Why People Don't Believe and the Call to Believe
John 12:37-50 “Why People Don’t Believe and the
Call to Believe”
Oct. 6, 2019
As you listen to the Sermon today, try and answer some of these
questions to contemplate the meaning of the text and think about how
it applies to your life.
1) Vs. 37 says that even though Jesus did several amazing miracles in
the sight of many Jews, they did not believe. Did that mean that
Jesus ministry was unsuccessful? Why or why not? (see vs. 38-41)
2) We are accountable before God to believe, and yet this passage
also says that God hardens hearts and blinds the eyes of some.
What should our personal response be to that? How should this
affect when we respond to faith in Jesus?
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3) What does it mean that if we believe in Jesus, and see Jesus, we
have also believe and see the One who sent Jesus? Is it possible to
believe and know God apart from Jesus? Why or why not? (see vs.
4) In vs. 46-50 what reasons are given for why Jesus came? What is
your personal response to that? Is it encouraging and if so why?
5) How should this passage affect the way we share faith in Jesus if
we are trusting in Him?
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