BBBI - 2019.10.02 - PM - Forgiven & Commissioned with Salvation (Gen. 45)

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BBBI - OT101.4 - Genesis IV  •  Sermon  •  Submitted   •  Presented   •  51:23
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May we, like Joseph’s brothers, take the good news of the Lord of the land out into the world of our day.

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Well, we're continuing our studies here tonight in the Book of Genesis chapter number 45 Genesis chapter number 45.

I had something occurs. I was studying getting ready for this message here tonight. I know I must be on the right track because multiple commentary.

Make sense into this message. But as of this passage this chapter in the book of Genesis lends itself to what I'm going to share with you tonight a very expositional way now, there's a story in the backdrop and we've been tracing the story of Joseph. And as we left off last time, I almost regret it almost regretted having to leave 40 chapter 45 opens. Kind of helps us feel have maybe some of you felt all week long and cannot contain himself any longer. there's so many practical things that we can learn and glean from the life of Joseph and how he responds to the situation the plight of his father and family in this passage all the way down to even practical things in our life such as When is it the right time for adult children begin to make decisions on behalf of their parents as they reach the older years and even little things like that we can glean will take note of how Joseph does that here in this passage. And why is it moving his entire family 45 you find out why my wife and I never have all my family. You know, I'm talking about The Beverly Hillbillies moving to Denver here. I have all my family from the backwoods of Georgia ever move to Denver. I think I'm being sarcastic. Okay, one of those things that God did for our family my wife and I and our children is removed from our family our immediate family. And so that really have forced us as we develop our own family unit here in Colorado and in Pensacola where we began our family together, but Joseph has been removed from his family for 22 years now. Guess what they're all moving down to go. And so what are some of the interpersonal problems that that can come up? I don't know the Bible doesn't really talk about many of those going through the furnace of Egypt together in the persecution that they said that they eventually faced there because that is where God people take with him as some 70 souls or so and then when God would bring them out of Egypt, they would no longer be a Bedouin Nomad people. I don't know if Never gone down to Egypt according to God's Providence and plan. I wondered if so what we know of the Israelites would still be like today. We saw their black covered fence and that's that's a special kind of by the way and large tents veterans are still there. And then we would have never had on the nation of Israel had they not gone through the fires of Egypt and all that they did for God to make a mighty nation of them versus here. I'd like to study with you tonight with the time we have we're dry your tension really down 2 verse 24 because I think this will give us a good place to hang our mind on what's around this verse And the reason I choose this verse is because of the phrase at the end of it. I don't want to leave you with. This kind of encouragement for me and an encouragement for you as we consider the expository thoughts that are here. We hear Joseph's words to his brother's so he sent his brother away. And they departed and he said unto them. See that ye full not out by the way Lord. I pray that you will help us to do just that. May we see in Joseph our Lord Jesus Christ tonight. And thank you for the truth that is here in these vs. And God made it encouraged us to know what we have for the Forgiveness of our Saviour to know that not only have we been forgiven in our sins are washed away under the blood, but you have reconciled yourself Lord. We are no longer a 10.

And God, you've also given us a Great Commission to go for it and share the good news that Jesus Christ is alive He Is Risen Lord. I pray that you would help us to walk by faith and not by sight and help us to make the application and his name. I pray. Amen. Amen.

The level of what is going to emotionally connected empathically to Joseph. I do believe it'll give us a little glimpse into maybe how they might feel. I usually try to bring work with me to the airport cuz you never know what'll happen in the airport. I thought I was going to be there for an hour or two in one to be there half a day or a day or overnight or something like that and I've seen are in The Concourse, you know inevitable and they're coming out. They just I don't know I shouldn't stay here. But I like to watch people are coming up.

We got into the place where they can make it through security and you know how you can only go so far in the airport and I used to be different before 9/11 actually meet people at play. Maybe you know, you got the weather holding signs with the family name and now they got their rides. All right, we'll think about maybe somebody that's coming off the plane looking for family reunions, that would be as they first get side of each other and the recognition takes place in the change of the years know, maybe they haven't aged at all maybe but just that connection just that connection be able to see them.

And for all these brothers know and for what Jacob knows for sure Joseph is as good as dead. I thought they'd never see him again. There's no other Kingdom. There's no other Empire in the world at this day and time that even compares to the nation of Egypt, especially since the famine has struck now and so think about is as Jacobs me ready to be reunited here with Joseph after 20 years. How would you feel if someone brought a message to you that the sun you thought was dead for I think you would be as stunned as Jacob was get this picture. If you would know this is a Bedouin people. Jacob is a humble background and how many years of his life is he working all known as are the Seals in the in the tools of his trade and that Joseph is going to send for him now getting a little ahead of the story, but I want to know where we're going for him. He's going to make a stop and beer Chevron on the way.

Dug a well in his granddaddy dug a well older and show his chops at this place and God shows up in a vision one more time for Jacob. It says you're going down to Egypt because it's part of my plan don't hesitate to go down and take your family with you. And so that's just confirming that what Joseph is observing from Egypt land about the Providence of God. Jacob receives that message from Jehovah himself and he knows now you have this better one farmer. From the backwoods of Canaan coming down to the Metropolis of Egypt built structures that even compared to the Great Pyramids of Giza even today we Marvel and I've never been there in my hero of in Cairo and maybe some of you visited their I don't know but I have read and when they found his twin brother was buried with and so here you have the sparrow with Joseph at his side and he's seen on an Everything You Touch in the Memphis area.

sheep farmer coming in and enjoy

as the Bible says the last is blessed of the greater. I think that's accurate to say and so Joseph is being used by God to fulfill a greater plan that will span even Beyond Joseph life and Jacob spay and Joseph spaeth are simply summarized in this I could be buried here in the splendors the beach if I could be buried in a tomb like 10 Common. I can be buried with all of this treasure in all of this Earthly wealth, but Jacob make sure that Joseph promises him. Don't bury me here with the kings of Egypt tattoo. I've got a place with the sons of Heth with my granddaddy where my family is very be there with our people and so here it is. You know, Jacob could have just been left in the sidelines and an in kind of in the shadows as Joseph the Prime Minister Joseph didn't do that. I think it's interesting how Joseph honored his dad and was and was in a sense proud of his dad on his own to well. You did pretty well to get from Canaan to Egypt. So I will say that I'm doing half as good as he is when I ask is a very grateful for that. Is set before pharaoh? and Joseph Joseph has been introduced him to the king of the world at that time the king of Egypt. He's going to have pharaohs blessing realize how do we get to the place where Faith Comes site? How do you lay? Hold on that? How do we make that Journey from Canaan promises all his promises. How do we see that fulfill? Well, we back up here to Genesis chapter number 45 and we think about this reunions that's going to take place. And again as all these commentaries of pilfered my notes. They can take this outline to do whatever they want to with it later on. I kind of happening here and it just confirmed. I feel like we're on the right track here tonight. So I stand in good company. I supposed to hear a word.

First thing I would point out to you here one commentator said that the righteous can discern the God works the evil plans except for the theme that we're going to encounter in Genesis chapter 50. I believe this is the beginning of art of our thoughts wind direction because of the evil plans of humans. How evil is this world? How evil are those around us and how bent towards wickedness can people be old would let me tell you I believe God can work all things together for good to them that love him to them who are the called according to his purpose and a way to summarize.

an aspect of compassion and this compassion is a revelation of the Lord's forgiveness compassion a revelation of the Lord's forgiveness. You feel like I'm taking a little too much Liberty with the text. I'm using this outline to help us think about Christ the Lord she is described as the lord of the land work as hell. And so, let's see how God has to show us the same truth compassion. Was it compassion that allow God to reveal himself to us. To show us that we have been forgiven as well. absolutely, John 3:16 for God so Hello the world Jesus Christ when he walked this Earth he looked on his people and he saw them as sheep having no shepherd. He was moved with compassion. It was compassion passion to three passionate his heart for those that were lost and he said and so true Joseph I do cheese and that there's a sense of compassion here as he of the Lord's forgiveness and Justice 45, it's Joseph's forgiveness. But an argument I'm we tell people about the Lord's forgiveness so that they can be right with God surprised and so notice first off the identity is confirmed as we see this compassion unfold Identity confirmed in de Provence affirmed and so the identity being confirmed with a person refrained himself for all them that stood by him and he cried cause every man to go out for me. I don't know how how he would have said that with his everybody in that room knew we better get out of here because there's something that's that's happening. It's so Joseph everyone around him clear the room except for the brothers. And why would you do that? I think it's to protect them more than to protect him because here he's been working graciously with them in their heart that could be noticed that there was a difference if there's another instance in this many years. What is Brothers will get and so it's just another confirmation that their heart truly is different. Now as Joseph blesses Benjamin above all the others now instead of 5 meses. Yep, and we're going to bring that back up to instead of 5 meses who gets five five sets of clothes before he gets a whole new brand new wardrobe for the week and they only and Joseph just blesses Benjamin as they are reunited and so he he cry is caused.

Give himself known unto his Brethren over the state of Jerusalem, and maybe we think of how the Western Wall think about an oriental custom Oriole people on how emotionally Howard they are, you know, if I'm an introvert so I try to keep things to myself. I bet I am an introvert. I really am I grew up an introvert and I'm the most socially backwards person. You could probably ever meet. I don't know why God would never call me to speak publicly. It's crazy. But I promise that I would do it if he would do it through me and so I thank him for that great because I don't even know why anybody ever listens to me.

Suddenlink has Joseph is here. Think about think about the oriental people that are so emotional Crosman exorbitant with their emotional display and sometimes maybe get in our space a little bit as Americans, you know, we like to have our space. So if we go to Israel will their very outgoing and so think about this is Joseph just can't refrain himself anymore and how loud this would have been in order for all of all the Pharaohs people. He's already gotten everybody out of there and it's so loud is weeping and he's crying with his brother. He wept aloud in the Egyptians in the house with the other to the courtyard and Joseph said and his Brethren and I noticed in your text. The word is supplied for smoothness of translation. There's no there's no which also shows us its emphatic. This is a way that Joseph is just can't refrain himself. I am Joseph Can you imagine? the face don't look as Ruben is picking his job of the floor and simeon's needs begin to knock and Levi's. Okay, by the time you get to Benjamin, he's not as bad as all the time and still not know who he was it was unknown. Everything begins to come back and they are speechless literally that's that's with the verse says here. They they don't even know what to say. They are dumbfounded with this isn't done that to Joseph and Judah steps up and he says we're getting pretty close to Halloween here at the end of this month. Maybe you can maybe you can imagine some of the terror that because you just try to ring the doorbell. And we'll be holding something in the bushes Here Comes Joseph out of nowhere and they are terrified. He sends notice how he's not even thinking about himself. He's asking about his father.

Has he already asked them and confirm that before? Yes, so he knows but he does want to confirm it here with them. I don't think he's asking for his own benefit as much as what he's trying to do to help them realize that he's not angry of them. How's Dad? It's me. How's Dad trying to get along with this sat game? He's been playing in a potting stuff in our bags. Just wants to make a splice the Pharaoh for the rest of our lives will never get a house. That is Dad a lot yet live the first time that you'll find Joseph using that phrase my father. You don't see it throughout the whole account until once he's down into Egypt until he gets out of prison and he's under pharaoh and the Lord bless him with two children Ephraim and Manasseh. And for one of those children's names. He says because God has made me forget all my Toil and My father's house. And so here Joseph passed. How's my father? Does he get my father yet lived in his Brethren could not answer him. Maybe they're trying and nothing's coming out of their mouth.

Okay, that's my best acting it's terrible. Noticed they were troubled and his presence. Trouble on the inside terrify what's going to happen here? Our sin has found the found this out we are done for Joseph is weeping over his Brethren. This is the third of five times that you'll see him weeping over his brothers chapter 42 and verse number 24. We saw chapter 43 inverse number 30. We saw it here first number 14 in first number in in chapter 15 verse number 17, and you can also compare chapter 15 verse of one Joseph weeping for his brothers and weeping over his friend. His identity has been confirmed. It's actually him. Oh, no, we're in for now Joseph moves right into this next that I gave you in that he can pee affirms God's Providence. So we see not only his identity confirmed Providence a perm first number for and Joseph 7 to his Brethren come near to me. I pray you.

Yeah, come near there's an invitation. And I came here and he said I am Joseph your brother. He hasn't forgotten by the way, what did he tell them? He's sold into Egypt. I remember. Yeah, I'm going to let you forget. I'm not angry. And forgiveness. I mean he forgave them before they ever even came to Egypt but he also remembered and so we say forgiving forget. That's a great phrase. I'm not betting that we should forget and if we understand what we mean by that then I'll go with you on that. But can you really forget? Sometimes it's impossible to do think about God. Can you really forget anything? No sew the scriptures used specific words on purpose and then God doesn't forget. He chooses not to remember he remembers no more. And so while we might not be able to bring it up again. We can bury that always West infinitely East is always East infinitely so far has he removed our transgressions from us? He'll never bring him up. It doesn't mean he doesn't know they didn't have I need some never use them against us because you put that on Jesus Christ by faith. We have forgiveness through his blood and all those organs the ridings that were against us are washed and we can stand before him clean and righteous. And so Joseph is already forgiven that he has not forgotten and he also assured them now therefore you don't have to be hurt by this you're going to be okay. I don't have it in for you. Either be angry with yourselves. Don't kick yourself sleep off. It's time to move the past is the past and he says. You sold me hither. Don't be angry that you did that.

Explains to them for God did send me before you to preserve life. You sold me. God sent me. See the perspective that Joseph has he's wise man and he can see how God can use the evil plans of others to work things out for good. So they had a lot of growing to do two years. He says God sent me before you preserve Life as a different word, by the way about preserving of posterity later on preserving life for these two years has the family been in the land yet. There are five years in which there or Harvest Moon word. We're hearing were cutting the straw is not going to be any of that. He says for five more years. As this is amazing to think you sold me. God sent me a providential control providential moving and so as we think about these lines said it's like this. She said these lines are magisterial theological Declaration of Divine Providence. What we don't mean by that is that Joseph is sitting his brothers.

so Jesus accepted his betrayal as the cup that he'd asked father. Let this cup pass from me. Nevertheless. Not what I will but what time will that be done accepted that come from his father? Because he knew there was a joy that was set before him for enduring the cross and despising the shame. He put it in the scales and he doesn't even it doesn't even compare with the non-existent and he was able to Donald grey barnhouse used to be on the radio and and that he said he summarized it this way the jealous hatred of Brethren the dreams of a youth the passage of a caravan Caravan Bound for Egypt the preparation of Joseph by life of adversity Ender of pharaoh and the imprisonment of his dreams of these prisoners in the change of rainfall in Cycles by the flood in failure of the Nile. Level elevation. Joseph were brought about by the supernatural in order to fulfill the counsel of his will.

The natural occurrences being used super Naturally by God to bring them to this point.

The Book of Proverbs tells us in a roundabout way that our heart makes plans but the Lord is the one who establishes our steps we might devise a way but the steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord and he delighteth in his way And so our steps are from the Lord. And how can we understand our way? question by the by the book proverbs and so everything happened according to God's mercy and according to God's grace and we see first off there's compassion and that has Joseph gives a revelation of himself. His identity is confirmed and he also affirms the very providential hand and moving of God revelation. God revealed himself to us in the Book of Romans Romans 5:8 tells us this but God commendeth his love toward us in that while we were yet sinners Christ died for us and that Christ would come and do that for us is a revelation of the compassion of our savior and that we don't have to worry about the sins. We commit against against ourselves and others around us relationships. In fact the first two Commandments deal with the first a relationship.

And our relationship with God is only made clothes and repaired by what Jesus Christ did for us. We are reconciled through the Forgiveness we have in his shed blood now as we transition and move into this next thought to show you how the brothers have moved from this revelation of compassion. They're looking at at the future and they're there to get help for their family and their to Bear the responsibility.

And again, I'm kind of using a play on words. There are in the responsibility of the commission. Have we been commissioned with the Kings message in Pharaoh's going to give them a message to and he's going to command them to go back home and bring the Memphis Area. They can have the land of Goshen themselves and don't have the very best that we can provide. What is the command station for salvation here if Jacob doesn't bring his family down in poverty. And that's not what God wants for the promised people know he promised that he would multiply them and that they would explode in a population explosion one day. How can that happen? If they're living in poverty on the backside of the area of when there's nothing there and they used all the resources.

There's an invitation for salvation. Joseph says the first number 9 lowercase Lord of all know. She'll be her old is a long time. By the way, let's dial in the household and all the Dow has come to poverty and behold your eyes see and eyes of my brother Benjamin that is my mouth and speak text message back to Dad. Can you shall tell my father of all my glory in Egypt and have all that you've seen and you shall haste and bring down my father either Goshen the name means unsettled and so far in Egypt. It remains chapter 47 verse number 11 kind of helps us get a clue as to where this is in the lay of the land of Egypt. If you turn over there you'll read that it's the land of the ramseys we mention King Tut earlier Ramses Dynasty. The Hyksos kings of Egypt. This is very fertile areas would be a place where Jacob to bring all of his flocks down and they'll have plenty of Pastors. In fact, they're going to fare so well down there in a gross hold them all and farro eventually when they're Rises.

Hey Rose going to be concerned because they're multiplying so quickly. The land of Goshen is going to be very good to them. And this is also part of God's Providence. So you have the time that we can date, you know, throughout history. There's about four hundred years between between this time of of the Pharaohs and pixels coming in. So put this on the time of Joseph and Moses respectively and we can document that proves the Bible. It speaks to the validity of the historical record of scripture. And so we go to the Bible.

So this reconciliation between the brothers that was only possible. Sir, Joseph suffering and through everything that he went through there. Let's not let's not forget about that and he mentions tell Dad about my glory we think of the Lord Jesus Christ and that he is our King when he resurrected from the dead and the Splendor and the joy and the glory that he has other things that we will through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. One of the commentator pointed out as well as Stevens message. I thought it was an interesting point when Steven was preaching before he was martyred for his preaching in his faith pointed out to us leaders that a similar thing happened to Moses. The first time that Moses came and tried to deliver the people of Israel his people they rejected him. And it should what will you kill us? Like you did the Egyptian Heideman sand?

And when Moses returned the second time they did receive him. I'm a dispensationalist. I believe that God's not through with Israel. That one day is real will receive their Messiah when he comes again just like Moses was rejected. The first time Stephen pointed out to those religious leaders. So was Christ rejected the first time that he came and this was all done by the permanent a council and foreknowledge of God that Jesus Christ is coming again. First Exodus They will receive their Savior and he will deliver them from the evil of the Antichrist and and Satan's clutches. And so this is a picture through Joseph and through their time in Egypt God delivering. It's all the pictures.

Bible says they that look upon him. They that pierced him look upon him and they will whale and they were more is a realized with what they did to Jesus verse 16 to 24. We are very encouraged by what the brothers do here to take the good news out to our day. So as we see the fame thereof was heard in Pharaoh's house st. Joseph's bread or coming please play real well go and go tell those that are on the brink of death and destruction and they get to take this news and keep the invitation and live now that preaches itself doesn't it? This is really easy message to preach the gospel.

The brother going to take that back and they are going to be ambassadors of the king's message and Joseph reminds them see that you don't fall out by the way.

Also want to point this out because this was interesting to me. It says it after he fell on their necks and wet with them wet with Benjamin and then right down the line of these brothers to go through that's a lot of

Let's go back to Dothan Baird even converse with him. But now it's just a little simple phrase Joseph topped with his brother. Is he God can repair and restore and he can mend a broken heart. So Joseph is sending his brother's away with a message of Hope with a message of Revival.

I think many of us do that as we take the message of our team. We get busy in the way of it. So many things coming to her mind keep us from Brewster to Ian that said for Joseph also when he sent his brother to bring their father to him and call away. We are people of the way the truth and the life and so let's see the full not out by the way because if we will not be weary in well-doing the promises scripture reap if we faint not if we saw this message before faithful to deliver this message of Hope as this passage comes to clubs and that is thirdly confession to see is really easy message to preach here tonight. We have the first part of it in compassion and the revelation of the Lord's forget. We have a commission given as these men bear the king's message and the responsibility to get that message of Hope and get that out to those who leads to confession and there's a reception and Revival from the word of faith a reception and Revival from the word of faith.

Jacob responds like many atheists like many agnostics today. It's too good to be true. There's a lot of people that are very confused and they're just as skeptical as Jacob is when he hears word from his son saying Joseph is alive. You guys are lost her marbles. I don't believe in Soul as they begin to bring things forward to present to Jacob to say no.

Look over here. See this here consider. This here jokes is really is alive. It begins to sink into the report and he moved from belief. He moves to Faith that he hasn't seen Joseph has to take their word for it. They were the ones who brought a coat to indicted Bloods figure this out because they were afraid that Richmond and I just want to try to bring all this. There's no reason why It's no reason why he should believe anybody listen to someone who's a center.

Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God as we bare the news. What is the new Grand the most was the truth that Joseph lives. And the best moves the greatest music that we have to tell people is that Jesus Christ is not here. He is risen and the good news is that he lives. That is the message of Hope for today that he has conquered death and the grave nourished to have all of our there's more Beyond this we don't have to die in the famine. We can make it through until we bare the good news 25 and told him saying Joseph is yet alive and he is governor of

And our Lord is alive and he is the king of kings and Lord of lords and we were Joyce in that notice what happened passed out his heart failed him. Cuz you can't believe that's too good to be true to tell me all about heaven.

Too good to be true. No, it is true and it will believe it. Then we'll have the same kind of hoped that Jacob is revived with here notice. Not only the bearing of the good news with hearing by faith. The bearing of the good news is that we can come to him for salvation. Joseph says Dad come on down here and you come I give that's how this whole thing works. Joseph tells his brothers. Tell my dad you come I give Jesus today offers the same thing and he offers it to anyone who will come to him to stay out. And so he offers ideas. That's how the Lord Works Royal invitation and sobers 27. They told him all the words of Joseph all the what are all the words of Joseph faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Words which he said them and when he saw the wagon when you read the gospel accounts and you see the Miracles of Christ indisputable, I witness accounts that is fully verifiable will stand up in a court of law words shall not pass away. And so we can show the same kind of things the same kind of evidences. And so noticed what happened the spirit of Jacob their father revived when people really get the good news and they realize Jesus Christ lives they can before they can see the kingdom of God because there's repentance and faith that work together to bring people to life. So this Royal invitation for Joseph near the end of 210 brother's birthday to remind Kristen the Divine Tom and I will give cows and such terms of welcome and challenge but historically this is a turning point of a different kind long for tolls back in chapter 15 verses 13 through 16 God for told at this very event the beginning of a phase of isolation where they're foreigners in their alien, they're going to multiply and they're not going to lose their identity. All part of the god of the promise of God eventual bondage Deliverance that God's going to bring them out that was produced of people Forever After as the redeemed of the Lord let the redeemed of the Lord say so far voice as being called by God. What a message we have was closed with this thought to wrap it all together the message of a changed life the message of Transformations a message of a blessed eternity a message of love a message of blessing a message that everyone needs to hear a man. a message that every redeemed Soul can tell A message of compassion revelation of forgiveness from the Lord a message that we are committed to carry a commission that's given to us and a message that perhaps just might lead someone else to a confession like Jacob to agree with God at his word is true. And that yes, there is hope for life. Our message is simple John 3:16 our messages powerful Romans 1 16 and 17. Our message is clear Acts chapter 16 verse 31 from Darkness to light. Our message is life-changing 2nd Corinthians. 5:17 old things are passed away behold All Things become new our message must be told if I preach not the gospel. Let's take this message of Hope in life to lost and dying.

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