03(Lev 12) A Parent's Passion
I. The Purification. (12:1-5)
A. A Male Child.
§ 7 days after the boy is born the mother only is unclean ceremonially.
§ On the 8th day, the boy is circumcised.
§ The mother continues in her purification for 33 more days, 40 total.
§ The child is not unclean or being ceremonially purified.
B. A Female Child.
§ 14 days after a daughter is born the mother is unclean.
§ She continues for 66 more days, or 80 days altogether.
§ Perhaps some thought more discharge when a female born.
§ Likely part of the stigma assigned by Eve.
1 Timothy 2:14 And Adam was not deceived, but the woman being deceived, fell into transgression.
II. The Presentation. (12:6-8)
A. Burnt offering;
§ A lamb if she was able, if poor, a pigeon.
§ In thankfulness to God for his mercy to her, in bringing her safely through the pains and all the perils of childbirth.
§ 1 Timothy 2:15 Nevertheless she will be saved in childbearing if they continue in faith, love, and holiness, with self-control.
§ In desire and hopes of God's further favor both to her and to the child.
§ Though the occasion was of a festive character, yet the sacrifices appointed were not a peace offering, but a burnt offering, which implied a renewed surrender of herself to God.
B. Sin Offering.
§ In order to impress the mind of the parent with recollections of the origin of sin, and that her child inherited a fallen and sinful nature.
§ Psalms 51:5 Behold, I was brought forth in iniquity, and in sin my mother conceived me.
C. Bringing the Child. (Luke 2:21-27ff)
§ Mary and Joseph, as soon as the law allowed, brought the offerings to the Lord.
§ We see their poverty in that only turtledoves were able to be offered.
§ Verse 27: God had an appointment for the parents to be in the temple.
§ It was in the temple that He further revealed His will for the child to them.
III. The Principle.
A. Every child is an occasion of surrender to God.
§ We recognize God as the deliverer of the mother and child safely.
§ We recognize the awesome wonder of life itself.
§ “How sweet to hold a new-born baby, and feel the pride and joy he gives. But greater still, the calm assurance, this child can face uncertain days because Christ lives.”
B. Example of Samuel (1 Samuel 1:11-28)
§ Hannah saw that it was God who gave children to parents.
§ Children are a blessing from the Lord.
§ It was not bittersweet for her to “lend” Samuel to the Lord, it was a fulfillment of her greatest joy. Hannah’s prayer – 2:1-2.
C. Every child inherits a sin nature.
§ Children are molded from an early age. They quickly pick up mannerisms.
§ Their mind is like a sponge, so much so that their characters are formed early.
§ It is so important to train up a child in the way he should go.
§ God should be a regular part of their life.
§ Confession of sin is to be taught early.
§ Some day that awareness of personal sin will come (conviction).
§ A child needs to know where to turn to find answers.
D. Every child Dedicated.
§ We don’t need baby dedication day.
§ We need to dedicate ourselves every day to raise our children as God instructs.