Spiritual Armor - The Battle of Peace
peace, human search for
Scripture teaches that peace is only found in God, but people try to find it elsewhere. A person’s desire for peace varies according to his or her circumstances.
The places where people search for peace
People search for peace in others Ge 5:28-29 See also SS 8:10
People search for peace in material possessions Ecc 4:8 See also Job 21:7-13; Da 4:4; Mt 19:16-22; Lk 12:16-19
People search for peace in God Ps 4:8 See also Job 22:21; Pr 19:23; Isa 26:3; Lk 7:37-50
peace, divine in NT
God’s ultimate provision of peace is discovered in the person and work of Jesus Christ. It is only through Christ that peace with God can be achieved and maintained.
Provision of peace through the Father
Peace in a believer’s relationship with the Father Ro 5:1 See also Ro 8:1,31-39; 1Co 1:2-3
Peace through the Father’s provision for the believer 1Ti 6:17 See also Mt 6:25-34 pp Lk 12:22-31; Mt 7:7-11 pp Lk 11:9-13
Provision of peace through Jesus Christ
Through Jesus Christ’s coming Lk 2:10-14
These OT prophecies are fulfilled in the coming of Jesus Christ: Isa 9:6-7; Mic 5:2-5; Zec 9:9-10
Lk 2:25-32; Eph 2:17
Through Jesus Christ’s teaching Jn 16:33 See also Jn 14:23-27; 15:3
Through Jesus Christ’s ministry Ac 10:36 See also Mk 4:35-41 pp Mt 8:23-27 pp Lk 8:22-25; Lk 4:33-35 pp Mk 1:23-25; Lk 4:38-41 pp Mt 8:14-17 pp Mk 1:29-34
Through Jesus Christ’s death Col 1:19-20 See also Isa 53:5; Mt 26:26-28 pp Mk 14:22-24 pp Lk 22:19-20; Gal 6:14-16; Eph 2:13-17
Through Jesus Christ’s resurrection Lk 24:36 See also Mk 16:4-6 pp Lk 24:1-8; Jn 20:19-21,26-29; 2Co 4:14; Heb 13:20-21
Through Jesus Christ’s ascension Ro 8:34 See also Lk 24:51-53; Ac 2:33-39
Provision of peace through the Holy Spirit
Through the Holy Spirit’s inner witness 2Co 1:21-22 See also Ro 8:14-17; Gal 4:6-7
Through the Holy Spirit’s presence Ac 9:31 See also Jn 14:16-18; Gal 5:16-18; Rev 22:17
Peace as the Holy Spirit’s fruit and gift Gal 5:22 See also Ro 14:17
Behold! on what sure foundations his happiness is built whose soul is possessed with divine love, whose will is transformed into the will of God, and whose greatest desire is that his Maker should be pleased. O the peace, the rest, the satisfaction that attends such a temper of mind!
Holy Spirit, and peace
The Holy Spirit brings a sense of well-being, contentment and wholeness to believers whatever their outward circumstances. Peace is therefore an indication of the Holy Spirit’s presence.
A tree common in the Near East, with soft, sweet fruit which can be eaten fresh or dried. The fruit was an important part of the diet in biblical times and the tree was symbolic of peace and security.