Mini conference on HOW TO STUDY
Like to thank you Mom kids for coming here today. I'd like to thank the use I'd like to thank the parents for bringing your kids and your things in this mini conference or I'd like to at the Arlene and David for hosting a c r o c Pastore on that ass spray nozzle home later on on a long-term basis that would give us a call and we can use the site from the worship service now, you know.
the title of this of this conference is how to study
I know I'd like to go to the very heart of studying an awesome orchids. I know we have some preconceived ideas when it comes to study and a cernius know how I would like to make two disclaimers. Number one my wife and my three kids are here and in saying or in giving you this message on go. And how to study I am not saying that we are there. I'm not saying that we need this message just want as much as you need it. And also I am preaching this for myself person foremost. I am preaching this for my wife and for my crickets, so, you know also by distinct by teaching this to the parents and the kids. I am not saying that I am I was agreeing grapes to them. I graduated University, but I cannot say that I am proud of my grades. Okay, and I am a parent that is worthy to be emulated. But I am not perfect. So I am not the focus here. The focus here is for us to study the word of God what the Bible says about studying. I struggled as a student. I learned the hard way. I was a working student full-time working student full-time. I have the full-time work while at the same time. I was studying full-time when I was in the University. And I learned some of the things that God that I'd like to share with you as well. What's icon suspension doing them now in Depot and I am still learning and when it comes to education and about an hour more or less than an hour and then after that I'm going to ask how are used for teens who speak of their experiences. I gave them some questions that they need to answer and some of this are what is the most challenging part of your studies here in Canada. And how did you get buy? What are the failures? How did your study or how did your parents impact your study? How did your peers in fact every Sunday? And if you are going to talk to your grade-school cell grade five, let's say The great 5 L. Joy that great find Ashley. What are you going to tell them? Okay, so if you have some questions and we encourage you to do so, please note them down. We will have our open forum. Okay, you know where message? The people as I've said is how to glorify God how to glorify God in my studies from you pee and poopy and be a blessing been blessed are blessed with parents who went to the university and finish their degrees or degree While others have parents Who Made Who barely made it through High School the back some of us had the opportunity to go to a good University some of us have in some universities. But regardless of our academic background, we all have different ideas and different cultures and approaches when it comes to our children's education. And most of these are based on our experiences that shape. Gay, I mean, he's not enjoying the Amero impact volume. Sorry there you are going to pass that on to your kids or you will be more strict your kid, you're learning of your culture was here. I know you don't experience. I believe none of us here so I can say that I started but I am a failure at some point and I believe that most of us are see ourselves. I'm talking about the balance and see ourselves having a measure of success. Okay, if you are going to compare yourselves and then I fear your work may not directly related to what you have at some point. You can say to yourself. I have accomplished a lot in the back by the grace of God the problem with this kind of thinking is that these experiences because of the so-called sense that we have we are going to use that or not then approached. Nothing learning nothing and Hobbit and The Foreman attend during our student days to having my kids and I mean
Now let us look at the reasons how we motivate our children. You probably would scare you would have heard yourself saying this mechanic.
So you can be successful someday. Okay. Okay, another app to maximize your potential.
Study hard to get a high-paying job and buy whatever you want.
Sam Adams Summer Ale and Matthew do not finish the school and not get a degree or diploma and I will provide for your education.
Autumn apagaran car to send you to a good score
or it's a horse. You are blessed here in Canada with a good school with a privileged life where we came from.
Nike was stopped in the Philippines. I was not given the same chance as you are now enjoying if I can hear myself.
Also Pizza. Beanie Chelsea. Okay, we heard this thing's say them to our kids. They're not bad in themselves, but we will see later on Monday. Okay some of these results as I mentioned if we use them as the primary motivation to our kids. We are not only sinning against God, but we are setting them up to the pattern of the world. Okay, even the unbelievers especially in our culture as Filipinos have used this and are still using those the Bible says in the Romans chapter 12 verse to do not be conformed to this world conform to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind that by testing and what is the will of God what is good and acceptable and perfect. No to extreme experience when it comes to the children number one is we could easily fall into an expense when it comes to the issue of our kids.
Number one, we will be too hard on them. How do we express? This focus on their grades did the Braves become the measuring a lot of their performance order failure Dana before the kids? Stop during breaks that The Mother We tend to compare our kids. You don't need to raise her hands.
But their siblings to their neighbors to their classmates to their friends. Where we compare them to ourselves when we were at the beach?
Orem thought we play guilt trip to them.
Or sometimes we let them achieve where we have been.
Or near our academic up bring we make them more if we make them that we are good parents and we want this to be reflected in their great young seagull.
There's no problem with being proud of our kids academic performance test, but if we make them our identity.
Volume extreme example, but the thought is we can be we can warn them out in their education exasperate your children. One of the ways to exasperate the goodness of Education can be used in a performance of their kids.
the extreme or in through the the other is fine of leaving them by themselves.
You are not go behind.
Or let him learn the realities of Life by Colton court experience.
I do not want him to push for her. I do not want to push her or him to hardside. You can send him to enjoy his studies. Let him learn at his own face on his own initiative and grades are not important. So I do not measure.
Phoenix Avenue, and kids let me have the responsibility before. Okay, I want you to look at your studies in the perspective of what the Bible says and in the perspective of that. The Bible says we need to glorify God in every aspect of our lives and this includes education for Education God is going to is not about your grades not about what you are finished. But God is going to ask you one day where you supposed to be in your studies.
We probably are students in the Saints but we will learn more about God day by day after day, but we only have one shot in this lifetime. And this is it. Okay for parents. We are accountable macaroni to the physical and intellectual well-being of our children, but also their spiritual nights, we know they're okay, but the part of studies incorporating it into their spiritual life. I got things that church we are bad, but the thing was a quiet time when it comes to their studies and he's earned them. Whatever. We want them to be part of the primary key to our children's education. We need to be involved in the academic life of our kids do not need this to their teachers. Look up this according to survey an average student will spend fourteen thousand hours for Sleep hours when they go to the Braille 14000 hours that they are studying in 14,000 hours are being seen.
The student body can we say honestly that these are God glorifying individual vanilla is the spiritual well-being when it comes to their academic life.
Have you ever wondered what kind of motivation the teachers are using to motivate? Our kids are teachers motivate you to study?
Edwards okay on the pot Stars
adv.1 what I can welcome to Calgary.
The new Cedar corporal punishment for bribery, okay.
Our children spend an average of 6.64 hours a day in school under their teachers who are very likely and vinegars. Okay with the wind danger Nila how many hours or minutes? Are they spending the winter quiet time? How many hours in addition to the 6.64? How many hours do they spend praying to God being instructed biblically by us parents in our homes. I am pretty sure it is not more than one hour everyday probably one hour a week and I want to see her because I mentioned earlier. You will someday piece that he will ask you whether you are faithful to him in your studies or not. This is reality students. You want 64 hours that you are spending in the classroom. You probably are present in the class. But if you are doing something else during your class hours, you are sinning against God gay and ring your studies. I am not only talking about you getting a good grade or passing your exam or tweezers. I'm not talking about not making trouble or being sent to the principal's office. I am talking about your relationship between you and God of what the Bible or what we should do in the Bible. one power we can approach our school actually what university School near motion close but not not the word like the word that we have now, but there is certain principles that we can gather on how to glorify God on how we can approach our studies. In the Westminster catechism the first question that they ask is this what is the chief end of man? And then they answer this man's Chief end is to glorify God and to enjoy him forever. That is what what does the word Chief and mean what is the highest goal of man? What is the highest goal of our kids? What is the highest goal of a scrotum? What what is my ultimate purpose for my kids. We are making a mistake to educating a sinner like you are just making our kids as educated sinners. Now. What can you do them and to buy them in their academic nitrous parents and you kids what kind of attitude should you have to glorify God? The owner got in your studies 1st Corinthians, 10:31. The Bible says so whether you eat or drink, whatever you do or whatever you do do all for the glory of Life do all for the glory of God. We are not in some not in most areas of our lives, but in everything that we do the eating and drinking are the habitual things that we are doing.
that's what the point of this verse. Okay, what does it mean to the greatness of God's Splendor? Okay, beautiful in the Old Testament. It means the dignity means the owner brace and the worship of her again. Is the glory So if I am what do I mean there by glorifying God in in my studies? That means praising God in my education raising that in my does it mean that I need to sing about I need to worship God before an exam know at the back of your mind the purpose of why you why I am spending is because I want to give you glory to God, I'll explain it later mileage is greatness and give him honor bike racing him and worshipping him primarily because he and he alone deserves to be praised and to be honored I Am to Worship. Is the whole essence of God's glory essence of Glory by Migo defying God to glorify God is to keep him or give him praise and forgive him admiration in your exams are grade your performance in school. Now I'm going to answer the question why before I'm going to answer the question how number one because I am the Lord. That is my name. My glory I would not give to another so no other nor my praise to Idols alone. God is the God Alone. There is no one like him. There is no one there was no one like him and there will be no one that has no competition and he sat apart.
Stop saving work in my life has no other person in my life died for my sins. No other person in my life by for my sentence 1st Corinthians, 6:22 or 6:24. You were bought with a price so glorify God in your body what you are now glorify God in the skill that you have in the time that you have in the opportunity that you have. Number 79 do I need to notify God because of his blessings towards us?
Omaha Lululemon
we were born. Okay and look at us now is nothing compared to I don't know. How long is the blessing of the Lord in Revelations? 4-11 worthy and. Receive glory honor and power for you.
we are going by got to be parents. Okay, not all people have been blessed with this kind of responsibility. And with this kind of privilege. I am pretty sure all of us here are thankful for our kids and hopefully you are enjoying being parents.
Okay, but me and enjoyment is the calling I'll be on the enjoyment is our calling after this after this lifetime opportunity we are. That's it. But this is a glorified God in you being a mom and you being a dad to that the students in high school or whether you are calling at this. This is your calling at this point in life in your life. Okay? I don't know if he will ever have a chance again to study in the University. Probably our second Mueller graduate school later on. This is your shop. This is your only shot. If you are going to take a four-year course, therefore you are to give your supplies now.
How can I give glory to God number 134 gun? Can you repeat this with me study for gout? Can you do not study for Mom? You do not study for that you study for God and I'll be nothing but Nina 1st Corinthians 10:31 the weather for new all for the glory of God even your education.
What does this mean? Okay, you need to involve God in your preparation going to school.
Oh and you're one of them. Come on.
Toby do you wake up easily?
sometimes on Saturdays
call David you wake up easily. Come on, how many times do I see? That's my mama or Papa wake you need to wake you up before you get out of bed?
How many come on be honest?
That means you need to glorify God in the morning before you even the guessing app for okay.
Okay, that's good.
That involves preparation that includes our attitude towards the school that includes our glorified event in your waking up in the manner that you wake up first and snoring the mama. Okay, how else preparation for school when you listen to your teachers in the Bronx?
gay even aspirin Square the things we buy
When you talk when you play with your friend's dad is asking you God is commanding. You could not invite him relationship with your friends. You're choosing Who Your Friends Are? To bring glory to God and Satan before summer Bible study, When you review when you do your homework you need to study for Spalding is not only the time that you spend in school studying if The Hobbit studying is the things that I'm doing to prepare for my quiz to prepare for the next day.
Cinema 10 in Sunday school or at home when your prey at night. Being a Christian you kids you think of something to do with your behavior in school need to be involved in your studies. Okay, even after noon on Monday.
beyu parents name on your parents indeed
Friday's excited because God has a purpose in God has a plan for you. So I want you to ask yourselves kids. Who am I studying for? You don't need to answer this to me, but I want you to understand this. I want you to search your heart. Who am I stopping for a couple who am I doing it for? indiahoma pallone Papa
R&B my Galaxy mama or not. We need to bring this into our children's mine. I don't care who got no heart and I know who study for God Proverbs chapter 22 verse 6 Napa child in the way. He should go even when he is old. He will not depart from you. We need to train them this habit so that the author of studying for God is embedded so deep into their lives so that when they worked later on in their own careers, they will work for them. They need to we need to teach them to involve God in every area of your life. Number one nursing responsibilities and encourage them to study for God to work for God later on. Okay, another saying it opens their eyes when they are starting for God and God is seen when they see that they are there being blessed by God or a relationship when they bring the glory to God is three in the early stage. So we need to teach them to
Have you ever try this to your kids?
or an apartment
Give me the number.
If you pass a pain.
Get on Hakuna Benito 8 by the ocean a subpoena peanuts in wot in our lives now is not always true that if you work hard you will always get the reward. I mean in the Earthly sense. Nissan Murano oil capacity when we work hard in our work we get the same pay as the first one next one who's not working very hard for not that hard to buy. So we are teaching them materialism. We are oriented airport or we are teaching them to be worth. At least. I know what to expect something when they work hard. Nothing big or whenever. NBA but do not use it. I am thankful to God for what he's doing in your life.
Okay, so, you know those pitch them to study for God number two thing. You are good at exaggerating. No, you are.
You are good at hiding. Okay, you are good at hiding in chapter 3 verse as for the Lord and not for man knowing that from the Lord you will receive inheritance of you are serving the lord Jesus Christ is that I know having a good grade or being smart is impressive, but do not make that your primary goal party because Mom and Dad will be angry at you not let you play with your. Yet if you don't study hard. Matthew status and motivation to not be or I want to study hard because I want to be the coolest guy or girl in The Flash. Do not study to prove yourself that you are smart, but broke to yourself study whether or not you need to develop. Whether they have homework or not doing this. I need to study.
So whether Mom or Dad says you need to study okay without being totaled if you need help you can always approach them, but they study kids again.
Okay, I did not get the grades that I am ending for studying. I spent hours studying but I failed mom and dad and we keep on study. Remember you are not starting for the great. Why do we need to teach them to be sincere in their work number one with need to teach them to work for God and not for my number to discourage the tendency of performing for eye service early not to use them sold as their motive. primary motivation
numbers 3 You need to be thankful for your parents have said this to you a thousand times. You need to be thankful in Columbus, and whatever you do in word or deed do everything in the name of the door Jesus. Thanks.
How how do we express our thanks for the next?
How do you express that? You are thankful to Mom and Dad?
You never did.
Say, thank you.
Find a way. Okay. Thank God for your parents. Thank God for your friends your teachers the shoes that you are where you need a jacket that you are wearing. He's in the clothes the small things. I find a way to thank God for look for these small thing doing in your life. Even the things are not so I can call Martin's dependency. Sometimes we take these things for granted the things that our parents are buying for us. We saw our responsibility.
I want to thank God for allowing you to tell me when you get home. Okay for the privilege. Thank God for the privilege of going to school and being able to learn. How can we do this? I'll give you an example if you are studying science. My mom science subject. What are you sweating in science?
biochemistry Anna Anna Anna Anna
inanna Justine And 4K when you are studying trees when you are, so have you studied the water cycle?
Emilio Fresno water cycle
Not desperation.
When you study of it, I'm not going to embarrass the parents anymore.
Aren't you amazed of one liquid object turning into gas turning into liquid the Mac. Look at the wisdom of God. Okay. Now, how can I glorify God in that case? You need to learn to Thank You Lord. Thank you because even in this is what it seems ever so who would have thought eating something. H2O hydrogen and 1 oxygen and then it turns into different forms. But it doesn't change its component. That is the wisdom of God. That is one way for you to send that 4 and you are able to when you take a shower when you brush your teeth, when you drink from your water bottles, when you start using the sunlight coming from the swipe the water and then you produce fruits and the seeds. Include got you. For that Buddha parents.
You need to study the water cycle steam cells and self-centeredness Spell privilege. Let me know glorified Hunan. Why depression is very prevalent among the things now why because it's our kids to be thankful to God for mac and cheese.
Contentment of contentment of looking at things and thanking God for them. It prevents them from allows them to be conscious of God's blessing of God's word in their lives and around them you're asleep on pinilla them grateful to God and to you parents supposed to depression and it teaches them contentment how much stop their 1 verse 21 one of the March about the group of open society that gives thanks to him, but they became futile in their thinking and their foolish Hearts darken. Keep them on one of the marks of a degenerate Society if it's and thankfulness.
number for
celebrate important so I can do whatever I want because Mom and Dad would understand me. It's not that important Buddy Holly. Study hard study for God in what you do be thankful after 12:11 never be lazy but work hard.
It's not only serving God in a serving God and so she has to Cali to work. We are not going to work when you go to heaven. You are mistaken. Okay, can you imagine sitting down in heaven forever or not?
You would beg God to send you to hell, it's going to be boring in heaven. We are going to work Adam and Eve before they committed sin. They were working. I need them First Command killer to Canada.
Play on the pot method norriseal ornaments Anita.
X learn multiplication table 11 go to the ant thou sluggard consider her ways and be wise without having any chief officer or ruler. She prepares her bread in summer and either serve food in Harvest. How long would you lie there or small guard when when you arise from your sleep now then when you wake up in the morning You don't need to be awakened a hundred times by Mom and Dad King Solomon speaking a little sleep a little Slumber a little folding of the hands and poverty will come upon you like a robber and one like an armed man. If you are facing number one and you need something later on you can only do two things either you were or you still okay. So when you start stealing on small things because you refused to work hard things where you can end up to either in jail or in hospital. Okay, either in jail or hospital. Why because you are if you are stealing other people's properties and you get caught you get hurt the police will come after you you'll go to jail. If you are not working hard and you just want to ask from the government, you won't be able to be a good parent later on to your kids. So proud. How are we going to relate this a person who works on that is using that to provide for their needs for our needs.
For the sake of previewing not for the sake of passing, but I want to work hard because I want to glorify God. Kids do not be afraid to talk about God. It's so hard and trust me. I should go to higher grade later on.
ask news
Play Hindi Medela if you sing multiplication table memorizing 1 to 10 or until 12 is difficult, or wait until you get a LG pricing.
It is going to be it's not going to be easy. So if you wanted to be easily turned on in your high school or in University beat yourselves the work hard now do your work well and do not be afraid to get tired. Always aim to be your best then. I'll say it again your best behavior best. Ecclesiastes 9 verse 10 the first part whatever behind pints to do it with your might. What does the word Mike mean do it with all your best? Give it your best shot Barrel.
Who is Peter bence and how can I work hard number one do not procrastinate procrastinate? Are fond of saying I'll do it later mom.
Eva I'll do it. Later. Look up Proverbs 20 verse for this mother does not flow or plow in Autumn. He will sink at our best and have nothing. No this thing that you need to remember to learn to manage your time when it's fine for you to play then go ahead and play determine the difference between studying and playing okay. When it's time for you to really do not sleep. Do not pick up your phone and look up whatever OK unless that is related to your study.
Another thing, how can you work hard? priority date your priority now is not to look at your address your priority now. Yes, we are giving you time to play and to enjoy and by all means go ahead and enjoy that you are students now and you're calling by the heart that is your priority body work when it's 5 to work for you and your siblings. Ask them to do it in your mind.
Field of working diligently not only studying. Okay, ask yourself. He's my best.
Is this my 100% Can you switch my 100% this is very important and all children have equal capacity to learn in your own performance Miller security. Okay?
Alamo Napa Nissan
15 minutes. I'll see and then when
Enter Sabino not in any way. I know you want my picnic or nothing good job or not.
You're 100% best. Can you say that honestly, I'm counting on you. Honestly talk to your dad or your mom. I think I could have done more. Kate. Let's work on it. Okay. I know there's still time to improve there still a chance to improve K-pop Idol.
19 in percent. I know that this is a high-grade, but did you give your 100% Epoxy Nabi phone number. Yes, I gave my 100% but regardless of the score support the kids your kid and I am not using this for you to get a low-grade. By the way. If you are working hard in your education now, you will not you will have noticed so we can open our grades and result-oriented. Again is that not because you gave your 100% if you want meet number for pollution.
Sometimes Skeeter kulambu sour sometimes not notice or so. We're building the character in there. We're building you. Okay, I will leave it to God to glorify him. And this is Lord. Whatever you help me do it. It did not produce the the Imperfects, okay.
99% lamp IO Chicago promise of Success Academy summer, I will do my best to ease are the people in the Nexus of seat. But okay, so
They're doing okay. He's very important. Very important to do their best 55% volume scorer call there might be something wrong. I know you are doing your best 55 login Square Mall consistently waking when I think she'll I'm not alone. So we can even there be okay to work hard. We need to teach them to work hard because we do not want them or we want them to learn not to compete with other people lower compare themselves to others very dangerous Sports Authority Moana constantly comparing our kids. I guess who's winning so much fun beach them to work hard because we do not want them to compare themselves to others or north to compete with others but to aim to better themselves. 8in to better themselves and then again to let them see that God rewards hard work night may not be in the terms that we are expecting but definitely God is going to reward them in terms of their needs and then to evaluate and address their weaknesses in the subway. Nothing. It's kids. I'll let you all the secret. You want to be thankful for your parents work hard? Because they appreciate it so much without them. Sometimes telling you when they see you taking initiative of working at home and are without being told to me.
The initiative and for us as well.
I studied for God I am I did it with earnestness or weeks until after I became so thankful to God and I studied hard did my best and
In your own understanding in all your ways acknowledge Him and He will make your path straight from hell. Do I studied hard you gave your 100% you were sincere important lesson after I gave my 100%
When we need to teach them.
Successful you are not okay.
You studied hard or 100% spend time studying. This is Lord. This is my 100%. Why because it helps you to trust in him and it helps you not to be frustrated and burnt out supper ready and make sure limitation ask for his self to glorify him and then frosting in the most challenging subjects that you have just seen
social studies Call Lynn.
Italian apologize
Turn to Christ in the most difficult subjects that you have any in the easiest one.
Wake me up at 10.
Kids, you need to learn to trust that even in those things. Okay now parents, why do we need to teach our kids and I thank God for it. And that made you okay and then
Let's teach them we need to press them to humility and submission before I got a beating and they will learn to know how to know who God is already in their lives verse prayer that God is moving in their lives. The church is not only a theory but it can be a practical application of 13 mutations that no matter how hard they work. It is God who blesses them?
great ninja war You can speak us up. Guide me o thou great if you did your best one hundred percent on it. You still going to that is the working of God in your life. 127 verses 1 and 2 unless the Lord builds the house. They also build it. They were in vain unless the Lord watches over the city The Watchman stays awake in vain. It is in vain to rise up early and go lay to rest eating the bread and answers the future of our kids fan. It's not in their grades. It is in the hand of God. So it's not then do nothing all power. Remember. We are called to be parents and not in terms of their grades. We are going to be parents on your Google account ability to nothing and then lastly. Enjoy your studies. Do I need to elaborate on this kids? Are you enjoying your studies, Toby? I only told me how are you enjoying? Tell Charles? Are you enjoying your studies? 2003
do I see are you enjoying your studies?
Listing are you enjoying your studies? David K. Okay, y why do I need to enjoy them? Because the Bible says Psalm 100 versus 1/2 to make a Joyful Noise to the Lord all the Earth serve the Lord with gladness. Okay, if you are serving God in your study, how do you spell commanding you to do it gladly switch Joy con me into the presence of the Lord with singing. I know it's not a direct relation to your studies, but the contract is wine. I am serving God God is requiring me to do it if it's hard. How can I enjoy my studies if I have exams that I'm struggling with social studies or mathematics and I find it challenging or my pictures not really good. When I had no friends in school. He's not the basis of your rejoicing your enjoyment. The basis of your enjoyment is the knowledge that God called you today and he is going to help you. Okay, that is the basis of your rejoicing in the Lord phillipians 4 4 rejoice in the lord. Always again. I say rejoice when you study for God when you delete sincerely when you work for God work hard for God and when you trust him, but he enjoys thing in Kim and enjoying your studies would be easier Joyce not because of good grades, but because you are able
Norton fight God when God is glorified in your studies. Wake Me Up When God is glorified in your studies you benefit from it because it is God's will it is the will of God to move in your life and in your life
my conclusion is this
2nd Corinthians 5:9 to 10. So whether we are at home or away we make it our in For we must all appear before the Judgment seat of Christ. So that each one may receive what is due for what he has done in the body whether good or evil the home here is not your home. Okay. Home in this context is your body while you are here on Earth the line that you have here where the whatever you are doing right now someday you are going to face that I didn't ask you my child. Where you Facebook to me. My child, did you learn climbing in your studies Parents video glorify me in your parenting your children? Okay.