Being prepared to hear from God
The prophet and the faithful people who support him expect God to destroy such wickedness. The God they worship cannot tolerate such. Yet for a time God is silent.
Habakkuk finds a relationship with God as Savior even as God retains his silence on the field of human history. The prophet knows God as Savior even as he continues to wait for God’s historical deliverance. Salvation depends on trust in God’s word, in faithfully being righteous even when God does not appear to be (2:4). Salvation is not prosperity now. Salvation is trust in the midst of hardship while God plans his actions according to his ultimate knowledge and will. “Habakkuk’s vision of God as the mighty conqueror of chaos endows him with hope for the future and instills within him the triumphant courage to endure a dismal present in the joyous confidence that this vision of God will prove reliable.…