Yeargin Great Faith or Great Fury

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Read Passage ; Matthew
Great Fury came by the threat of great Loss
Great Faith came by the way of Great Loss
Define what I mean by offences
Loss of control
Loss of respect
Loss of power
Loss of loved ones
Loss of income
What offended you?
What offended you?
Great faith is how we respond to offenses
From thence he arose
Jesus left this atmosphere
Unfortunately the above attitudes and not only hinder revival but cause his work to move on out- Ichabod- the Glory of the Lord has departed
Jesus would come back to Galilee and Capernaum area but never again mention a venture into the city of Chinnereth or the surrounding area of Genneserat
Entered into an house ()
-to be hid ()
-Typically Jesus’s ministry was done in the markets, the streets; which acted like markets “laid the sick in the streets..touch if it were but the border of his garment..”
-Typically was an active or roaming ministry- “whithersoever he entered, into villages, or cities, or country…
tested by his silence (), refusal (24), and seeming reproach that it was not meet to cast the children’s bread to dogs (26). But it stood the test, and her petition was graciously granted, because of the greatness of her faith (28).
She came to Him with her appeal, in spite of the Jewish-Gentile difference that was between them, with all its implications.
“Have mercy on me..” She made her daughter’s problem her own; grievously vexed with a devil
I will leave you alone, what is not of God will be rooted up ()
Sent to others- -Wrong Mission
I am sent to others, not you
She was unworthy- -Wrong Meat
We eat bread, you eat rotting flesh and trash
Set her daughter free-
He gives her three nots before he gives her “as thou wilt”
-”For she crieth after us” Disciples
They viewed the gentile woman as a problem
They viewed the gentile woman as unclean
They viewed the gentile woman as someone who was unhelpable
Nothing to be done but send her away


Dogs were not beloved household pets given every luxury and pampered like they are today
-They were ceremonially unclean and viewed and filthy animals
-- compares using money from the selling of a Dog as temple offering to using money from the work of prostitution as an offering
-Dogs biblically were the trash animals that cleaned up the streets of rotting corpses; both other animals and even humans ()()()
-Job speaks in a way that they were viewed as the lowest of the working animals ()
-Biblically they were compared to pigs; unclean, unworthy of anything holy ()
-In the New Testament- Paul references them as dangerous animals to stay clear of () John puts them in the context of “sorcerers, and whoremongers, and murderers, and idolaters, and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie” ()
Anecdote- Lutheran Church on Grissom- “Pet Blessing this Sunday”

1. Offenses Expose our Affection (, , )

Offenses Expose our Affection (, , 21-24)

God resists the Proud
I am not a canaanite
I am not a heathen
I am not a dog
-Missed the Miracles for the Minor Mistakes ()
-Rather than seeing revival breaking out around us and getting in on it, they start to criticize so that they can justify why they are not at the table and witnessing the miracles.
-Swallowed the Camel and Strained at a Gnat ()
-After being confronted about their heart and worship (vs 6-7) they did not make reconciliation, they were too offended
-Missed the Master for the Muppets ()
-The best a man can do is be moved by God, and here they are elevating men over God manifest in the flesh
-more interested in the glory and praise of man than the glory and praise of God
-Mastered the Lingo but not the Love of God ()
-they could talk the talk all day, and shoot the lip with the best, they could delineate and articulate to where the whole world would be mesmerized by the circumlocution and fancy words. But their actions and hearts were not fooling God.
Woman; loved her daughter, loved the Lord Jesus Christ; not just lip service
situations on the silence of God
situations on what the people of God did (disciples)

2. Offenses Effect our Direction ()

He answered her not a word
It caused this Lady to continue her cry
Through all its history the principal temple was that of Eshmun, the god of healing. It is thus significant that it was in the region of Sidon that Christ healed the Syro-Phoenician woman’s daughter (; cf. ).
Many votive offerings were found in the form of statues of persons healed by the god, especially babies and young children.
communal food consumption
The table was transformational
The despising of the table removes God’s moving on our behalf
Can bring deliverance and victory
Excuses to stop pursuing Lord
Kids- she didn’t allow her da
No good deed goes unpunished

3. Offenses Enable His Action ()

-Many believed in Jesus Christ as the Messiah from Tyre and Sidon
-and they about Tyre and Sidon, a great multitude, when they had heard what great things he did, came unto him. ()()
-Later Paul would find disciples-fruit from those who believed on Jesus Christ as the Messiah in Tyre ()
-They seemed fervent in prayer ()
-They seemed to be walking and sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit ()
-Involved in ministry as families () Were fully vested into the ministry and work of Jesus Christ
Your words matter
Jesus Christ turned from rejection to giving based on her words of faith and humble reliance on Him alone
“For this saying..”()
The Lord puts great importance on our faith and our spoken words
Your action matters
Offenses expose our affection
Offenses effect our direction
Offenses enable his Action
Conclusion: Reconciliation, Restoration,
If you have been struggling with this surrender
Say true Lord
Faith and how we respond really effects our children
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