21(Ecclesiastes 03,09-14) Take this Job and Love It
I. The Futility of Work.
A. What is the point of it all? (Ecclesiastes 3:9)
§ Bumper sticker: “I’m in no hurry. I’m on my way to work.”
§ 50% of our life spent working. Seems crazy to invest so much of your life doing something you don’t enjoy. But many feel trapped by their job with no way out.
§ Tom Landry: “When people aren’t happy doing what they do, they don’t do it as well.”
§ And when you ARE excelling at work, it is easier to enjoy the other areas of your life. You have been to an outing that you could not enjoy because of stresses and problems from work.
B. What does my God-given job look like? (3:10-11a)
§ It keeps us occupied. (10)
· We are to discover and fulfill the duties to be done each day.
§ It gives a sense of fulfillment. (11)
· Doing the right thing in God’s time gives a sense of fulfillment.
C. We seek to discover how what we do fits in to God’s overall plan (11b).
§ Unlike animals, we have a desire to understand the whole.
§ This is an aspect of our being created in the image of God.
§ Only God embraces the whole.
§ Before the fall, God communicated to Adam and Eve all they needed for living.
§ After the fall, man was left to go day by day without clear direction, no longer living in the light of God’s whole plan.
§ So the believer must ask, “Lord, what would you have me to do now?”
§ “I know my life has eternal purpose. I desire to know how all things work together for good.”
§ “But I know I’m not you and cannot say why such and such a thing has come to me.” (11c)
II. God’s Gift of Employment. (3:12-13)
A. Allows you to rejoice.
§ There is much to be enjoyed, especially as you go through life doing good for others.
B. Allows you to do good things in life.
§ It is an act of faith to declare that there is a permanency about all God-inspired good deeds.
C. Allows you to meet your obligations.
III. God’s gift of Eternal Purpose. (3:14)
A. God’s job for you has eternal importance (3:14a).
§ One must walk in humble fear lest he miss the will of God in his life.
§ Yet the preacher says that what God has you do shall be forever.
§ And it is unalterable!
B. Some never give thought to the eternal nature of their labors.
§ How sad that Christians would choose to live and work without regard to eternal matters.
§ Our treasures are to be laid up in heaven (Matt 6:20)
§ Our works of silver and gold will survive the test of God (1 Cor. 3:10-15).
§ Our works (our labors) follow us (Rev. 14:13).
C. Sadly, the unbeliever cannot plan his life in the light of eternity.