Matthew 7:24-29
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"“As for you, son of man, your people are talking about you near the city walls and in the doorways of their houses. One person speaks to another, each saying to his brother, ‘Come and hear what the message is that comes from the Lord!’ "So my people come to you in crowds, sit in front of you, and hear your words, but they don’t obey them. Their mouths go on passionately, but their hearts pursue dishonest profit. "Yes, to them you are like a singer of passionate songs who has a beautiful voice and plays skillfully on an instrument. They hear your words, but they don’t obey them.” ()
Now please flip back to .
What you have throughout the Scriptures are contrasts.
This is the final paragraph of the Sermon on the mount.
This last part is a parable in which Jesus wants us to imagine
two kinds of builders as two sorts of responses to the Sermon.
Contrasts are a favorite way to gain an audience’s attention in order to press the Word of God to our hearts!
Jesus has been doing this to us the whole way through.
His Sermon is filled with two option thinking:
Pharisees versus followers of Jesus (5:17–20),
hypocrites versus followers of Jesus (6:1–18),
good treasure versus bad treasure (6:19–21),
good eyes versus bad eyes (6:22–23),
God versus money (6:24),
anxiety versus seeking the kingdom (6:33)
—and this all swirls into a vortex of warnings in 7:13–27:
broad way versus narrow way,
good tree versus bad tree,
and here: doing versus not doing.
The parable is the final warning in the sermon, warning His listeners of what’s going to happen to them in the final judgement.
Now here we sit before the word of God, just as Israel did.
There’s absolutely nothing new here!
The WISE builder.
The WISE builder.
The WISE builder.
The WISE builder.
The WISE builder.
The WISE builder.
"“Therefore, everyone who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” ()
FIRST. “built his house on the rock.” (v24) His EFFORT. He had to dig!
Listen to the parallel verse in Luke, he supplies this crucial detail: "He is like a man building a house, who dug deep and laid the foundation on the rock. ...” ()
The wise man spent a great deal of time in underground work.
Rock blasting, carving, cutting of the hard granite, consumes days and possibly weeks in the home building process.
FIRST. “…built his house on the sand.” (v26) His EAGERNESS. He didn’t take the time to dig deep.
It may be (today) that some mourner is lamenting bitterly that you make very slow progress in grace.
SECOND. “…a wise man...” (v24). His ENLIGHTENMENT. He has been enlightened to the truth of building upon the solid rock.
“I have been seeking God in prayer,” you say, “these months.
I have been humbled and broken down under a sense of sin for weeks,
and (as yet) have had only a glimpse of hope every now and then,
when I have been able to turn my eye to the crucified Savior.
I have (only )a few comforts, and many doubts.
I desire to have the full light of love in my heart,
but the breaking in of the dawn is slow.”
Well, brother, sister, you are building slowly,
but if it be securely,
you shall have no cause to regret that deep digging.
Certainly, there’s more effort from the wise than the foolish man.
Digging foundation in hard rocks takes time and super intensive effort.
Certainly there were many times, that the effort was so intense that
there was a stoppage to wipe the sweat from his brow.
Nights spent going to bed spiritually wore out.
Waking up and the across the street is the other house with his walls up and starting the roof already!
Worse, the sandy builder laughingly yells over that all that hard work isn’t even paying off.
“You have nothing to show for it!
Those ancient ways that you’re building are absurd!"
“Away with all that sighing and groaning, do as I do and rejoice at once!”
SECOND. “…built his house on the sand.” (v26) His EXTERNALS. All the work he did, he did to be seen by man.
Be thankful, dear hearer, if you are among the wise builders.
For you are among the true sons of God, and heirs of eternal life.
There is his EFFORT.
SECOND. “…a wise man...” (v24). His ENLIGHTENMENT.
He has been enlightened to the truth of building upon the solid rock.
Your house costs you more to build, but it will be worth the cost.
O beware of wearing the sheep’s clothing without the sheep’s nature;
beware of saying “Lord, Lord,” while you are the servant of sin.
Beware of picking up godliness at second-hand from your mothers and fathers, and friends and acquaintances.
Whatever it may cost you of heart-breaking and agony, see to it that the sure foundation is reached,
and that the house is built!
Built so that it will endure the trials which will inevitably test it.
Beloved, this is so weighty and so needful, I feel this caution to be, both to myself and you.
The Spirit’s work in indwelling this man gave the wise man foresight.
He knew that the dry season would not last!
Have you ever felt the Holy Spirit’s wounding and killing sword of conviction?
Do you flee from known sin as a fleeing from a lion?
When I meet with people who justify and speak lightly of their sin, certainly,
they’ve built their house w/out a foundation!
Wise builders received the word in the power of the Holy Spirit, so as to have it sealed in their hearts!
I pray, (the Lord) for you, dear flock, that you may know the truth
know the truth by being taught of the Lord, for then you will not be led aside. The thieves and robbers will come, but as Christ’s sheep you will not hear them.
by being taught of the Lord,
for then you will not be led astray.
The thieves and robbers will come, but as Christ’s sheep
you will not hear them.
The Spirit’s work in indwelling this man (enlightening him) gave the wise man foresight.
He knew that the dry season would not last!
Soon the storm will come and the sky will turn to black.
This is what motivates the truly wise in our fellowship!
They have been granted that eternal perspective!
They know that they are just on the border of entering their eternal rest!
Do you think this way every morning:
1. I will die. 2. I might die before the night is over. 3. Then my soul goes to heaven or hell!
That’s part of having the eternal perspective that gives way to (the enlightened believer) the reality to what is hoped for, the proof of what is not seen.
THIRD. "The rain fell, the rivers rose, and the winds blew and pounded that house. Yet it didn’t collapse, because its foundation was on the rock.” ()
THIRD. “…foolish man...” (v26). His ERROR. Fool commit the error of not obeying Christ and His Word.
His ENDURANCE. Those that build their lives upon obedience to Christ will endure through to the end.
Let me weave together in your heart a biblical teaching, the teaching of endurance.
Would you please turn to ?
You do realize right that Jesus said in to “...every one of you who does not renounce all his possessions cannot be my disciple.”
That we’re not to save our lives if He bids us to lose them (in ).
If we’re ashamed of Him He will be ashamed of us! ().
We’re to suffer with Him if we expect to be glorified with Him ().
In Heb 10:19-25 of this chapter, the writer urges his readers to draw near and continue in faith and obedience.
Then there’s a severe warning against willfully rejecting God’s Son (in vv26-31),
then the writer reassuringly calls them to endurance and faith (v32-39).
"Remember the earlier days when, after you had been enlightened, you endured a hard struggle with sufferings.” ()
The brothers and sisters had been enlightened at salvation with saving knowledge, because
It’s God alone Who gives Spiritual light!
This enlightenment of course led to the joy of the Lord but look what comes next, “you endured a hard struggle with sufferings.” (v32b).
Such is the animosity towards Christ—from the world, the flesh and the devil—
that believers inevitably find themselves engaged in spiritual warfare.
As soon as God caused that divine light to spring up in their minds, and He took them into
The natural man is in a state of utter darkness
His favor and covenant, then earth and hell combined their forces against them!
And this was no mere side show struggle as is so prevalent in the fool,
“I blew my money at the casino and now I’m struggling to pay my bills!”
No this struggle is described as “hard” meaning much or many or great.
Which is defined in v33… "Sometimes you were publicly exposed to taunts and afflictions, and at other times you were companions of those who were treated that way. "For you sympathized with the prisoners and accepted with joy the confiscation of your possessions, because you know that you yourselves have a better and enduring possession.” ()
So what’s needed for the struggle of
cross bearing,
self denial,
being willing to die,
not being ashamed,
being willing to renounce your possessions etc...
What’s needed for that? Skip down to v36, "For you need endurance, so that after you have done God’s will, you may receive what was promised.”
Endurance is a mark of reality, a characteristic of true spirituality.
Christ himself ‘endured the cross, despising the shame, and has sat down on the right hand of the throne of God’ (12:2)—
and this same quality of endurance will mark the lives of the elect, God’s true people.
May I add, if you will endure in times of persecution, the Word of God must take deep root into your hearts!
You do realize right that Jesus said in to “...every one of you who does not renounce all his possessions cannot be my disciple.”
"Other seed fell on rocky ground where it didn’t have much soil, and it grew up quickly since the soil wasn’t deep.” () "And the one sown on rocky ground—this is one who hears the word and immediately receives it with joy. "But he has no root and is short-lived. When distress or persecution comes because of the word, immediately he falls away.” ()
That we’re not to save our lives if He bids us to lose them (in ).
every one of you who does not renounce all his possessions cannot be my disciple.”
If you’re going to stand the storms spoken of in our passage, you must be found obeying that firmly implanted Word!
If we’re ashamed of Him He will be ashamed of us! ().
We’re to suffer with Him if we expect to be glorified with Him (.
The rain descended very heavily, and it threatened to wash the house away,
rain descended very heavily, and threatened to wash the house away, but it was built on a rock, and not only did the house stand, but the man inside found great comfort in it.
but it was built on a rock, and not only did the house stand,
but the man inside found great comfort in it.
He could hear the heavy rains pelting the roof and splashing off the windows.
He could sing...
When the gusts of wind blew, he was filled with thanksgiving that he was sheltered this way.
When the floods came, which would undermine the footings of the house,
he rested secure upon the granite rock foundation!
The Christian rests peacefully upon Christ.
Troubles come one after another, but they do not sweep him away,
they only press into him the hope which is based upon Christ Jesus.
This wise man’s house was hit by a deluge of water, battered by the winds and unless
precautionary measure are taken, he would be washed away by the rising tide!
He prepared by digging deep until he found rock bottom!
The FOOLISH builder.
The FOOLISH builder.
"But everyone who hears these words of mine and doesn’t act on them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand.” ()
FIRST. “…built his house on the sand.” (v26) His EAGERNESS. He didn’t take the time to dig deep.
There’s no delay for this eager beaver!
He skips the hard, unseen work of the wise man and
builds his house on the loose gravel, as if bright and sunny days will never cease!
The sand was smooth and ready for him.
He’s able at once to commence to building the house!
Lays’s his course of brick right on the ground and begins erecting the walls that day!
SECOND. “…built his house on the sand.” (v26) His EXTERNALS.
All the work he did, he did to be seen by man.
The Lord sees as much the foundation as He does the roof shingles!
Yet none of it was for God!
Building up that which has no foundation is folly...
You can be a great family man,
keep up neighborly friendships,
but neglect the heart work of
hearing and
communing with Christ
laying the foundation work of eternity and all of a sudden,
you become like the spider
you’re weaving a bizarre web out of your own insides and by that
you’re causing your soul to be at rest momentarily.
But dear hearer, God has a broom of death which will sweet your soul down!
"His source of confidence is fragile; what he trusts in is a spider’s web. "He leans on his web, but it doesn’t stand firm. He grabs it, but it does not hold up.” ()
Webs can be stretched by small bugs and the wind,
but it’s an absurd and folly to think a grown man could lean upon it and it hold.
What are you leaning upon today and relying upon to make you right with God?
If it’s anything or any One but Christ, you will certainly perish!
Any other pillar by which your hope is upheld in this life,
they will fail you at death and when
the rotten props are pulled away, the house of your hope will collapse!
The foolish man didn’t do the work in a manner that was fit for the Omniscient (all seeing and all knowing) God!
It is fitting that the foundation (which is invisible) should be perfected,
that the foundation which is invisible should be perfected, if we expect the Invisible God to accept it; for, otherwise, if we spend our strength on what is seen by men, it will be pretty evident that we, after all, are working for the praise of man, and not for the glory of God.
if we expect the Invisible God to accept it, otherwise,
if we spend our strength on what is seen by men, it will be pretty evident that we,
after all, are working for the praise of man, and not for the glory of God.
THIRD. “…foolish man...” (v26). His ERROR.
Fools commit the error of not obeying Christ and His Word.
He never sincerely offers the prayer for the Lord to search and try his heart and his reins.
Such a man does not like self-examination, and cannot endure to be told that
there must be fruits meet for repentance.
This man was a great hearer but he was a bad doer!
He thought he was a good doer, he built a house!
He was eager to do so, but he fell into error.
He was industrious, he didn’t stop until his house was finished but
even though he was industrious, he was foolish!
There was no true obedience to Christ!
No obedience equals no true trust in Christ!
But trouble then comes in the form of judgment...
FOURTH. "The rain fell, the rivers rose, the winds blew and pounded that house, and it collapsed. It collapsed with a great crash.”” ()
His END. His end is in great destruction!
During the trials of life, he fell into manifold temptations.
He would turn his coat during the hour of trial and persecution.
Now a horrific trial awaits him that is much worse than any experienced upon earth!
It’s like the tormented rich man in hell in , it says that “he looked up”.
It wasn’t until he was in hell that he looked up being in torment!
This is the fool, he didn’t know his misery until it was too late!
Ah! dear beloved, if you are mistaken may you find it out now,
and not on your death bed.
May your prayer be, “Lord, show me the worst of my situation.
If my profession has been a mistake, O let me not build up and prop up a rotten thing,
but help me to build rightly upon the Rock of Ages.”
Do pray that prayer, I beseech you.
Remember if death should not teach you the whole truth of your case, judgment will.
says, “Many pains come to the wicked...”
Houses built upon sand will be tried.
"The rain fell, the rivers rose, the winds blew and pounded that house, and it collapsed. It collapsed with a great crash.”” ()
The house couldn’t be set up again.
It was down, once and for all!
As a man, you can fail, change a few things and come back and succeed.
But once you go bankrupt with your soul, you are broken forever!
There will be no mistake there, and no opportunity for repentance.
This fallen house was never built again;
there was no salvage from the total wreck.
Lost, lost, lost, there is no word to follow; for once lost, lost for ever!
“It collapsed.” These are solemn words.
It was a fine building, and it promised to stand for ages; but “it collapsed.”
Its chief weakness was underground, in the secret place of the foundation:
the man “built his house upon the sand.” His fundamentals were wrong.
His house collapsed when he needed it the most!
There’s a bunch of creeds and philosophies that seem to work when life is easy.
But when the storms of life beat upon us, those who build on Christ remain strong.
A secular person may say, “I have faced many storms on my own and stayed strong.”
But what about the final storm, when life ends?
Everyone must ask, “What is the rock on which I build? Is my foundation sure?”
The wise man “hears these words of mine and puts them into practice” (),
Jesus is later called the rock ().
He also says that the wise man “hears these words of mine and puts them into practice” (),
whereas the foolish man hears them and does not put them into practice.
His house collapses with a crash (7:26–27).
Do you see…? It’s the sufferings of this life that prove the metal of your faith!
Sufferings are the workmen that will fit you and square you for God’s buildings;
they are the rods that will beat off the dust,
are the workmen that will fit you and square you for God’s buildings; they are the rods that will beat off the dust, and the scullions that will scour off the rust from your souls; they are the fire that will purge you from your dross, and the water that will cleanse you from your filthiness.
and the maids that will scour off the rust from your souls;
they are the fire that will purge you from your dross, and
the water that will cleanse you from your filthiness.
Why does Jesus end the Sermon on the Mount with the words “a great crash” (7:27)?
This is hardly the upbeat way in which preachers typically end their sermons.
But Jesus is making a point.
It is not enough to study or applaud the words of Jesus.
We must do what he says.
Otherwise, we are in danger of hypocrisy, in danger of facing a great crash.
"When the whirlwind passes, the wicked are no more, but the righteous are secure forever.” ()
"When the whirlwind passes, the wicked are no more, but the righteous are secure forever.” ()
The whirlwind is only remembered by the ruin that it leaves behind it, and the same is true of many evil men;
but the standing of good men is comparable to an ancient castle,
whose deep foundations stay and hold during the passing of ages,
and remain as enduring monuments from age to age.
May this be said of us church!
To be sure, the whirlwind of death shall pass through, may we be “secure forever”
"“Therefore, everyone who hears these words of mine and acts on them will be like a wise man who built his house on the rock.” ()
FIRST. “built his house on the rock.” (v24) His EFFORT. He had to dig!
SECOND. “…a wise man...” (v24). His ENLIGHTENMENT. He has been enlightened to the truth of building upon the solid rock.
THIRD. "The rain fell, the rivers rose, and the winds blew and pounded that house. Yet it didn’t collapse, because its foundation was on the rock.” () His ENDURANCE. Those that build their lives upon obedience to Christ will endure through to the end.
The FOOLISH builder.
The FOOLISH builder.
"But everyone who hears these words of mine and doesn’t act on them will be like a foolish man who built his house on the sand.” ()
FIRST. “…built his house on the sand.” (v26) His EAGERNESS. He didn’t take the time to dig deep.
SECOND. “…built his house on the sand.” (v26) His EXTERNALS. All the work he did, he did to be seen by man.
THIRD. “…foolish man...” (v26). His ERROR. Fool commit the error of not obeying Christ and His Word.
FOURTH. "The rain fell, the rivers rose, the winds blew and pounded that house, and it collapsed. It collapsed with a great crash.”” () His END. His end is in great destruction!