check engine transformation. There's a Grace on it. Turn my house and I'm like talking they grab a Bible couldn't tell you we can't let me see when we talk about this stuff. It's the Bible. They read it. They start saying that's what you guys want that they're like, yeah, I want the baptism. I said what you did right now ask God for the Holy Spirit the same way you asked for Jesus. Cuz you said if you ask the father for the Holy Spirit, he will give him you ever wonder what they were doing in the upper room. Voting Rome the Romans road. It wasn't even there. They weren't said. Oh Jesus come they weren't saying Maranatha, which means come in the Greek. Deuces wait until you receive power had a room but 120 waiting in sand Lord send the Holy Spirit. No idea what to expect. I want to tell you that. This is the first time it's ever happened to had no idea. I bet it feels like a sound like a mighty rushing wind came and they begin to my flame of a fire. On the moon to dance and they spoke different languages. And you might say won't tap that was a one-time to bed. I said have you ever heard about the Italians that got wrecked by Peters message? And if you ever do you know, I think the Apostle Paul was a highly offensive to people. He seems he's 11 men who are disciples and you know what he asked them. He didn't ask them. Are you save? He said have you received the Holy Ghost since you believe?
How expensive is that to some Christians?
Their responses believe in what? He talks to them about Jesus they get baptized and then they asked the part for the spirit. They gets laid and they start prophesying. Cause it's in the Bible guys still at my house. And then like we want it to go shake and Quake. Serious guys think someone like lit them on fire and the girls like the man starts manifest instantly. He starts beginning. He just starts beginning to pray in tongues and be in the prophesy. His wife is over here like
I thought Mike what's wrong. She's like I got feeling in my legs again. I haven't have feeling in my legs for over 3 years. Shipping is to manifest God's spirit start speaking in the language and starts prophesy and she gets healed instantly.
Enrollment date it says those who are led by the spirit of God are sons of God. God wants to make you Unstoppable but are you willing to get out of your own way so he can have his way?
This is I'm telling these are all true stories. Nobody here to verify it one day. They'll share with you the testimonies. This is just in like last week 2 weeks ago.
If you are willing to lay down Every Idle everything that hinders you every mindset that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. He is willing to give you his wisdom and Revelation so you can receive from him.
And that's when you become Unstoppable. Because you'll say the same thing that Jesus said to Peter. Flesh and blood has not revealed this into me, but my Father which is in heaven.
Has a Father revealed himself to you. Jesus said so clearly him that a bizon me and keeps my word me and my father will come and make her habit ation with them. Give a read that. What does that look like?
Cuz you wasn't talking about you going to have that he was talking about them Father and Son coming to Earth.
I believe it looks like this. I believe it looks like when you and everyone else around you. Are feeling a tangible presence of the Lord around you everywhere you go and it like I don't know why but there's something you're carrying that it's affecting me. I want it. What is it? And it gives you an opportunity to share. About who God has an opportunity to flow with his spirit. Is it always going to be praying in tongues now, is it always going to be prophecy now? Is it always going to be someone getting killed? No.
Could it be that kind words that he spoke to them or they were passing you by? Yeah, is it always just going to be like that? No. Sometimes it's going to be the words tongues and prophecy and healing and other times it's going to be. Your acts of service that you do. I'm just caring and loving and being that listening ear for someone.
And when you begin to flow with him. He begins to make you Unstoppable. He begins to make you firm in this area, and now you're never going to be shaking.
so with that being said I just Lift My Hands to Heaven.
But what if I told you have inside of you?
What you say?
So now I want you to put your hands on your bellies.
The Kingdom of Heaven is inside of you. Say Jesus.
I want you.
to reveal yourself
enemy and through me head up on me. More than ever before. let the Holy Spirit have his way. I give up my control. of my life and I asked you take control of it. every ounce
in Jesus mighty name
Hey, Matt.
How many people felt a little jiggle there, huh?
with that you guys