Good to Great

Gospel of John   •  Sermon  •  Submitted
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Seven of the disciples went back to Galilee. This was after Jesus had appeared in the closed room of chapter 20 but before Pentecost. They had not yet received the Holy Spirit in the upper room. The disciples seem to be wandering aimlessly. Still trying to understand all that happened and what it meant for their life.
They were fishermen and on the sea of Galilee, so they did what was natural…went fishing. It was common to fish at night on the Sea, it was the best time to catch fish. But on this night they caught absolutely nothing.
Sometimes we see the same thing happen to us! We are in a familiar circumstance and doing what comes natural but we don’t get the results for which we hoped.
And along comes Jesus who says, “Children (lads, fellas) you don’t have any fish do you?” He points out the failure of their current situation. In affect He is saying, “You guys went out and did what is common for you to do…exerted your best efforts, skill and know how…but came up empty.”
Our talent, skills and personal know how will take us a long way. In fact, it can often take us to a level of fine success in life. And if you are content to stay there…in the midst of what you can do…God will often allow you to enjoy in the little life you create for yourself.
But we if we choose to do this we will always be chained to the tyranny of self and what we can produce…we will doom ourselves to what we consider good and miss what God knows to be best
Whether we are talking about power to overcome sin, courage to share our faith…success in our marriage, family, homes or work…we will either choose to live in the limitations of the self life or in the unlimited resources of the Christ-life. And that is what this story in 21:1-14 is all about…the choice between a life in the power of self versus one in the power of Christ.
There are a lot of people, a lot of Christians, living in the self-life today. They are talented folks with a good head on their shoulders…they work hard and utilize theirGod given talents to the very best of their ability…and they have a measure of what the world calls success. These folks are satisfied with something good...
But satisfaction with the good leads us to miss what is great. And God intends our life to be great. God’s kind of great is a life lived in supernatural power…the power of the Holy Spirit. It means realizing His presence, power and provision…a life lived in these things and on mission with Him.
God’s kind of great is a life lived in supernatural power…the power of the Holy Spirit. Realizing in our life His presence, power and provision…a life lived on mission with Him.
Jesus told the disciples to cast their net once more on the right side of the boat. It was morning…a far worse time to fish than the night…they had not caught a thing during the prime fishing time…they were tired and likely had little desire to cast their nets again.
Video of Mr Jean
It was in this tired, worn out, likely frustrated moment that the disciples were left with a choice…would they cast their net or not?
A closer look at the story tells us this was no easy choice…They did not recognize at this moment that it was Jesus telling them to cast their net once more. For all they knew it was just some fella who had watched them come in from the deep waters…a nobody…telling them to try once again.
But something in their heart said to do it…cast your net one more time…in the light of day…at one of the worst times to catch fish on the sea of Galilee…and they did.
And the results…was a catch so large that they couldn’t haul their nets back into the boat…they were about 100 yards from shore…and…so their boat wouldn’t sink…they drug the nets to the beach.

Something More

Jesus told the disciples to cast their net once more on the right side of the boat. It was morning…a far worse time to fish than the night…they had not caught a thing during the prime fishing time…they were tired and likely had little desire to cast their nets again.
In this worn out, likely frustrated moment, that the disciples were left with a choice…would they cast their net?
A closer look at the story tells us this was no easy choice…They did not recognize at this moment that it was Jesus telling them to cast their net again. For all they knew it was just some fella who had watched them come in from the deep waters…a nobody…telling them to try once again.
But something in their heart said to do it…they felt compelled to cast their net one more time…in the light of day…at one of the worst times to catch fish on the sea of Galilee…and they did.
And the result…was a catch so large that they couldn’t haul their nets back into the boat…they were about 100 yards from shore…and…so their boat wouldn’t sink…they drug the nets to the beach.
This is how God moves to make our life great:
Clarifies — First God enlightens us to the reality of the situation…things are not what they could be and He intends more for our situation.
Directs — God shows us what to do and compels us to right action. This usually requires a step of faith…even a crisis of belief…perhaps even to do something which makes us uncomfortable
Waits — God then waits on us to believe what He has said is true and then act upon that which He has compelled you to do.

God Provides

We often pray for God to give us what we need…in the case of the disciples this was simple enough…they needed something to eat!
God wanted to provide food for them…but they had to first come to the place where they would have faith and act upon God’s plan to give them breakfast. They had to cast their net. But this wasn’t as easy as it seems...think about this...
They didn’t know it was Jesus speaking to them…how could they be sure this message was from God?
They had fished all night and the message the man on the beach was giving them made no practical sense…the fish just weren’t biting.
We ask similar kinds of questions don’t we? How can I know it’s you Lord? This doesn’t make any sense! Please just give me what I need! All the while God intends to provide…the moment we believe and step out in faith.
Faith killers
Indecision — These are the folks who want the sky to part and an audible voice before taking any kind of action. They can never know enough to be sure enough to act.
Inactivity — These are the folks who believe God speaks but the message they believe they are hearing offends their sensibilities…God cannot possibly be asking them to risk so much…could not possibly make so little sense…could never depart so far from their norm…never require them to jump without a net! So they sit and do nothing…never acting on the word God has given them.
n Houston Chronicle, December 1993: "A Carson City, Nev., judge ruled
Houston Chronicle, December 1993: "A Carson City, Nev., judge ruled against Allen and Kathy Wilson, who hold a state bond issued in 1865. The judge said the bond--paying 24.5 percent interest--came due in 1866 and any claim should have been made six years after the date. Lawyers for the couple say the bond is worth $657 trillion." Apathy, missed opportunity, delay
Apathy, missed opportunity, delay
Apathy, missed opportunity, delay
Don’t let indecision and inactivity cause you to miss the chance of a lifetime…no one can cash in on your opportunities and blessings for you when your gone.
The sad thing is this…both the indecisive and inactive often still have what they believe to be a pretty comfortable life…more often than not if they do nothing they will still scoot right along in their life and not much will change.
How many of us are living in a boring, mundane, lifeless, pathetic existence…void of adventure, thrills and a regular brush with the supernatural work of Jesus in our life…all because we choose to do nothing…choose to be a part of the indecisive, inactive majority who miss out on a great life in Christ.


Popeye was a philosopher...Well, sort of...Actually, he was a sailor man who loved the sea and spinach straight from the can. He had a thing for a skinny gal named Olive Oyl and a soft spot in his heart for a kid named Sweet Pea. He was a simple, plain-spoken, pipe-smoking sailor man, but from time to time Popeye would wax philosophical. He accepted his life as it was, and he expected others to do the same. He would say, "I yam what I yam." Sometimes he would add, "And that's all that I yam."
Others are in another place...God has clarified things? He has given you clear direction for your life. You feel compelled to act... What is He waiting on you to do?
I believe one thing with absolute certainty…following Jesus can mean something new and wonderful everyday. Each day God points out something He wants to do…directs us to what this means and waits for us to have the faith to follow Him.
The good news for all of this morning…we are never “all that I yam!” God is forever sanctifying us…making us more like Him…always perfecting us into the image of His Son.
Some of us are in a haze…in a fog…and you feel you need God to give you some clear direction…if this is where you start this morning then ask Him to give you a clear direction…he will make your situation plain…reveal His intended will…ask Him and He will.
Some of us are bored this morning…and the reason is a simple one…You are living in self…living in your plans, your ambitions, your talents, abilities and resources…and it just isn’t enough…you are bored and you hate what you yam!
Popeye was a philosopher...Well, sort of...Actually, he was a sailor man who loved the sea and spinach straight from the can. He had a thing for a skinny gal named Olive Oyl and a soft spot in his heart for a kid named Sweet Pea. He was a simple, plain-spoken, pipe-smoking sailor man, but from time to time Popeye would wax philosophical. He accepted his life as it was, and he expected others to do the same. He would say, "I yam what I yam." Sometimes he would add, "And that's all that I yam."
Popeye was a philosopher.
Well, sort of.
Some of you know the life you have built is good one but it isn’t a great one…and for many it is also a boring one…void of any supernatural power, mission or purpose. That can change this morning if you will follow Christ from something good to something great.
Actually, he was a sailor man who loved the sea and spinach straight from the can. He had a thing for a skinny gal named Olive Oyl and a soft spot in his heart for a kid named Sweet Pea. He was a simple, plain-spoken, pipe-smoking sailor man, but from time to time Popeye would wax philosophical. He accepted his life as it was, and he expected others to do the same. He would say, "I yam what I yam." Sometimes he would add, "And that's all that I yam."
and the life you have built is good one but it is also a boring one…void of any supernatural power, mission or purpose. That can change this morning if you will follow Christ from something good to something great.
On another note...Some of us are waiting around, begging God to provide for a legitimate need in our life…and He has…if we will but act!
Most of us have at least one area of life in which we are struggling to have the faith to follow God’s plans for us. What is it for you?
I believe one thing with absolute certainty…following Jesus can mean something new and wonderful everyday. Each day God desires to clarify something He wants to do…direct us to what this means...and then He waits for us to have the faith to follow Him.
Will you let go of the good you create for something great? Something only He can create?
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