Good news/Bad news - Mission America
Good News/Bad News: Mission America (Matthew 9:35-38)
The Lord Jesus desires to pass through America. He sees our nation as we are— harrassed like a hunted animal and helpless with exhaustion. He gazes at the potential for abundant spiritual response, yet He assesses the paucity of spiritual workers. He feels for America a compassion that moves Him inwardly to the core. His solution—out of the deepest desire we are to plead God the Proprietor of the harvest to thrust out workers into America.
The Lord Jesus Passes Through America
The good news is that Jesus always desires to go throughout the land. This was His habit then in Galilee (4:23; 9:35) and today in America. He desires to go through America teaching where God's people gather, heralding the reign of God, and making people whole.
The bad news is that there are 22,000 sites for new churches/missions which will not have them unless we pray and provide.
The Lord Jesus Feels for America
The good news is that the Lord Jesus sees our nation as we really are, and He feels our national pain.
The bad news is that we are a harrassed people, driven, hunted sheep vexed and torn.
We are an exhausted people and the pursuits of our life have dropped us in our tracks and scattered us.
The Lord Jesus Prays for America
The good news is that the harvest is abundant in America. There is an abundance of human life right now responsive to the Lord of the harvest. The Lord of the harvest will send out workers in response to our genuine request.
The bad news is that the workers are few. What avails the abundant harvest if we lack laborers?