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Something Unique about me: Murder Hotel

Game: Last Man Standing

-Bring up winner, Unique from everyone else
-Take selfie

Introduce series: Selfie- The proper perspective matters.

-Tell Twilight Zone Story
-Failed to have the full perspective
Ultimately, this is what we call “Selfie Culture”
-Its the mindest that the only thing that matters is this one focused area of culture. So we create, the perfect selfie to put forward so that people have a controlled, small perspective of who we are.

Selfie Facts

Selfie Facts
-Every third picture in your phone is a selfie
-The average 25-37 year old will take 25, 700 selfies in their life
-City College in Covert England has a class called “The Art of Photograph self-portrait.” aka selfie class
-Danny Bowman, 14, dropped out of school and has been under psychiatric evaluation because he was taking 200 selfies a day trying to get the “perfect selfie.:”
-in 2018, over 250 people died trying to take selfies
Why the obsession with selfies?
-heres why i think it is: We are pushing an identity to the world that we want to control.
-In other words: We are fronting. We want to project a certain image so that we might be accepted by others.
Heres what we need to know about this:
-As long as the desire of our hearts is to find out identity in the approval of the world, we have missed the mark.

Intro King David

David was a man that found his identity in God.
Top 5 things that David did that I love:
Danced naked in front of his entire kingdom
Cut the robe off of a guy who was pooping
Took the son of his worst enemy and made him sit in the honor seat of his table
Played a harp
pretended to be crazy when captured
David was a guy cared more about being identified with God than being identified with himself.
We are going to see this in over the next 4 weeks.

Psalm 139:16 ESV
16 Your eyes saw my unformed substance; in your book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.
Psalm 139:17 ESV
17 How precious to me are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them!
Psalm 139:13 ESV
13 For you formed my inward parts; you knitted me together in my mother’s womb.
Psalm 139:14 ESV
14 I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well.
Do you see what David is acknowledging here?
-That everything he is, person and soul, is because of God.
-His identity is in God.
David understood the most fundamental aspect of our being: that its all about God. What is the first verse of the Bible?
And that is David’s starting point.
At one point, David says that he lays in bed at night and weeps over how marvelous creation is. Have you ever done that? me either. Why?
Because David knew that God’s perspective is greater than his.
That’s what a selfie culture loses: the right perspective. Because it shifts. It moves from being about God, to about us.


I have a 2 year old daughter.
-She likes cheese
-Chocolate milk
-Can count to 10
-Can say her Abc’s
-She knows i drive a truck
But if you were to walk up to her when she doesn’t know you and ask her anything, do you know what she would say?
-She would grab my leg and say, “thats my dada.”
-Because her identity is tied to me.
-She trusts me
-she’s safe with me
-she’s loved by me
-she’s provided for by me
-I’m always there for her
-I know what’s best for her
My perspective is larger than hers. Sure, she doesn’t sit there and think, “My dad has a great perspective on this.” But she trusts that I have the answers.
Because of that, her identity is tied to me.
And this is what David says:
God created him
God knows him
God leads him
God is with him
David knows that his perspective is limited. He knows that God’s is unlimited. Like a father to an infant.
David knows that he has to see himself the way the Father sees him.
He has to trust what the Father says about him.
For the next four weeks, we are going to be discussing how the father sees us. What his perspective is compared to ours. How the way we see ourselves in light of the Father directed David’s life, and it how it should direct ours.
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