The Real Deal
1. The Art of Deception
2. The Gift of Discernment
A. He was imprisoned often (11:23a).
B. He was whipped times without number (11:23b).
1. He received 39 lashes from the Jews on five occasions (11:24).
2. He was beaten with rods on three occasions (11:25a).
C. He faced death time and again (11:23c).
1. He faced danger from flooded rivers (11:26b).
2. He faced danger from robbers (11:26c).
3. He faced danger from both Jewish and Gentile mobs (11:26d).
D. He was stoned once (11:25b).
E. He was shipwrecked three times (11:25c).
F. He spent a terror-filled night and day on the open sea (11:25d).
G. He traveled many weary miles (11:26a).
H. He spent sleepless nights (11:27a).
I. He knew constant hunger and thirst (11:27b).
J. He was often cold and ill-clothed (11:27c).
K. He experienced harrowing escapes (11:32–33).