The Power Belongs To God

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Standard Hobart, okay, but we're going to believe that everything. transformation

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

Thank you.


So don't eat nothing if you still have to do this.

1 days a year They never told me you have to work with so many Christians miss the opportunity when it's a savior to save it past me and I don't have to say so meaning.

Does not give you the excuse it is the word of God. So I'm asking that you in the name of Jesus the one who died for us up for us and worship center don't have the address and I would love for you all if you're not busy come and help support this ministry as Barracks following their Pastors in Wednesday night's are asking everybody directions out to you.

Good news Translation Bible Psalms are not your thoughts that are your Bible verse 8 and byways. I'm not your way. You said that declares the Lord. The house and then say it and your neighbor didn't say this is what God is saying to each and everyone of us just as the heavens are higher than the earth. So a my ways higher than your ways and my higher than your thoughts. Rain and snow come down from the sky. They do not go back again until somebody shout until they wore.

Sprout so that it produces seed is what I need.

Is like the rain and the snow if you had read first 10 and fill them in your spirit this but I will help you. It will not come back to me without results.

Whatever I want whenever I send it to.

Declares the Lord has the rain and the snow come down from heaven and do not return to it without watering the Earth and making it fun at Florin so that it yields. So is my word that it will not return to me empty but willing and the purpose for which I send it.

Eugene Peterson

The way you work isn't the way I work. As far as the sky Shores. So on the way, I work surpassed the way you work and the way I say, it is beyond it away as the rain and snow doing their work of making things growing. So will my words that come out of my mouth will not come back empty-handed. Will do the work. I send them to things and they'll completely assignment.

I have the power.

I found the spirit riches and more into it. That was now.

And the essentials of what you've already intended for to do somebody is looking at challenge.

Is waiting on the rain the rain is falling right now.

how to repair


attention to Christ

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You got the power the power to keep things in spy or a good year calendar. Man's calendar and the year 5780 5780 is a depiction depiction or picture means to pay. Big names to open a gate and further it needs to open your mouth with wisdom.

So then next decade that's how long this season is going to last for the next decade. Whatever you say out of your mouth is what you're going to see.

Whatever you say out of your mouth is what you're going to see. 780-119-5780 is the time when you need to keep your mouth closed. And only open it when you're ready to create.

What are you know what I'm not? You either will use your mouth to create or destroy.

Are you listening to me? You're either use your mouth to build. or to tear down

You either use your mouth to begin a thing or end?

You would either use your mouth to strengthen.

You're either going to use your mouth to restore or to demolish.

He's going to use your mouth to recover or forfeit. I hope you listening to me. You're going to use your mouth to establish or terminate. You going to use your mouth to manufacturer or tear down?

Job, 22:28. Since this morning now shall also decree a thing. And it shall be established unto thee and the light. She'll shine upon her. I weigh. The ESV version says you will decide on a matter. It will be established to you. Light will shine on your way. If you have your Bibles turn to Matthew chapter 16. verse 19 You need to stick Close to You Bible this morning. Matthew 16 night

You got it. Say I got it. And Jesus said I will give unto thee. the cheese to use the cheese

Of the kingdom of heaven so I can look at them and you got several keys on that ring. Look at it real close with every King that you have open.

God says I'm going to give you the keys to the kingdom that whatsoever. Watch this you bind on her in heaven and whatsoever the Earth shall be loosed in heaven.

But you have a lot of your mouth to be used for.

and how

thought about what do you use your mouth for and why?

Let me know let me know.

fascinating muscle and without it

I mean we wouldn't be able to taste the pleasurable Foods. We wouldn't be able to taste the spices of a sweet sour or or or or or we would not be able to taste anything without.

It is allowed to shake it off, but it is allowed to shape. What is y'all to shape our thoughts? The tongue is it it it is allowed to shape a thought from the mere sound that you hear me sound that's made on specific words that stated.

Words words are which are useful in expressing genuine emotions or temperature information. Or important information pertinent information. Are you listening to me? A world would be Doom?

Tommy Tom's are you listening? House of our tongues light Tempe sabotage 10 billion selected artones reveal one other thing about it.

different meals in a person when Ben tells Who You Are

You don't have to have a mirror. Listen to me. You don't have to have a mirror. Just listen to yourself. You don't have to look in the mirror. Just listen to yourself and it will reveal who you really are. Think about it.

Dips into the whale of a person heart.

How long is a bucket that dips Into The Well of a person's heart, they're mine. And then some someone wants don't break my balls.

Sticks and stones will break your bones hard enough and words will crush your spirit will assassinate your character.

all of your games

look what it says about all it was so small.

3 + 67

that it can quickly get out of control and Destroy anything in its path.

I want you to think for a few minutes about the Tower of Babel God's word being used in your mouth. The power of the word of God be used in your mouth how many people that I want power. I want the power of God, you know what they never get it never get power. Let me show you what I'm trying to Jeremiah Jeremiah 23, Jeremiah 23 28 want to show you Are you there? Old Testament, Jeremiah 23:28? Let the one who has my word speak what? like or Faithfully first 29 says I filled your Bibles turned out yet.

Jeremiah 23 You got it get in the first 28 let the one who has my word speak. What?

Thankfully somebody speak what I heard. Somebody say light OK and burner 29 said is not my word like what I hired player Civil War and like a hammer that breaks into pieces. I think about the word of God and my hammer. Can you can you picture that a hammer drives home a nail to gain positive results? Hello, as we say this word is like a hammer that can you break down obstacles that you can overcome a negative.

He said speak God's word. Tell your name. It's not your birthday.

Exhausted and all kind of positive things will begin to happen.

three times Jesus spoke to say it three times in Matthew chapter 4 turn their real quick. He said it is written. He said it is Satan has he has he has devices but Jesus said he said it and it didn't. Ain't No Grave, but he didn't say that. He said it is what everybody say six 1:46 if he was Son of God, he said throw yourself down. Jesus said what? first time he says I'll give you all of all of this. I will give you if you were what Bow down and what and Jesus says but it is ripped to hear me. There is great power. In the spoken word of God. I said, there's great tower in the spoken word of God your words have some power. Don't cry.

Are you listening to me? I'm not powerful as God's word. When you speaking God's word through faith cuz it but I got to have faith and I got to believe what God word says. I got to believe what happened.

Let me see the description it is written. power but the power

so get in the year this year 5780 needs to pee in your mouth with wisdom to building a case to show you that if you begin to use the word of God. And not your words you going to see Miracle Hallelujah Psalm 62 verse 11. Somebody shout the power belongs to God. Psalm 6 verse 11. Are you there? Don has spoken once. Twice have I heard this? What is a sign that the power what God has opened? I've heard but Power belongs to God.

The great reservoir of the power that belongs to God is in his word.

in the Bible power only way to get it.

So many people have the power but they don't bear any fruit in their life through chapter 8.

Chapter 8 are you there? I don't regret. I say I'm coming back but I got to show you something. All right, I haven't lost my mind. I haven't lost much least. I don't know exactly where I am. Chapter 8

Did somebody just read that out loud?


what's the matter?

I didn't hear you.

Where's the seed? Where's the sea?

Tell your neighbor it's time to create.

live in the Overflow

I'm trying to help you. And this is what he says.

That's your problem. You think I think the way you think you think I work at the way you were? I think God is on Monday.

Search for S far as the sky soaring high above the Earth. So is my way and I worked to suppress the way you were. The way I think is beyond the way you think. Just as a rain of the stove descendants from the skies and don't go back until they doing their work making things grow and Blossom farmer and food for the hungry show. Will my word that come out of my mouth what God is saying will not come back empty-handed until they do what I sent at 4 to do believe that assignment that I gave it.

I need y'all to read verse 11 altogether read it again.

How do you spell independent?

Something inside. So will the words not come back empty-handed they'll do what I sent them to complete the assignment I gave the word is heard and obeyed the redeemed of the Lord shall be free from their bondage.

It is not a mark of wisdom to try to second-guess. Because God ways and thoughts are far beyond our comprehension. You sound think the way you think I don't operate the way you operate. I don't work the way you were and I'm telling you that says I'm telling you my ways are soaring above the Earth the work that you do anything. You may comprehend. far beyond that.

Listen listen

We all of us we have made after after after the image of God. I want to show you this and we all have concluded that when God made us and made us in His image. He gave us something that we can do. But before you turn something else 5750, I want to show you this are y'all with me? Yes, praise the Lord Psalms 50. First 21 I don't get the verse Hallelujah.

Are you there? You have done all of this and I have said nothing. So when you thought watch this is. So you thought that I am like you but now I will reprimand you. Make the matter plane to you. Got to let me correct you let me get you together. You thought that I was a fellow you can't pull down to your level.

When God comes down that's what we ought to be bracing ourselves and said thank you for visiting us that he gives us a glimpse of who he is. That's what he says. I don't think the way you think I don't operate the way you operate. power of His word password is what a c is going to limit. Let me let me go back and read something again. Just as the rain. I want to hear just as the rain and the snow. Is sand from the sky don't go back until they water. They're doing their work of a making somebody say making things grow and Blossom my mouth will not go back empty-handed until they are sent an accomplice and complete the assignment which I gave them just as the rain and the snow are never wasted. What are cockroaches purpose? So his word will never fail. All pass away but not one. I ordered two of his word will fail turn the Isner chapter 42 touch a single 55, Isaiah 40. I want to show you the word of God. Will never fail. Are you there, Isaiah chapter 40? Somebody say I got it first eight.

the grass what rivers and the flowers but the word

the word of God what?

You Ain't Seen Nothing Yet

The snow on the mountains is a source of water for the wonder why I said rain and snow.

Thank you and sometime when you come down sprinkles. Sometimes showers. Are you with me? And sometimes it?

What you saying the snow? Daughter calls if if the rain don't watch this if the rain doesn't come down.

He is working to complete his word. She says snow will fall from the sky and it'll do what I asked. water kefir

I got some water so it up somewhere. Turn the water the rain comes down and the Raven represent. represents the holy

the life of God

And I have I'm glad I have the Holy Spirit.

He said the raid on the stove. They do one thing they're only assignment is to find a seat.

Only assignment is so watered the Earth and make it blurry. And if there's no seed that, it won't learn only assign it is to find a c and make it produce.

If you took to make it do so you can see it. illustration that the rain comes down to make the produce the rain is water can make them produce the rain that's not create somebody.

Does not have shaped ripped, but it has the power to make them produce.

No rain, no, see no see.

Old Edward no mirror y'all sister. I don't know. I don't know if you're able to see it or not. But the sea which is the word of God is alive a seed headlight.

Physical senses are incapable of judging whether a seed is alive or not.

You I cannot see Bill Smell taste the life of a seed. There's only one way to prove if a seed is a lie. planet

a seed in best Nitro sitting in a sack on your shell machine is broke.

Bible the word 811 the word of God, it will not be sitting around you walking around it until you open it up. Somebody asked for the rain.

the best way to plant the seed word of God

speak the word of God life the word of God into your life.

So kind here because hearing is good the song but it does not produce hearing does not produce. Bountiful Harvest and speaking the word for yourself turn to Romans. 10:10 speaking God's word with your mouth is essential. And as we speak the word of God, we are planting seeds in a heart for the Harvest Harvest to bring everybody.

Salvation, whatever you need Jason and shake your head. So you got to open your mouth and say it is much smaller than the plant that it produces about it. Is much smaller than the in the plant that produces that the seed will never be greater than your Harvest.

is power in what you say when you open your mouth and Speak life cycle in this life turned her Genesis chapter 1 Genesis chapter 1

Beginning it says in the beginning what God created the heavens and the Earth and the Earth was without form and the spirit of God moved on the face of the water in first recess. Set it.

Does smoking. Said it has the power to?

things that bored with somebody and anything that chaotic

Spokane to it and brought it. God has the power to do it. That's what I'm excited about your situation and bring you life and life.

Why do we have to speak well in flat while we got to say something?

Into the Dark Void unshapely situations You ready for this? You really want to know why? Find out how much your Tim is it you.

Stop and then you know how much with himself and then you don't listen to him is in you so if you got him in you. if you stayed chaotic typical

Situation the word of God will give you power to overcome when it charges anymore.

Genesis 1 verse 26 27 28 29 you got got to keep up with me.

Are you there? Let us make man. an argument after our likeness let them have dominion over the fish of the sea the power of the air over the cattle over the Earth over every creeping thing that creepeth so God created man in his own. in the image of God created male and female Hallelujah created and works 27

y'all ready?

Multiply and replenish the Earth and subdue it and have so many mm are Seabury. Hello somebody which is upon the face of the Earth and every trees and everything is in which there is fruit of every tree year released. Dial show what is shipping for you? Miss that.

Dominion God bless them. Let them have dominion and said be fruitful and multiply and have dominion.

God said it has given us properties. He has and that's why he said let them have dominion over.

He said be fruitful and multiply so will the next 10 years. I'm telling you open your mouth.

and tell X because you got the same property that God has said let them have the intent of *

What's 23?

23 / 23

Duane Reade

Do you have it?

like 10 verse 19 verse 19

since God is not a man that he should lie. Neither the son of man. Hold on. Hold on y'all. This is the Old Testament prophecy is not a man that he should lie. Neither his son. Who is the son of man? Jesus Christ that he should repent and change his mind that we change his mind.

He shall what? Shall he not do it? Or he has spoken it. Channel he now what? Is it good? That means our God said if I said it I don't care what somebody else says, but you got to make sure you got a here buy here.

Life careless words what you releasing out of your mouth still hated and then you got to know that every word you say out.

37 winding down here Matthew

all words

Lord help me get through this ass real quick and help me.

Are you there? Matthew New Testament? Are you there? 37 got it.

Bad words Thou shalt be justified by the word thou shalt be what he'll bag of you. You're the only one that could do that you see that.

Go to verse to keep your finger in Matthew. Don't don't lose it.

Proverbs 6

do you have It reversed to it said thou art snared with the words? Kool Smile.

Close your mouth.

You are you are snared by the words of your mouth? How are taken with your own words your own word. Go back to Matthew 15:11. I know some of yall said ouch ouch. Ouch the word of God one who says the word will make you free. It will come and liberate you Hallelujah, smashing 15 + 11. I need you to see this it is not what goes That defiles a man.

The mouth that defiles a man, but what?

The man that defiles a person through a John 15 and 7. 15 + 7 Hallelujah

Are you there? 15 and 7. Are you there? I still hear Pages turning on. Jonathan pitre cell

this is it.

You abide in me and my words?

Shelby Union

when you said in Genesis When God Says in verse 26 in the cattle over the herb over the Earth over the Earth and every creeping thing that God has given us dominion over everything he created. Anything is his everything and we operate by speaking and saying what God says. The minions are are dimensions in this world. I need you to hear me. I need you to really hear me.

I'm tore. I ain't got no money.

Quiet because you have spoken into world that are now with a once you have spoken it for you.

You open your mouth and you holding that Porter you open that black hole. Are you? And you spoke it and now it's looking for you. I just as soon as they say I'll have none they don't have it. I am rich I am I got more than enough reality reality. I'm speaking it into existence. He said well, how can you do that? Because the worst said I have been given dominion over everything of the catch up with me

by speaking and saying what God Said. Said that you liked. So I'm giving you the power of the word speak in that would be creativity.

Terminate the world that I've given you Dominion.

Everything and it's whatever you do with it is coming back to you.

John 6 and 63 I got to show you this. never show you this justified by your words or damned by your words and you need to hear me you either going to be Justified or you going to bring us there to your own self? 6 and 63. Are you there? It is the spirit.

The rain is what light.

Nothing in this the words. He says that I speak to you. Are what spirit and light so every time you open your mouth speaking? spirit and Light

Despite his Word is Alive. They can seem like this Bible since it is not likely. It's likely it is not our lives there and you could get in to see if you got to see your whole situation changed.

Well, thank you. Shut your mouth.

You can change your help your mindset about your money your marriage and peace. If you can change your voice of God what he said when he started with his daughter.

Genesis chapter 2

word light Spirit and life in spirit and life is worth the spirited life every time you open your mouth. Genesis chapter 2 Genesis chapter 2. Are you there? I got to show you this position response a Clipper guide. and the Lord God formed man from the Dust

Alvin Brown and she what into his nostrils the Breath of Life what women shelter?


Your mouth to strategize a fine solution. The Bible said God freehand man nostril.

By every word you say and your words are too important your words are too important.

cheap cheap

You can say it. unemployed

Rocket Man lyrics

dictate with when you

dim the word Santa Cruz chapter 4 chapter 4

Hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 Hebrews chapter 4 verse 12 for the word of God is alive and active sharper than any two-edged Sword and the spirit and Merrill. It judges watch the show the thoughts and the attitude of the heart. Can I tell you that there was a woman who / 12 long years have been sick. From Doctor to doctor have used up all her money. I wish I wish you would the Bible said that she annoys. Was out from where she was as if anybody could not be in the mist of people. she said to herself

She didn't. And wondering and bellyache and blaming other people Bible says.

True heart sound is right now. She opened her mouth.

Say it and she said she want me to do.

It is snowing in his life.

Send it. So we'll just word it will not come.

We are.

Sean Young

This is frame. I don't know. distance over here

this word will be spirit and light in their life. another negative word

or snare their circumstance, Austin

Remember this word?

I'm not believing God your word.

Thank you.

Spirit life

we have the power.

We thank you that the power.

in the mighty name of Jesus put your hands together.

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