Overcoming Rejection
Sharing with ladies how to overcome rejection and accept what God has to say about them, and and be restored
Welcome and Opening Prayer
Ice-Breaker - “Rejection rejected” hat (game)
Defining Rejection
Rejection is the act of refusing to accept or consider a person or thing that is not wanted or not approved.1
— When you experience rejection, you feel unloved, unwanted, unacceptable.
— The Greek verb apodokimazo means “to reject as the result of examination and disapproval.”2 (apo = away from, dokimazo = to approve)
— Jesus felt the pain of rejection. The Bible refers to Christ as the “Cornerstone”—the vital, the most essential stone of a major structure—yet He was the cornerstone (or capstone) the builders rejected
To be rejected and to reject someone
To be rejected is to be cast aside, cast off, cast away—to be thrown away as having no value
To reject someone means to despise, refuse, shun, turn away from
The Greatest Rejection
Jesus felt the pain of rejection. The Bible refers to Christ as the “Cornerstone”—the vital, the most essential stone of a major structure—yet He was the cornerstone (or capstone) the builders rejected.
“The stone the builders rejected has become the capstone.”
(Matthew 21:42)
Good news - Jesus Overcame - the Gospel
Overcoming Rejection
To reject someone means to despise, refuse, shun, turn away from
Negative Core Belief
Negative Thoughts
Negative Feeling
Negative Actions
“I have to have the approval of others.”
• “I’m not loved.”
I Feel Rejected!
• Rejecting others
• “I am not significant.”
• Bitterness toward others
• “I’m not accepted.”
• Judging others
• Withdrawing from others
Wrong Belief:
“Because of being rejected, I feel so unloved … so insignificant … so unwanted. My life isn’t worth anything!”
Right Belief:
I do not like being rejected, but I know my worth isn’t based on whether or not others reject me but on the fact that the Lord accepts me. Jesus not only loved me enough to die for my sins, but He also lives inside me and will never leave me nor forsake me.
Negative Core Belief
Negative Thoughts
Negative Feeling
Negative Actions
“I have to have the approval of others.”
• “I’m not loved.”
I Feel Rejected!
• Rejecting others
• “I am not significant.”
• Bitterness toward others
• “I’m not accepted.”
• Judging others
• Withdrawing from others