Sermon Tone Analysis

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This automated analysis scores the text on the likely presence of emotional, language, and social tones. There are no right or wrong scores; this is just an indication of tones readers or listeners may pick up from the text.
A score of 0.5 or higher indicates the tone is likely present.
Emotion Tone
Language Tone
Social Tone
Emotional Range

Tone of specific sentences

Social Tendencies
Emotional Range
< .5
.5 - .6
.6 - .7
.7 - .8
.8 - .9
> .9
The Radical Changes of Down to Earth -
Going through the Gospel of John we’ve talked about religiousness
Religiousness focuses on what I’ve done in the past
What I am doing today
or even what I am able to do in the future
Everything I do is judged on the basis of what it does for me
The good things I do get piled onto the good side of my scale
and I start to convince myself and others that I’m a good person
or I begin to believe the lie that I am earning God’s favor with all this good stuff
Religiousness is one of many radical changes Jesus shows us by coming down to earth
by coming down to earth
The focus radically shifts from us to something beyond us
In , Jesus tells His disciples, “you call Me Teacher”
Jesus goes beyond teaching how to be radically changed
He radically changes us
Religiousness says to dig deep inside yourself to change yourself into the good person you want to be
Jesus tells us to look to Him
He shows us the path
I already mentioned, in , Jesus tells His disciples, “you call Me Teacher,” He continues that statement saying, “you call Me Teacher AND Lord.”
He radically changes what we expect of a Teacher and Lord
Jesus’ next statement in says, “If I then, your Lord and Teacher, have washed your feet, you also ought to wash one another’s feet.”
Jesus demonstrates radical servanthood in
and we are going to spend our time in all of this morning
Before we look at Jesus, the Radical Servant in
let’s pray together
Follow along with me as we look at Jesus’ example of humility as a Radical Servant in vs. 1-17.
This chapter is what the Gospel of John has been building to
Back in chapter one, John the Baptist pointed to Christ saying, Behold!
The Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world!
And now, the Passover is at hand
The Lamb’s blood will be spilt for the forgiveness of sins
The start of this chapter, all the way through chapter 17 displays intimate ministry from Jesus to His disciples
It is a series of important teachings leading up to His arrest and crucifixion
For this reason, the opening verses of chapter 3 presents multiple themes that will be introduced in this series of teachings
First, Jesus reiterates in vs. 1, His hour had come
If you recall back to last week, in , Jesus told His disciples that the hour has come for the Son of Man to be glorifed
Here, He gives more detail about the hour
His hour had come He says, to depart out of this world to the Father
He is continuing to march toward the cross
So, He will be teaching His disciples about His hour in the coming chapters
Second, still in vs. 1, Having loved His own who were in the world, He loved them to the end.
The intimacy of His ministry to the disciples in these chapters is first and foremost an example of this great love
Jesus’ love for His disciples is a driving force throughout these intimate chapters
And his example as a Radical servant demonstrates this love as well
But Jesus is also going to be teaching this heavenly love to His disciples
As we will see highlighted near the end of this chapter this morning
The third theme is presented in vs. 2, the devil put it into the heart of Judas to betray Jesus
We will see Jesus’ teaching on Judas the traitor
So these three themes; Jesus’ hour, heavenly love, and the traitor will be expanded on in the coming chapters
Love is the first theme Jesus expands
but instead of just teaching on it
He displays heavenly love
by being a radical servant
But look at how His humility is defined in vs. 3
He demonstrates the radical changes of down to earth
Because, as the Apostle John says, Jesus, knowing that the Father had given all things into His hands, and that He had come from God and was going back to God
Knowing all these truths about Himself
as He says later, He is Teacher AND Lord
He knows He is God
He knows the Father has given everything thing into His hands
He had come down to earth from God in heaven
to be a Radical Servant
He didn’t forget Who He was
or what His place is
He knew these things
and knowing these things,
vs. 4, He rose from supper
laid aside His outer garments
tied a towel around His waist
pause here just for a moment
don’t let the illustration of these actions be lost
He takes off His outer robe and replaces it with a towel
the garment of a servant
The gospel continues written very simply,
Then He poured water
and washed the disciples feet
wiping them with the towel He was wearing
He is not only washing their filth, but He is wearing it
He is placing it upon Himself
Jesus is teaching us that no one is above serving
He doesn’t deny He is Teacher and Lord
In fact, that is what makes His act of service even more profound
Then He gets to Peter
and we see a response that is probably not that far removed from our response to Christ
Lord, do you wash my feet?
Peter asks
Is this really happening?
The Lord has come down to earth
humbled Himself to be a radical servant
Jesus, did you really do this?
to make us clean?
Jesus’ response is a call to faith
What I am doing you don’t understand, He says
We don’t need to understand all the things of Christ
We want to understand, but Jesus is showing, His ways are not our ways
but we need to trust Him
Peter knows His feet are filthy
He knows Jesus is teacher and Lord
< .5
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