Fools Gold

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“Fool’s Gold”
In the days of the gold rush many people searching for gold came across its counterfeit, charcoal pyrite, fool’s gold. This mineral is usually mistaken for real gold, because it look like gold, and glitters like gold and is found in the same region as gold. Its discovery gives the prospector the thoughts of becoming a multi-millionaire. But it is short live, when the goldsmith tells him he has not discovered gold, but fool’s gold, and it is worth nothing.
Jesus tells the story about a man whose whole life had been spent accumulating fool’s gold. He was living for things that had no real, eternal value. Jesus calls this man a fool and tells his life story, to warn us about the dangers of greed and what happens to a person who becomes possessed with possessions.
Notice what is happening when Jesus tells this story. A man had died, and his two sons were squabbling over the money he had left behind.
Both men wanted to get what was coming to them.
One of them thought he was getting shortchanged, so he comes to Jesus asking Jesus to tell his brother to give him his half of the inheritance.
This man, and possibly his brother were both there in the crowd listening to Jesus preach.
Jesus had been preaching about removing hypocrisy from your life, fearing God more than you fear people, about how God cares for you, watches over you, and knows the very hairs of your head. Jesus spoke about hell, and blaspheming the Holy Spirit. Jesus was preaching eternal truths, valuable, important things to the people in the crowd.
But rather than listening to what Jesus was saying, this man was preoccupied with his own situation. He is not interested in biblical truth, he’s not listening to what Jesus is saying. How sad, what a warning to us, to not just be present in body on the pew; but open your ears and your heart to hear what God’s word says to you! And when Jesus pauses to take a breath, this man blurts out a request to Jesus,
V:13-Read. Jesus refused to get involved, V:14-Read.
Jesus makes it clear that he did not come to get involved in these kind of matters; Jesus had come to seek and save the lost. Jesus lets this man know it was not his place to decide who got what, but to challenge people about more important matters.
Here’s a man who should have been soaking in the word of God; but he is allowing material things to choke out the word of God that was sown in his heart.
How sad to see a person who is hearing the word of God, from the son of God and yet their only concern is about fool’s gold, the cheap, trivial, and temporal.
There are many people who want Jesus to solve their problems; but not to change their hearts.
Jesus knew that this family feud over money was only a symptom of a greater problem, the problem of covetousness. So Jesus is going to give this man and us, a warning about greed.
Take heed… watch out! Beware! Be on red alert against covetousness. Jesus knew this man’s heart, He knew he was guilty of the great sin of coveting. Covetousness means-a greedy grasp for more, a thirst for having more.
The man was coveting what his brother had; and the brother who had it, was not willing to share it, both of these men were coveting wealth.
Jesus warning is for all of us; whether we are among the halves or the have-nots, we are all tempted by the consuming desire to have things that God has given to others rather than to us.
The poor are tempted to want the things they do not have; while the rich are tempted to want more of what they do have. Jesus warns us all to be on guard against covetousness!
Covetousness in the heart is the attitude of always wanting more, and more, the covetous heart is never satisfied.
Someone said: greed is a fat demon with a small mouth, and whatever you feed it is never enough “
-“He who loves money will not be satisfied with money, nor he who loves wealth with his income”.
Paul calls covetousness idolatry in . Covetousness puts material possessions on the throne of your life; and they become your God.
Jesus says watch out for, covetousness, greed; because life does not consist in what we have. Don’t think that having a lot of things will add any value, worth, or satisfaction to your life; that is fool’s gold. Life is found in knowing the Lord Jesus Christ, not in anything this world has to offer! Watch out!
To strengthen his warning about wanting more than we have, living a life of covetousness, Jesus tells his disciples a parable about a man who was living his life for possessions.
The man suddenly becomes very rich, unfortunately he responded to the wealth the wrong way; and then he suddenly dies and leaves it all behind.
Jesus calls this man a fool.
What makes a person a fool in the eyes of God?
A life of covetous makes you a fool, because you:
1. Live for Self, Instead of God.
The rich man was a farmer, but he represents all human beings who are seduced by covetousness, a love for more things. When we meet Mr. Rich, he is already rich, then he has a bumper crop; and becomes richer than he’s ever been. Jesus does not condemn the man for being rich; Jesus simply tells us he had a bumper crop. The Bible doesn’t condemn making money, are being successful or rich. This man wasn’t dishonest, underhanded, he didn’t cheat anyone, or embezzle money. He got his money the old-fashioned way, he worked for it. The Bible teaches us to work hard, have integrity, be industrious, and sometimes this leads to wealth. The man’s money, is not the point or the problem. What caused Jesus to call this man a fool was he was selfish and living for himself, instead of God. There’s no thought of God or others, which makes this man a fool.
His selfishness is revealed by the fact that:
a. He is Not Thankful.
Look at the words that come from this man’s mouth in V:17-19.
V:17-“what shall I do…In these verses he uses 11 personal pronouns, 11 times he says either I or my.
He is a man with “I” problems, he is totally consumed with himself, he is a self-centered man. He says they are:
My fruits, my barns, my goods, my soul.
He is living for self, without a single thought about God! His eyes were totally focused on his sudden riches, and abundance, and he never looks up and thanks God, or acknowledges that God was the owner of everything, and that God is the one that made him rich. It was God that gave just the right amount of rain and sun, no disease or pestilence, and a huge harvest.
He’s not thankful that God gave him the health to plow, plant and harvest. He thinks they are his barns, his goods, his fruits, his riches. Whenever we are blessed, are become financially successful, or have material things and forget where they come from we will be filled with pride and think that there is something we have done to deserve what we have. -“it is God who gives you power to get riches”.
This man was not thankful to God at all! He is totally taking credit for the blessings that God had given him. How foolish to experience the blessings of God in your life, and never look up and give him praise and thanksgiving for what he has given to you.
-“Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, comes down from the father…
This man is taking credit for what God had done for him. What he should have done, was to get on his knees, put his hands in the air and thank God for the sunshine, rain, and the bountiful harvest! What he should have done was bring a tithe and offering of thanksgiving to God, but he did not.
I’m sure if you asked him; do you believe in God, he would have said oh yes, of course I believe in God. Yet he was living as if God didn’t exist! He is not thankful to God!
b. He is Not prayerful.
V:17-“he thought within himself saying…
The only person he talks to is himself, he never prays and talks to God. Do you ever talk to yourself? Sometimes around the house I will start talking to myself, out loud; and Tess will say, who you talking to? I will say, I am talking to myself, I always enjoy talking to an intelligent person.
Mr. Rich is talking to himself, and as you listen in on his conversation, you find out this guy has nothing on the inside. Oh yes he has full barns, but he has an empty heart! He has no place of inward prayer, he doesn’t seek the advice, or help of God to know what he should do with the blessings that God has given him.
He is not in partnership with God; he’s not living as a Stewart of the possessions that God had given to him. That’s why he doesn’t seek God’s counsel in prayer. When you live for self, instead of God, you find yourself not having a prayer life; which makes you a very foolish person. He talked to himself “what shall I do?
He doesn’t say God what do you want me to do, what is your will, your plan, for these abundant possessions.
c. He is Not Helpful.
V:17-“what shall I do… I will pull down my barns and build greater…
He has been blessed with abundance, he has extra, and yet he doesn’t look out, look around to see if there was a need he could meet. Think about how many ways he could have resolved his dilemma of not having enough room to store his grain. He could have given his extra grain to the work of God, to the poor and needy. He could’ve stored his grain in heaven’s barn, by giving it to the work of God. He could’ve stored his grain in the bellies of the hungry people of the world. But instead of seizing the opportunity to share the blessings of God with others he decided to hoard it for himself and build bigger barns.
He was living totally for himself and his own interest and desires, with no thought of giving to God or others. The happiest person is not that person who gets the most, the happiest person is the person who gives the most. Jesus said, it is more blessed to give than receive.
Covetousness, the greedy grasp for more, and more possessions coats your soul, and closes your eyes and heart to God and others. This man was not thankful, prayerful, or helpful. He was a fool because he was living for self, instead of God.
A life of covetous makes you a fool, because you:
2. Take Care of Your Body, but Not Your Soul.
Think about what he is saying in this verse; this man is all mixed up. He doesn’t understand the difference between his body and his soul.
He says, soul, you have much goods laid up for many years, take it easy, eat, drink and be merry.
Your soul… Doesn’t eat and drink! It’s your body that eats and drinks; and eating and drinking want make your soul Merry, happy, satisfied!
There is a lot more to you than your body, there’s more to you than what others see. You have inside your body an eternal soul! Yes, there is value to your body, you need to take care of your body as a good Stewart.
It’s good to exercise, and eat right, take vitamins, watch your cholesterol and try to be healthy. I know you want to look good, and feel good; nothing wrong with that. But you need to know the difference between your soul and your body. This man thinks that having possessions, eating and drinking will make his soul happy. He says to us “soul, soul you have much goods laid up for many years”. Those goods were not laid up for his soul, they were laid up for his body. His body would take it easy, eat and drink, but not his soul.
He had absolutely nothing laid up for his soul, that’s why God called him a fool, V:21-Read.
This man was taken care of his body, but not taking care of his soul.
Let me tell you something you really need to know! Having more things, material possessions will never satisfy your soul! There’s nothing wrong with things, and possessions, your body enjoys them; but they don’t satisfy your soul! God knows that you have needs, V:31-32“your father knows what you have need of… Seek God first and He will give you what you need.
The problem is, V:15-“a man’s life doesn’t consist in the abundance of the things which he possesses”.
Money, clothes, a house are necessary for your physical life, your body; but those things cannot satisfy the deep, spiritual hunger of your soul!
A new car, a bigger house, more toys, trinkets, will not fill the void in your soul!
-“All the labor of man is for his body, and yet his soul is not satisfied”.
It is foolish to think that you can satisfy your soul, with material things!
Someone asked the richest man alive at one time, John Rockefeller; “How much money does it take to make a man happy”? He answered, one more dollar!
If millions didn’t make him happy; one more dollar wouldn’t make him happy. No matter how much you have, it will not satisfy your soul, or give you lasting happiness, security and peace!
Things can please the body, but they cannot please the soul! Jesus called this man a fool; because he took care of his body, but not his soul!
There’s something about you that is more valuable than your body; and that is your soul!
Jesus said, “What shall it profit a man, if he gain the whole world and lose his own soul, or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
There’s nothing of equal or greater value than your soul!
I remember the night I asked Tess to marry me. We were sitting on the bank of the St. Johns River, in Jacksonville Florida. It was a beautiful, starry night, I got down on my knee, opened up that black velvet box with that beautiful diamond ring, and asked her to marry me! And she said yes!
Miracles still happen! Suppose she took that little black box with the diamond ring in it; and she said. Oh Eddie what a cute box! It is black, velvet, look at the little hinge, and claps, and little pillow on the inside, it is beautiful. But what about the ring! That’s what I will spend the rest of my life paying for! It is the diamond that’s valuable, not the box!
That’s what people do who take care of their body, but not their soul; they feed the box, clothe the box, pamper the box, and rest the box.
But what about your soul? Your soul is the diamond, your soul is what’s truly valuable, precious, and eternal! If you only take care of the needs of your body, and neglect your soul, Jesus says that’s foolish!
A life of covetous makes you a fool, because you:
3. Think of Time, but Not of Eternity.
V:19-“ he said, I have goods laid up for many years…
This man thinks that life consist in the days he lives on the earth. He thinks that riches, and wealth guarantee him a long life. He assumes he has many years, because he has more money than ever.
An interesting study was done not too long ago about how long people are living today:
· In 1900 the average lifespan was 47 years.
· In 1977 the average lifespan was 71 years.
· And 2017 the average lifespan was 79 years.
People are living longer today.
The oldest man who ever lived is a man named Methuselah. He lived 969 years; think about how many pair of pants he wore out, how many gallons of sweet tea he drank, how many chicken strips he ate, how much garbage he hauled out. Yet at the end of all those years, were told he died. There’s more to life than length, just adding one more year to your life… there is eternity. Here’s a man who was living with his eyes focused on this life, with no consideration of where he was going to spend eternity. He is congratulating himself on his prosperity and success, he’s making plans for the future.
When like a clap of thunder, God speaks to him, V:20-“You fool, this night, your soul will be required of you: then who shall these things be, which you have provided?
This man was not thinking about God, but God was thinking about him.
This man was not talking to God, but God is talking to him. You may have never said anything to God, but one of these days God is going to say something to you.
God calls this man a fool; that is a strong, strong word. In fact so strong the Bible says we are not to call someone a fool. Yet God calls this man a fool!
In the eyes of the world this man was a success, but in the eyes of God he was a fool. The word fool means without reason, it is not reasonable to think of time, and not think of eternity, that makes you a fool! Three times in the Bible God talks about people being fools:
· -“The fool has said in his heart there is no God”.
That is the mental fool; a person is a fool who intellectually says there is no God.
· -“Fools make a mock of sin”.
A man is a moral fool who thinks he can sin and get by with his sin.
· -“Thou fool”.
Jesus calls a man a material fool, who lives for this world, with no thought of the world to come.
This man was a fool because he was thinking only of time, and not eternity. This man thinks he will live for many years, yet he’s down to his last hour! His clock was wrong, he was talking about many years, and God said, on my clock, your time is up! The grains of sand in the hourglass have ran out.
Not many years… But this night!
a. Death is inevitable.
-“It is appointed unto man once to die, and after this the judgment”.
Life is fleeting, death is coming, prepare to meet God.
Picture this man sitting in his house, he’s counting his money, reading the Wall Street Journal, going through his portfolio. He has the blueprints laid out for the bigger barns. He’s looking at the bids for the job that have come in, he’s getting ready for a major building project. About that time, there’s a knock at the door, he says who’s there? A voice says, death, I have come for your soul. Suppose Mr. Rich says, go away, don’t bother me, I don’t have time for you, I am making my plans for the future. I’ve got many years, possessions, and plans to eat, drink and be happy.
Do you think death comes in and looks around and says, well I never realized how big your house was. I didn’t know you were getting ready to build some new barns. Do you think that’s what death did?NO!
Death doesn’t care how big your house is, how much money you have, what kind of car you drive, what your future plans are. Death says, this night your soul is required of you! Death comes in and looks at the man, he grabs his chest and slumps over in the chair; he is dead!
His servants come in the room, call 911, the EMTs arrive, and they work on him; and try to save his life. But there’s no heartbeat, he is dead. The undertakers pick up his body; they have an elaborate funeral; but God writes his epitaph.
You are a fool!
Friend it doesn’t matter where you live, are what you have, death is inevitable. People who live in million-dollar homes died, just like people who live in shacks. You are a fool if you don’t realize:
Death is inevitable.
b. Judgment is inescapable.
V:20-“your soul shall be required of you”
Required is a banking term, it means to call in loan.
God tells this man that his loan is due; the loan of his soul. Your soul, and mortal life on this earth is a loan from God.
Your soul belongs to God, he has loaned it to you for only a certain among of time. And one of these days God is going to call in his loan. You will stand before God, and answer for what you have done with the soul He gave you. You will have to answer for what you’ve done with the Lord Jesus; what you have done with the time, talents and treasures He has given you. You will stand before God one day in the judgment; judgment is inescapable.
c. Possessions will be inaccessible.
V:20-“Then whose shall these things be what you have provided?
The answer is, whoever gets them; they will not belong to you. This man was a fool because he thought that his life consisted in the abundance of the things he owned; the very attitude that Jesus was warning against. He was thinking only about this life, money, possessions, and pleasure, and then death came, and made him look like a fool. Because he was not prepared for eternity!
Jesus ends the story by saying, V:21-“So as he that lays up treasure for himself, and is not rich toward God”.
Any person who lives only for this world, money and all that it can buy, and their goal is getting more and more for themselves, without any regard to God; that person is a fool.
Jesus tells this story to warn us not to live this way. Don’t settle…Don’t settle for fool’s gold, and miss out of true riches, the riches of God in Christ Jesus.
-“For ye know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that, though he was rich, yet for your sakes he became poor, that ye through his poverty might be rich”.
Jesus Christ, stepped out of the glories, splendor, and wealth of heaven, and the worship of angels; condescended into the womb of the Virgin Mary, lived a perfect life, and died a sacrificial death, and rose in victorious resurrection. He that was rich, became poor, that we might know the riches of his grace, forgiveness, salvation, and eternal life!
Do you want to be rich? Come to Jesus and say, Lord Jesus, I’m a lost, bankrupt sinner, please forgive me and save me! The Lord Jesus will deposit his perfect righteousness into your account and make you an heir of God and a joint-heir with Jesus. You will have an inheritance that fades not away.
What does it mean to be rich toward God?
I am rich toward God when I make his glory my goal, his worship my joy, and his fellowship my satisfaction.
I am rich toward God and I give my abilities to serve him.
I am rich toward God when I tithe and give an offering to his work.
In an ancient Empire there was a king who called in various entertainers, but his favorite was the court jester. He would come in and make the king laugh all the funny, silly things he did. One day the king so enjoyed the entertainment from the court jester that he said, court jester I’m going to give you my Royal scepter, you are the biggest fool I’ve seen in my life. I want you to keep this scepter until you find a bigger fool than yourself. So the court jester kept the king’s scepter for many, many years.
Then one day the king was very sick, and about to die. He sent for the court jester, and said it made me laugh and entertained me many times, but today I’m getting ready to die. The court jester said to the king, have you made any preparation for the journey of death? The king said, no I have made none. The court jester extended the scepter to the king and said, here, O, King; you are a bigger fool than I am. I trifle with things related to time; you have trifled with eternity”.
I beg you don’t play around with eternity! Don’t come down to the end of your life, and have the son of God call you a fool. Trusted him as your personal Savior and Lord! Give Jesus your eternal soul today! Christian, become rich toward God!
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