Constantly Prepared for Gospel Witness
When you suffer for righteousness’ sake and it becomes evident that you are different in the way you suffer, be always prepared to give a defense of the hope that is in you.
Constantly Prepared for Gospel Witness - 1 Peter 3:13-17
Context: Suffering That God Blesses
Christians can avoid some antagonism with zeal for doing good.
Christians can’t avoid all suffering. Some might even come because of righteous behavior.
This kind of suffering is in fact a blessing.
Always Ready with a Defense
We cannot be controlled by earthly fear.
We must be motivated and sustained by worship of our heavenly Master.
Always being ready is a matter of the heart.
The heart is the origin of human behavior (cf. 1:22; 3:4), and from it flows everything people do. Hence, setting apart Christ as Lord in the heart is not merely a private reality but will be evident to all when believers suffer for their faith. The inner and outer life are inseparable, for what happens within will inevitably be displayed to all, especially when one suffers.
It is a matter of obedience.
It means being alert, sensitive.
This is a defense not of ourselves but of the gospel.
The occasion and the ground of our defense is a life of noticeable distinction.
This defense involves careful study and willing dialogue.
Our approach requires gentleness and reverence.
When believers encounter a hostile world and are challenged concerning their faith, the temptation to respond harshly increases. Defending a position could easily be transmuted into attacking one’s opponents. Hence, Peter added that the defense must be made “with gentleness and reverence”