02(Exodus 02,23-25) The Cry of God's People and God's Answer

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If there's anything that everyone needs to do, it is to learn how to pray. The man who can pray can do anything, for prayer can do anything that God can do, and God can do anything. Our desperate need in these days is to link our lives with the omnipotent God, who has called upon us and told us to pray. Jesus said, "Ask and ye shall receive, and James says, "You have not because you ask not.

You don't have a failure in your life but what it is a prayer failure. You don't have a sin in your life but what prayer could have prevented that sin. You don't have a genuine need in your life but that that need cannot be met through fervent believing prayer. How we need to learn how to pray. (Exodus 2:23-25)

The divine action of God is charted in these four verbs:

I.       God heard them (24a)

A.     The God who created ears, must himself hear.

§  Psalm 94:9 He who planted the ear, shall He not hear?...

§  God gave us voice to commune with Him. Speaking to God is not overstepping our bounds.

§  It is worship of a God who desires to hear our cries.

§  "Oh what peace we often forfeit. Oh, what needless pain we bear. All because we do not carry everything to God in prayer."

B.     Did you know that prayerlessness is a sin?

§  Samuel told the people, "God forbid that I should sin against the Lord in ceasing to pray for you.”

§  And as I said in the introduction to this message. There is no sin in your life but what prayer would have prevented it. The Bible says in Mark 14:38 “Watch and pray lest ye enter into temptation.”

II.    God remembered His covenant with them (24b)

A.     He views our prayer through the prism of His promises.

§  Not that He had forgotten His covenant, but He that had never forgotten!

§  He promised to give descendents of Abraham, Isaac & Jacob a land flowing with milk and honey.

B.     God has made covenant with us as well.

§  When you pray for this church to not hide its light under a bushel, God will honor that prayer.

§  Crying out to God for the deliverance of His people is pray that God will hear.

III. God considered (looked upon) them (25a)

A.     God evaluates our condition.

§  God is not a God of a distant universe but one who is acquainted with our grief.

§  Our God is not out of touch with the struggles and distractions of today’s culture, but stands ready to empower the church that chooses to cry out for this lost and dying generation.

B.     God seeks the best solution to our groaning.

§  God knew what it would take to deliver Israel.

§  Egypt was not what enslaved Israel, it was their own heart.

IV. God acknowledged (was concerned about) them (25b)

A.     God put into motion a plan of deliverance.

B.     God had foreseen this, of course, 80 years before their cry was uttered.

§  Before they saw their need for God, he had made provision for them.

§  Before you ever thought you needed rescue, God had sent His Son to die for you.

§  Never say it’s too late to pray, for God may have already moved heaven and earth in anticipation.

V.    Moses’ Complaint (Exodus 5:23).

C.     Moses and Aaron confront Pharaoh.

§  Request is to let the people worship God away from the Egyptian idols in the wilderness.

§  Away from the oppression as well.

D.     Pharaoh responds by increasing the workload

§  Moses is despondent.

§  Why did God send him if the result was worse for the Hebrews? (5:23).

§  How could God’s Will result in greater bondage?

VI. God’s Answer (Exodus 6:1).

E.      God would display His might and fulfill His desire.

§  The children would be driven from the land.

§  There was a conflict between God’s “I will bring you out” and their “I won’t budge.”

F.      The Bible says they dwelt in Egypt for 430 years. Why did they never leave?

§  They had grown successful and mighty in the Land of Goshen, Egypt.

§  The Hebrews would have to see that Land of Goshen as worse than promised land.

§  The taskmasters would make Egypt something worth leaving.

VII.          Taskmasters may compel us to value God things.

G.     It may not be that you feel suffering where you are in Egypt.

§  But God has other plans for you.

§  The Bible says His ways lead to abundant life: but it may not seem that way at all right now.

H.     God can move you by hardening the things around you.

§  Note how hardened Pharaoh was.

§  Slave drivers help us to despise the way things are.

VIII.       Three things must be learned about God’s will:

I.        God will redeem you, even from yourself (6:6).

J.       God will have no other God be successful with you (6:7).

§  2 Corinthians 6:16 And what agreement has the temple of God with idols? For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said: "I will dwell in them And walk among them. I will be their God, And they shall be My people." 17 Therefore "Come out from among them And be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, And I will receive you." 18 "I will be a Father to you, And you shall be My sons and daughters, Says the LORD Almighty."

K.     God will fulfill His promise and purpose with you (6:8).

§  Philippians 1:6 being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ;

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