Untitled Sermon
Religion vs. Christianity: What’s the Difference?
Religion vs. Christianity: What’s the Difference?
What does Jesus say about Religion?
What about other denominations?
Baptist Churches
When was it founded and by whom?
1612: John Smythe and other English Puritans form the first Baptist church.
1639: The first Baptist church in America established in Providence, Rhode Island.
How many adherents in 2000?
100 million worldwide (including families);
25-30 million, USA.
How is Scripture viewed?
Scripture is inspired and without error, the sole, final, totally trustworthy rule of faith. The standard Protestant canon is accepted. (Mainline churches vary in the extent to which they continue to view Scripture as without error.)
Who is God?
The one Creator and Lord of all, existing eternally as the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).
Who is Jesus?
The eternal Son incarnate, fully God and fully human, conceived and born of the virgin Mary, died on the Cross for our sins, rose bodily from the grave, ascended into heaven, and will come again in glory to judge us all.
How are we saved?
We are saved by grace alone when God imputes to us his gift of righteousness through faith alone (sola fide) in Christ, who died for our sins. Good works are the inevitable result of true faith, but in no way the basis of our right standing before God.
What happens after death?
The souls of believers upon dying go immediately to be with Christ; and, at Christ’s return, their bodies are raised to immortal, eternal life. The wicked will suffer eternal punishment in hell.
What is the church?
The church (universal) is the body of Christ, which consists of the redeemed throughout history. The term “church” usually refers to local congregations, each of which is autonomous, whose members are to be baptized believers and whose officers are pastors and deacons. Churches may form associations or conventions for cooperative purposes, especially missions and education.
What about the sacraments?
Baptism is immersion of believers only as a symbol of their faith in Christ. The Lord’s Supper is a symbolic memorial of Christ’s death and anticipation of his return.
What are other beliefs and practices of note?
Most Baptist bodies emphasize evangelism and missions. Church and state are to be separate. Baptists include both Calvinists (dominant in the Southern Baptist Convention) and Arminians (dominant in mainline bodies and the Free-Will Baptist bodies).
What are the major divisions or trends today?
Southern Baptist (15 million), a conservative body, are the largest Protestant denomination in the USA. American Baptists (1.5 million) and the National Baptists (5-8 million) are mainline churches.
Churches of Christ
When was it founded and by whom?
1801: Barton Stone holds his Cane Ridge Revival in Kentucky.
1832: Stone’s Christians unite with Thomas and Alexander Campbell’s Disciples of Christ. They have different beliefs in some areas.
How many adherents in 2000?
Perhaps 5-6 million worldwide;
3-4 million, USA.
How is Scripture viewed?
“Where the Scriptures speak, we speak; where the Scriptures are silent, we are silent.” Churches of Christ view Scripture as the inerrant word of God; Disciples of Christ generally view Scripture as witness to Christ but fallible. The standard Protestant canon is accepted.
Who is God?
The one Creator and Lord of all. The creeds are rejected, but most conservatives accept the idea of the Trinity.
Who is Jesus?
The Son of God, fully God and fully human, conceived and born of the virgin Mary, died on the Cross for our sins, rose bodily from the grave, ascended into heaven, and will come again in glory to judge us all.
How are we saved?
Churches of Christ: A person must hear the gospel, believe in Christ, repent, confess Christ, be baptized, and persevere in holiness to be saved.
Disciples of Christ: God saves human beings (possibly all) by his grace, to which we respond in faith.
What happens after death?
Churches of Christ: Believers immediately go to be with Christ and at his return are raised to immortality; the wicked will suffer eternally in hell.
Disciples: Most believe in personal immortality but not hell.
What is the church?
Churches of Christ: The church is the assembly of those who have responded rightly to the gospel; it must be called only by the name of Christ. Only such churches are part of the restoration of true Christianity. Each local church is autonomous and calls its own pastors.
Disciples of Christ have a similar form of church government but are ecumenical, and thus do not claim to be the sole restoration of true Christianity.
What about the sacraments?
Baptism is immersion of believers only, as the initial act of obedience to the gospel. Many Churches of Christ recognize baptism in their own churches only as valid. The Lord’s Supper is a symbolic memorial.
What are other beliefs and practices of note?
Many but not all Churches of Christ forbid the use of instrumental music in worship. International Churches of Christ teaches that its members alone are saved and is widely reported to strongly influence its members.
What are the major divisions or trends today?
Churches of Christ (about 2 million) are conservative, some militantly and others not. Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) (about 1 million) is the mainline church body.
Assemblies of God (2.5 million USA, historically white) and Church of God in Christ (3 million USA, historically black) are the largest church bodies. “Oneness” churches reject the Trinity.