A Faith that Walks(Youtube)
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Have you lost that fire and flare with God? Do your prayers seem to just bounce of the ceiling? Do you wish you had faith like you did when you were first saved?
Well, in this video im going to tell you how you can and by the time you are doing watching it, you will know how to have that fire in your heart as I explain how to have “A faith that Walks!”
a.This is Scott Rowe from Guided by Grace Ministries
b. Where we talk about God, faith, & theology
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A Faith that Walks: Enoch
Enoch had a faith that walked with God. He walked so closely with God, that one day God just took him. He was considered righteous, Holy, and blameless. Don’t you want to have a relationship with God like that?
a. Noah has a faith that saves. He was called by God to build an ark because God was going to destroy the earth with a flood because of all the wickedness he has seen by man but he would spare Noah, his family and some animals. Noah was obedient to his call. Good thing he was or he would be saying goodbye to himself and his family just like the rest of the earth. He showed a faith that saved people from destruction.
Have you ever felt stuck or went through a dry season in your relationship with Christ? What got you through it? Comment and share with us below. It could be something someone needs to hear!
I want a relationship with Go so intimate that He would just take me to be with Him for all eternity! We are called to walk like that and to have that kind of faith. We are to be Holy as God is Holy. It is said of Enoch that he walked with God, was blameless, and it’s says in the book of Jude that he was a preacher who pronounced judgment to the world! This walking with God reveals an intimacy, or fellowship. Enoch had an inner communion with God and was conscious of His presence. The love that this intimacy produced enabled him to live in such a way as to please God. It empowered Him to walk in the Spirit.
b. We too share in this saving faith. The pregnant teenager chooses saving faith every time she decides to raise a child instead of aborting it.
b. Dr. Charles Weigle composed the favorite “No One Ever Cared for Me Like Jesus.” One day he visited Pasadena, California. Early that morning he had an opportunity to walk through some of the famous rose gardens when the full fragrance of the flowers filled the air.
c. God hasn’t reserved saving faith for just Noah or that teenage girl who chose life. Saving faith is for us too. To help those who are hurting, hopeless and helpless.
Later in the day he arrived at the hotel where a Bible conference was being held. As he took his seat, a man turned to him and said, “Dr. Weigle, I know where you’ve been. You toured one of our lovely gardens, for I can smell the pleasing aroma on your clothing.” “My prayer is that I may walk so closely with the Lord that the fragrance of His grace will pervade my being. I want them to know by my words, actions, and songs that I have been with Jesus.”
C. Many will say, I will never be able to walk that close with Jesus or I will never again have the same intimacy I once enjoyed with God. That those are just feelings you get when you first come to know Him. But, what if I told you that you can?! You can experience that same level of intimacy with the father. We can come to the garden alone and walk with Him and talk with Him and fall in love with Him all over again!
d. Noah had a faith that saved himself and his family from death. Just imagine the consequences if he choose not to listen to God’s voice.
d. Enoch had a faith that walked with God and was obedient to him and that’s how he experienced the intimacy with God that he did.
a.. Don’t you want to experience that kind of relationship? I think the problem that many of us have is SIN. The problem with SIN is that i is always in the middle of it. The solution though for it is Jesus Christ and the grace that he offers us. Draw near to God and He will draw near to you!
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d. This has been Guided by Grace, where we talk about God, faith, and theology!