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Raising up the foundations is a tag line on our LOGO but is it more than that?
Our Logo the building blocks at the beginning explain.
What are foundations?
What are the purpose of foundations?
Raising up the foundations is a tag line on our LOGO but is it more than that
Foundations provide the structure's stability from the ground.
To distribute the weight of the structure over large area so as to avoid over-loading of the soil beneath.To anchor the structures against the changing natural forces like Earthquakes, floods, frost-heave, tornado or wind.To load the sub-stratum evenly and thus prevent unequal settlement.To provide a level surface for building operations.To take the structure deep into the ground and thus increase its stability, preventing overloading.Specially designed foundation helps in avoiding the lateral movements of the supporting material.
Requirements of a Good Foundation.
Requirements of a Good Foundation.
The design and the construction of a well-performing foundation must possess some basic requirements that must not be ignored. They are:
The design and the construction of the foundation is done such that it can sustain as well as transmit the dead and the imposed loads to the soil. This transfer has to be carried out without resulting in any form of settlement that can result in any form of stability issues for the structure.Differential settlements can be avoided by having a rigid base for the foundation. These issues are more pronounced in areas where the superimposed loads are not uniform in nature.Based on the soil and area it is recommended to have a deeper foundation so that it can guard any form of damage or distress. These are mainly caused due to the problem of shrinkage and swelling because of temperature changes.The location of the foundation chosen must be an area that is not affected or influenced by future works or factors.
We have this word in our vision, it helps form our mission. You know we can look at the 6 words that form the vision & try to place them in order of importance & that’s really hard through this series we haven’t put them into any specific order what comes first depends on how you look at it. Maybe community should be first because we need to be in community with God but how do we do that we need salvation, by being saved we move into community with God. Maybe it’s foundations because Jesus is the foundation of our Faith, He is the cornerstone, He is what everything else is built upon. Part of that is also what your own priorities are because we can look at this personally because it should have a bearing on us personally & we will also look at this corporately, maybe take some time on your own or in the restore groups to look at this.
look at this corporately, maybe take some time on your own or in the restore groups to look at this.
Maybe put them into an order that helps you work the vision of the church into your daily life, your daily walk with God,
The important thing is that it helps us live our lives for God & that we serve God with a sincere heart & that that drives our actions & accomplish things for Gods Kingdom.
b) How there needs to be a rebuilding work today! “We live in a broken world. In every direction there are breaches which are wide and deep. There are broken hearts and broken homes, and that which once was sacred is but a waste place. Whereas once there was a carefully guarded fence around the sanctity of family life, sex life, and the right to personal privacy, now there is just a waste place. The wall of protection is in ruins, and life has lost all its meaning.” (Redpath)
It talks in verse 12 that we should build & that we are called repairer of the breach, the restorer of streets to dwell in, but you can’t build anything for Gods Kingdom on the foundations of a superficial walk with God.
I.E we can’t be people that talk a good life & not walk that life out. i said about this a few weeks ago. Public life & private life need to be the same. pointing out a spec in someones eye when you have a plank protruding from yours that you think is not seen.
We can’t be calling people to a life of Holiness & at the same time flouting the laws of this land by not putting seat belts on your kids when you are driving along in your car, cheating on taxes, Jesus said give to Cesar what is Cesar's. obey the laws of the land unless they contradict Gods law.
Listen the church has been called to be repairers of the breach, restorers of streets to dwell in, to raise up foundations of many generations, build people up, help people to the realization of who they are, what is their identity, whose they are & who to worship, to help break cycles that have not just held one person back but generations of people back.
How there needs to be a rebuilding work today! Redpath wrote “We live in a broken world. In every direction there are breaches which are wide and deep. There are broken hearts and broken homes, and that which once was sacred is but a waste place. Whereas once there was a carefully guarded fence around the sanctity of family life, sex life, and the right to personal privacy, now there is just a waste place. The wall of protection is in ruins, and life has lost all its meaning.”
So we need to be foundational as people, as a church to do this, we have to understand what the Bible says about Jesus , who he is, what he has done. We need to who we are, who we carry & how that impacts our lives.
What we believe is so important it’s our foundations,it’s what stops us being blown around from new strange teaching to new strange teaching.
Knowing that we are to be people of Grace, saved by Grace through God’s sacrifice & his pain & his love going on the cross, that Grace that he poured out over us should pour out from us to all around, being a sanctuary to this world, not becoming like the world, being in community with Him, being committed to prayer, to reading Gods word, to each other, to the vision & mission of the church, to be like Jesus.
This world needs us to be the church that Jesus started, knowing who we are that’s why we are having the school of identity & life style here on the 16th - 19th October, 4 days for £30.00, a great price.
(lay out how the days will go)
We need to know there is only one way to God & that’s through a relationship with Jesus, eternal life only comes with Jesus.
Why did Jesus come?