07(Judges 06,11-14)Ordinary People
Judges 6:11-14
Moses, 3 months old in a tiny basket – unlikely candidate to deliver God’s people.
David, even his dad didn’t think he could possibly be king- but God didn’t see a shepherd boy, he saw a king.
Esther – a slave girl in a foreign land – who but God would have looked at her and said “she will save my people”.
Woman at the well – 5 husbands, living with another – comes in middle of day to avoid shame – evangelist to her entire town.
Saul of Tarsus – not a lot of prayer meetings to increase his faith – but God used him.
1 Samuel 16:7 But the LORD said to Samuel, "Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have refused him. For the LORD does not see as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the LORD looks at the heart." NKJV
The life of Gideon serves as an example for all who desire to be used of God, who have a passion to do something significant for the kingdom.
1. There are no background checks with God.
Gideon was from the least likely family, and he was the least likely of that group (6:15).
His family was engulfed in idol worship. (6:25)
2. To be used of God, you must clean up things at home first.
If things aren’t right at home, don’t export it.
Gideon went at night, because he was afraid of his family – next point:
3. Faith is measured not by fearlessness, but by obedience.
Gideon was hiding in the winepress because his enemy was too powerful.
Only God could look at such a person and say, “You mighty man of valor!”
He was fearful of removing the idols – but he obeyed God.
God looks not at the outward strength, but the heart that is willing.
4. The secret ingredient to victory/service: Boldness.
Gideon was not bold until he was filled with the Spirit (6:34).
NT repeatedly shows us this requirement.
Peter, on day of Pentecost, went from an uneducated fisherman to a bold evangelist, only because he was filled with the Spirit. (Acts 2:14)
Later in chapter 4, He was filled with the Spirit to speak boldly before the religious authorities (4:8-13).
In the Spirit, Peter says – (19-20).
The church’s response: (4:23-31; esp 29,31).
We are not commanded to be baptized in the Spirit, or indwelt by the Spirit – those are acts of God. The only command concerning the Spirit – is to be filled (Eph 5:18).
Whenever we are filled with the Spirit, we are walking close to Christ.