Jesus Begins His Ministry (Knowing Jesus)

Knowing Jesus  •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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By the end of this message, we want students to know that Jesus loves them exactly the way they are, but He loves them too much to leave them there.


Knowing Jesus and His life changing love.
I want yo all to be warned. I dont want this to sneak up on you at all. I dont want anyone to think I am playing games with you when it come to what my intentions are. There are 2 things I want you to know.
Jesus loves you so much. He loves you right where you are and He loves you just as you are.
He loves you so much that He wont leave you there.
You see, God sees all things in the present. God sees the past right now. God sees the present right now. God even sees the future right now. Here is what is amazing about God’s perspective on time. Not only does God know His plan, but He knows what your life can look life living WITH Him.
There is actually something happening in the world we live in that is really dangerous. This idea of people NEVER CHANGING. The world is beginning to defend itself from God and God’s plan. People have started to separate themselves from God’s plan because they think it is really important to stay the way they are.
We hear things like “If you cant accept me the way I am then I dont need you in my life.” We also hear really popular sayings like “Im not changing for anybody!”
These are really good when it comes to peer pressure, BUT not when we talk about God’s will.
Here are things we dont need to change for other people
Our hair
The brand of clothes we wear
Our personality
Those of us who are shy
There are quite a few things that make people feel like they are not welcomed into God’s love.
One day, years ago, I was giving a student a ride home from church and my student had a lot on his mind. He began talking about one of his close friends at school who was gay. He went on to explain that he didn't think it is fair that christians want to change him. He said that
People who just keep messing up
People who are struggling with homosexuality
people who struggle with lustful thoughts
people who cant keep bad thoughts out of their heads
Here is the thing, no matter what the struggle is, Jesus loves you. No matter how bad anyone is, Jesus loves them NO MATTER WHAT!!
There is no one on Earth who is outside of GOd’ love. There is nothing that can separate us from GOd’s love. God Has a plan for everyone. EVEN IF SOMEONE IS NOT FOLLOWING HIM, GOD HAS A PLAN FOR THEM. The thing is, tho, Jesus loves all those lost people too much to let them stay lost. Jesus loves people EVEN THOSE WHO ARE NOT FOLLOWING HIM, BUT HE LOVES THEM TOO MUCH TO LEAVE THEM LOST. He wants them to know that He has a plan for them and He wants them to follow that plan.
I want you all to catch onto what I am about to say here. GOD HAS A PLAN TO CHANGE US, BUT THAT DOES NOT MEAN HE DOES NOT LOVE US THEY WAY WE ARE. THAT DOES NOT MEAN HE DOES NOT LOVE US WHER EWE ARE. He just loves us SO MUCH that He is willing to step into our lives, and help us out of our mistakes and into an amazing life WITH HIM!
We were all babies once
Think about this:
We were all babies once. There was a time that we were all completely helpless. We were diaper wearing, bottle sipping, nap needing, crib sleeping, babies and we couldn't do much on our own. When we were babies, we had someone look after us. Our parents took care of us to help us grow. As our parents help raise us up they loved you so much, but they knew that you were not where you could be as a baby. They knew that you had so much life to live.
THANKFULLY, our parents didnt say I love you, but I am never going to let you change at all. I am never going to teach you anything new. I am never going to stop you from doing anythign. I am never going to help you get better, or grow. NOPE! I am just going to be here with you while you grow. If you play with a knife im just going to let you, Im never going to potty train you, ill never teach you how to walk, ill never teach you to talk. Nope, ill just leave you the way you are.
That would be so bad!!! You would still be wearing diapers, you would still be crawling around. That is not what your parents did. They knew that that there was so much more for you so they helped you change and grow a little bit at a time. They helped you walk, talk, run, eat and use the bathroom all by yourself. Because they didn't leave you the way you are, you have grown into these awesome people you are and that is still happening. they are still helping you grow into the next steps of your life.
This is the same thing with our heavenly Father. since before creation, He has love you so much. the moment you were born He loved you. Even right now He loves you. But He loves you so much that He wants to keep helping you grow into all that He has planned. He doesn't want you to be like a spiritual baby.
We see this love as Jesus invites the first disciples to follow Him.
Matthew 4:18 ESV
18 While walking by the Sea of Galilee, he saw two brothers, Simon (who is called Peter) and Andrew his brother, casting a net into the sea, for they were fishermen.
Matthew 4:18
Matthew gave a description for these men that fits into how we see people. It was descriptive of the present. These men, Peter and Andrew, were just fishermen. Thats all they had ever been. Thats all anyone saw as they walked by. Most people walking by who saw them fishing just just thought: “there goes a few more fishermen”. There were LOTS of fishermen around so these guys were not doing anything outstanding. If anything, they would have blended into the many other fishermen by the shore.
Thats not all Jesus saw when looking at them. As He looked on He saw all that they have been through. He knew all that they are and all them makes them who they are. But He knew all that He created them to be. He knew that greatness of all that the Heavenly Father had planned for them since before creation. He knew it all.
He knew that He had a specific plan for Simon to use His excitement for life and direct that excitement for a life WITH Jesus. He knew that He had a plan to use Simon to preach the gospel, To be very close friends with Jesus, start churches
What is one way that Jesus has changed you since you started following Him?
What has jesus been teaching you lately?
How has he been challenging you?
How has He been inviting you to follow Him in new ways?
Pray and ask God to show you HOW to follow HIM like the disciples did, then look for Him to answer that prayer.
What was the Bible passage that we learned about today?
We talked about two men who Jesus approached. What did they do for a living?
They were fishermen
What did Jesus say He would turn the two men into who He met?
Fishers of men
What was the challenge from the message?
Pray and ask God to show you HOW to follow HIM like the disciples did, then look for Him to answer that prayer.
Finish this statement: “Jesus loves us exactly the way we are, but He loves us too much to...”
Leave us that way
We used a comparison today while talking about spiritual maturity. We said that a person who does not mature spiritually is like a person who does not mature physically. What did we compare people like that to?
What was the name of the first disciples who Jesus called to follow him that we talked about today?
Simon/peter and Andrew
What were Simon Peter and Andrew doing when Jesus approached them?
Casting their nets
WHY did Jesus call the disciples to follow Him?
Because He wanted to save them and use them to lead people to follow Him.
We cannot have a relationships with Jesus and stay the same. Why does Jesus change us little by little.
Because the more we get to know Him, the more we become like Him and follow His plan and not our own.
Bonus: What does it mean to be a fisher of men?
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