intro to blended
#familystrong • Sermon • Submitted
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i wrote up an intro that was about 5-10 minutes for this morning, and decided to scrap it because it was not going where I wanted it to go. It was about a very difficult subject and its messy and its hard and there’s no easy way to talk about it and I couldn’t get to the point I wanted with out a lot of setting up this thought to get to that thought to get to that thought over there to then finally end up where I wanted to land. So I’m going to start at the end.
Redemption, our God is a redeeming God!!!
22 I have blotted out your transgressions like a cloud and your sins like mist; return to me, for I have redeemed you.
11 For the grace of God has appeared, bringing salvation for all people, 12 training us to renounce ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright, and godly lives in the present age, 13 waiting for our blessed hope, the appearing of the glory of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, 14 who gave himself for us to redeem us from all lawlessness and to purify for himself a people for his own possession who are zealous for good works.
This is a theme through all of scripture
re•deem \ri-ˈdēm\ verb transitive
[Middle English redemen, from Anglo-French redemer, modification of Latin redimere, from re-, red- re- + emere to take, buy; akin to Lithuanian imti to take] 15th century
1 a: to buy back: repurchase
b: to get or win back
2: to free from what distresses or harms: as
a: to free from captivity by payment of ransom
b: to extricate from or help to overcome something detrimental
c: to release from blame or debt: clear
d: to free from the consequences of sin
3: to change for the better: reform
4: repair, restore
6 a: to atone for: expiate 〈redeem an error〉
b (1): to offset the bad effect of
Our God is a redeeming God:
Everything in your life that you feel is broken, destroyed, its been stolen, its been taken from you, bondage, or there’s anything that is beyond your ability on your own
Our God is a redeeming God
We are in a series called #familystrong
Strengthen families, healing to families, practical advice to families, grow, blessed, miracles where there was no hope
This and more all happens because God is a redeeming God, He is able to take families and marriages that are gone, broken, destroyed, shattered, outside of your control, and what ever else you can think of and God can redeem, heal restore, see victory and bless your family
Something that’s rampant in our world today in families is divorce and then to see blended families. divorce is one of the worst things that a spouse can go through and that kids go through. I’ve not met one person who said divorce was a great experience more should go through it. Fortunately for us divorce does not have the last word in our lives and our God is a redeeming God.
Divorce is ugly, divorce is messy, divorce is painful. Divorce is from the enemy of our souls. Jesus says divorce is really bad and sinful. Thankfully, those weren’t his only words. Because Jesus, our God is a redeeming God.
And for those who have been divorced I want you to know my heart is to see you as a person healed healthy and whole. This only happens completely with Jesus. If you want to see marriage again but don’t feel like its for you you blew your opportunity, I want you to know I believe that God is not done with you yet and that if that desire is still there, don’t give up hope because God can see you through and into an amazing marriage where your marriage can reflect God and his love and be something that is an absolute blessing for you and kids. If you are already married after being divorced, having a blended family, I want you to know that I believe you can have an amazing marriage and be an amazing parent that is filled with the love joy and power of God(if its not right now). And that you don’t have to be led and influenced by the pain of that divorce and brokenness and you can find healing in Jesus and see your current marriage and kids flourish by the grace and the redeeming power of our God.
Subject not easy
Who wants to remember the pain
There is healing for you
Who wants remember the garbage
There is healing for you
Im not married nor divorced, I do not know the pain you carry and will not pretend too. I just want to say that I know a somebody who can transform every part of your life when he gets involved and his name is Jesus. Jesus is so good.
Our God is a redeeming God.
One of the things that God redeems is marriage through blended families.
I can not speak on divorce and blended families directly so I’ve found someone who can and has and can speak directly into the heart of a blended family
If you are not blended and here today, you know someone who is, and can learn something from this. For everybody here today lets open our hearts to what God is saying to us so that we can see the truth that our God is a redeeming God
We are about to listen to a couple who are Lead pastors of one church Riverbank, Tracey and Shelley Traub. Pastor Cliffs son and Daughter in law. they shared a message in February on being blended and i liked it so much i thought we needed to hear it this morning. Lets listen to what God has for us.