14(2Chron 20) Ending a Bad Heritage
The "traditional" household containing a husband and wife with children now represents fewer than 25 percent of all U.S. households, according to the July 21 issue of Target Marketing Tipline, a newsletter for marketers.
With the attack on the institution of marriage, families are in trouble. Yet, this is not new. As long as their have been families, there have been problems. Sins of the fathers visit their children far too easily. And no family is immune. As we look at the families of the kings of Israel and Judah, we find problems.
We look to David, and we find a man who was great at his job but absent as a father. He had problems in his family, Absalom among them. He fathered Solomon by Bathsheba, with whom he had committed adultery previously.
Solomon gave birth to Reoboam, who ignored the counsel of God’s people and listened to his buddies and was such a terrible leader that the kingdom split under his leadership.
His son, Abijah, was an evil leader as well. He reigned but a few years. His son, Asa, took over.
2 Chronicles 14:2-8.
He determined not to be like his father, or his family for that matter.
He removed the false ideas, the high places, from the land and from his presence.
He found the Lord had blessed him with a time of peace and he did not take that for granted.
He used that time to fortify his land.
Family leaders, take a lesson from Asa. Don’t follow in your family’s footsteps if they are not footsteps of faith. Sometimes you have to break from family to follow God.
Matthew 10:35-38.
2 Chronicles 14:9-11.
The attitude of Asa was to be dependent upon God.
2 Chronicles 14:12-15.
And God rewarded that attitude and submission.
He blessed their lives because they depended on Him.
2 Chronicles 15:1-7.
How long since there has been spiritual leadership in your family?
7 – Be strong in the Lord.
8-9 – be encouraged by God’s people and God’s word.
10-15 – Show God your allegiance by the sacrifices you make for Him.
16 – Separate yourself from those traditions that are detestable, even those family.