Inside Out
Sermon Tone Analysis
Have you ever heard the phrase, Music to my ears?
Music can be a very contoversial subject between believers-
Music reveals a great deal about who were are and what we like.
Have you ever considered your diet of music
Christians can even vary on music
Does it matter what type of music I listen to?
Does it affect Me?
Why do we listen to music?
Music can bring us closer together or further apart.
Let’s look at four qualities of the type of music we listen to and make some convictions about what it is that we listen to?
Be strong
The word dwells means a place where something resides or feels at home.
It the Word reside in you or is it just a quick Sunday fix.
Is it in one ear and out the other or is it applied in your life through meditation and memorization.
It dwell in you richly-means abounds is very extravagant.
What could you always have more of? A pool of what? Wouldn’t that be awesome applied to the Word of God.
You crave godly music because you desire the Word of God more.
2. Be Sensible
If it is in you it just has to flow out of you. It’s just natural what goes in then must come out in a teaching way.
We shouldn’t study just for knowledge (learning) but for the application of knowledge (living)
If our learning des not affect our living then we have really missed the mark the tow have a symbiotic relationship. Living for the temporal or the eternal.
For Ezra had prepared his heart to seek the law of the Lord, and to do it, and to teach in Israel statutes and judgments.
3. Be Strengthened
Music is something that strikes with us I usually don’t come out of a service humming a sermon, but a song.
Music prepares my heart to worship and receive the Word of God.
How does describe a person that need confronting?
Music that ministers
song for the hurting due to loss.
song to focus on the cross.
song to focus on the Grace of Jesus.
Thankfulness to God.
Prepares me to preach the Word of God.
4. Be Spirited
Sometimes I do sing Mechanically. We are one in the Spirit! But other times sing Wonderful Grace of Jesus it makes my heart cry with thank you Lord.
God has cause a song in your heart because of all He has done for you!
Don’t limit yourself.
With a song in your heart that comes out and now with deeds that represent what you believe.
What you do!
This cover it! What we do! Our actions come not from the outside but the inside. How do we diagnose the inside? By what comes out Remember
Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.
I Corinthians 10:31
Who you do it for-
Our actions should be inseparably linked to the Christ we believe.
Bring Christ into the Conversation. Not easy.
Your coolness is hold you back.
Be an ambassador of Christ
Now then we are ambassadors for Christ, as though God did beseech you by us: we pray you in Christ’s stead, be ye reconciled to God.
Follow Christ in His example.
We are to be the Visible Icon of the invisible God because that is what Christ is.
Identity is in Christ not you or who others think you should be.
You recognize God has the source of your identity and you thank Him for it.
So many little things and big things.
Thank Him.