19(Psalm 051) Cleansing from Sin
I. Appeal to be cleansed. (51:1-6)
A. Our only avenue for cleansing is the mercy of God. 1
§ He has unwavering love for His people.
§ He never runs out of mercy for my life.
B. Our only legitimate request is to have the sin completely removed. 2
§ God honors the desire to be completely cleansed.
§ All forgiveness carries the understanding of a change of direction.
§ To be “cleansed” means the sin is no longer a part of you.
II. Steps of Restoration (51:3-12)
A. Agree with God about your sin. 3-6
§ Sins are specific. 3
§ Sins are against God alone. 4
§ Sins are a part of your old nature. 5
§ Sins are not to be a part of your new nature. 6
B. See Christ as Your High Priest. 7-9
§ Hyssop was a plant used by a priest to sprinkle a leper, ceremonially cleansing him.
§ David asks God to be his priest and declare him clean of sin.
§ The result of an encounter with God in formal forgiveness is joy. 8
§ Renewal begins with the Lord, who alone can blot out sin, its stain, and any reminder of it. 9
§ God honors when a sinner comes and recommits to the local church.
§ There is a Holy Spirit mystery that accompanies rededication.
C. Commit to discipleship. 10-11
§ Spiritual renewal always leads to godliness and wisdom.
§ The Holy Spirit guides a rededicated believer to godliness through His word.
§ True conviction never stops at recognition of sin, but at building a right spirit, stronger spirit.
§ There is in the heart of renewal
III. Signs of Restoration (51:12-15)
A. Desire for revival. 12
B. Willingness to share and teach. 13
C. Willingness to sing to Him. 14
D. Willingness to testify about Him. 15
IV. Conclusion: Cleansing changes you. (51:16-21)
A. Cleansing is a matter of the heart. 16-17
B. Cleansing is a matter of priorities. 18-21
§ When a heart is cleansed, participating in worship is never a question.
§ When a heart is cleansed, priority of worship keeps you in church.
§ I noticed long ago that everything is scheduled on the weekends.
§ Why not schedule games and get-togethers on Tuesdays? (The priority of work…)
§ David did not hide his repentance, he desired to worship openly.
§ David was sensitive to the discovery of sin in his life and did not delay or hide.
§ We need a radical turn away from our expectations to God’s expectations.
§ Decide if you are satisfied where you are or if you want your saucer full.
§ “I’m drinking from my saucer ‘cause my cup has overflowed.” Do you want overflowing joy?
§ Joy increases the closer you get to God.