Money Talks

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“Money Talks”
Somebody said, yeah, money talks, and all it says to me is goodbye!
Your money really does talk! How you get your money, spend your money, save your money, and give your money; says a lot about you.
It says what is truly important to you. The way to really find out what matters to you; is to look at your calendar and your bank statement.
Even if we say that God and his work is important to us; if our calendar, and our bank statement does not reflect that, then it’s not true. It is where we spend our time, and our money that truly says what is important to us.
Jesus said in -“Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also”.
Jesus says, where you put your money; your heart will go. When you give to God; and His church to accomplish his work in this world; your heart will also be given to God, and his church.
The more you give to God’s work; the more you your heart will be connected to God’s work; that is the way it always works.
Jesus turns the camera on a poor widow woman who is giving to God’s work, because her heart is in love with God!
This woman was a wonderful source of joy and encouragement to the heart of the Lord Jesus!
As far as we know, Jesus didn’t speak a word to her, and she didn’t speak a word to him. She probably didn’t even notice Jesus, but Jesus noticed her! And what she did that day was so wonderful that Jesus wanted us to know about it.
She is an unnamed, unknown widow woman; yet she has become one of the best-known people in all of the bible. She represents all the unknown, unnamed children of God who have faithfully supported the work of God and have kept the church going. Let’s look at her testimony through the eyes of the Lord Jesus.
Notice 1st of all:
1. Where Jesus Sat.
-“Jesus set over against the treasury…
Jesus is in the temple, he had been preaching the gospel, answering questions, and revealing to the people that he was the Messiah, the son of David, the son of God. Jesus had come to be the fulfillment of all that temple was a picture of.
Jesus said, one greater than the temple is here.
It was a sad thing, that the Lord Jesus Christ, the reality of all the rituals, sacrifices, and symbols of the temple was there, but the people missed him. They missed the one it was all about!
We are in a wonderful building today, and we are grateful for it, it is dedicated to the worship of the Lord Jesus Christ. But we must be careful that we don’t come in and out of the doors of this building, and not be aware that we’re coming into the very presence of the Lord Jesus. Jesus is here this morning, he said where two or three are gathered together in my name, there I am in the midst of them. Jesus is seen in the book of Revelation, walking among his churches. This is a place to encounter the risen, living Lord Jesus Christ; my prayer is that you will experience his presence in a real way in your heart and life today!
Not only was Jesus at the temple, but we are told where Jesus was sitting in the temple, and what he was doing.
-“And Jesus set over against the treasury and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury….
In the treasury there were 13 collection boxes called, the trumpets, because that was the way they were shaped. Each one of these trumpets were labeled to designate what the offering was far.
A free will offering, wine and corn offering, for sacrifices, for priest, for the upkeep of the temple, etc.
The people would come into the treasury, look at the trumpet, offering boxes and decide where they wanted to put their money.
Jesus is sitting by the treasury, and he is watching.
I think it is surprising to some people that the Lord really is watching what you give, and is interested in your offering.
Jesus looks when the offering is taken every Sunday. Don’t think for one moment that Jesus is uninterested in the offering we give. Jesus saw the offerings given by the people that day.
We’re told: where Jesus sat.
2. Who Jesus Saw.
V:1-“He saw the rich men casting their gifts into the treasury.
Because it was Passover time, Jerusalem was filled with people, and they were giving tremendous amounts of money. Jesus saw many rich men cast in their money; Jesus saw the men and the money.
Jesus was interested in every person who was giving their offering that day. There was no paper money in that day, no bills, no checks, no online giving, and no text-to-give. All the money was given in coins. And when you cast your money into those trumpets, your offering could be heard.
The more you gave the bigger the noise you would make, and the more you would be noticed.
The rich, gave large sums of money, and no doubt the people watching and hearing were impressed.
Jesus was watching, and listening; while the rich were giving big sums of money, and the trumpets were ringing out their offerings.
Don’t get the idea that Jesus is condemning the wealthy for giving, of course not.
Jesus acknowledges that the rich cast in their money. There is nothing wrong with making a lot of money, but always keep in mind it is God who has blessed you, with a large salary, an inheritance; and in turn you ought to give generously to God, who has been so generous to you. Never forget that it is God who is given you the ability to gain wealth.
-“But you shall remember the LORD thy God: for it is he that gives you power to get wealth that he may establish his covenant which he swore to you fathers, as it is this day.
Everything you and I have come from God; it is God who gives us all things richly to enjoy. Your spouse, family, house, job, health, church, are all blessings from God. Every good gift comes down from the father above. It is God who has given you power to get wealth, and you are responsible to use that wealth for God’s glory.
If God has blessed you, be generous in your giving.
Where would churches be if it were not for the generosity of God’s people giving their money to build buildings, send missionaries, and support the work of the Lord?
It is important for new Christians and young couples to learn to tithe and give to God’s work. Learn to handle your money, make giving to God a priority in your life, and family.
Money is a good servant, but a poor master; make sure you master your money, and your money does a master you.
Jesus watched as the wealthy cast in much.
Jesus watched as the widow cast in her mites.
V:2-“And he saw also a certain poor widow casting in there too mites”.
The word “saw” means more than just a spectator, it is more than a passing glance. It means to look with interest, to know, to discern. Jesus saw not only how much they gave, but how much they had left after they gave. Don’t you miss this, God is watching what you give!
Jesus was close enough, and watching intently enough, to see two tiny coins in the shriveled hand of an old woman who approached the treasury. Jesus was interested in who was giving and what they were giving.
We are prone to think that what we do with our money is our own business and no one else’s. But that is wrong! From these verses it is obvious that our giving is God’s business as well. Jesus makes no apology for watching what people gave.
Get the picture in your mind about this woman.
She is a widow, her husband has died, she has no one to take care of her, and she is all alone. She is not only a widow, she is a poor widow; there are two words for poor in the N.T. one word means, wanting, needy, without much. The other word for poor means, having nothing, destitute. It is this word that is used to describe this lady.
This widow is destitute, she has nothing, and she lives from day to day. This is not our American poor; a person in America thinks they’re poor if they only eat out two times a week. This lady’s poor meant that she went to bed hungry many nights.
Yet she is the one who has come to give an offering. I can see her as she comes wearing worn out clothes, a shawl wrapped around her, she comes to one of those trumpets, and she puts in her two mites. Too little copper coins, they were worth less than a penny, they were worth about one fourth of a penny. She dropped them in the trumpet, and they didn’t even make a noise. She gives them and walks away unnoticed by the crowds of people.
All the rich were making those trumpets sound-out with their giving, and that was good. But no one paid much attention to her… But… Please notice that someone, the son of God, had his eyes on that little poor woman and the mites she gave to God! Our wonderful Savior not only sees the big gifts that are given, Jesus sees the little gifts that are given! So you think that nobody sees what you do, nobody notices what you give; there is someone who sees what you do, and notices what you give; and that’s the Lord Jesus Christ!
The Old Testament says, despise not the day of small things.
Jesus sees and cares about little things that we do for him! The hand that formed the earth, and made the sun and the moon, and flung the stars and space, is the same hand that formed the wings of a fly, and the tongue of a gnat. Nothing is too small to escape the notice of Jesus. Little deeds done in the name of Jesus, for the glory of God are important to him. Just a cup of cold water given in His name, brings a reward. Don’t ever believe that what you have is too little for Jesus to notice. Jesus saw her gift, and Jesus sees your gift.
Where Jesus Sat.
Who Jesus Saw.
3. What Jesus Said.
Jesus said to his disciples, come over here boys, I want to show you something. See that little widow over there; she has given more than anyone here.
She gave two mites; now the disciples knew that a mite was the smallest coin in the Greek world.
No doubt they are thinking, we didn’t even hear her money go in the trumpet; what does he mean she gave more? Then Jesus goes on to explain why her gift was the greatest gift given that day.
This reminds us that Jesus is looking for sacrificial giving, not just comfortable giving.
Jesus said that the rich, V:4-“gave out of their abundance an offering to God…
The problem that Jesus had with their offering was it was not in proportion to what he had given them. They’re giving was not sacrificial, it was comfortable. What they gave was not a hard decision, it was an easy decision. What they gave did not cost them anything; they never missed it, it didn’t affect their lifestyle at all. They did not give God their best, they gave God their surplus.
David Jeremiah tells about a lady, who brought a gift to her pastor to help toward a special need in the church. When she asked if the $50.00 dollar check was enough, he said it was if it represented her. She took the check back angrily and left, but came back in a few days with a check for $5000. Again she asked the same question and he gave the same reply; and she left again angry. She ultimately returned with a check for 50,000, which she said did represent her, and God’s blessings on her life.
And that is the whole point of the story that Jesus is telling his disciples. It’s not just the amount, it’s whether the amount represents you, and your ability to give.
Jesus tells his disciples she gave the most because:
V:4-“she of her poverty put in all the livelihood that she had”.
Her offering was a sacrificial offering. Jesus noticed not only how much her gift was, but how much she had left after she gave.
On the human scales, she did not give as much as those rich man; but Jesus held in his hands the scales of eternity. And on God scales, her gift was more, because it was sacrificial.
Jesus was moved by the poor widow’s sacrificial giving because it was a foreshadowing of His own: she gave all she had and so did He!
The widow cast in all that she had. What a tremendous gift of sacrifice.
When King David offered to buy the property that the temple was built on, and animals to sacrifice to God, and the man offered to give it to him, but David said no.
-“I will not sacrifice to the Lord my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing”.
She gave sacrificially.
She gave scripturally.
The Bible taught giving to God, and she believe the Bible, so she gave to God. If you believe the Bible, and believe God honors his word, you will obey, you will give!
This lady is a source of great encouragement, to those who feel they only have a little to give. If the Lord Jesus noticed her little, he will notice you’re little. Her giving encourages us to obey the Bible and give.
If you have been using the fact you have very little to give as an excuse for not giving… Looking at her giving to God, removes all excuses!
Giving to God, and God’s church, is not just for the people who have money! God sees and appreciates the giving of all people who give sacrificially!
The Lord Jesus is bragging on this lady, bragging on her sacrificial, scriptural, obedient giving.
I really believe that God continued to take care of that widow when she walked away.
The Lord Jesus is never slow to recognize and appreciate our giving to him.
Someone calculated this gift of two mites, and said; if this widows mites had been deposited into the First National Bank of Jerusalem at 4% interest it would now be worth over $5 billion.
Can you imagine what will happen on rewarding day?
When this little widow woman is rewarded; Jesus says, here are your rewards, your crowns and your mansion which your HSA has built.
HSA wants that?
I know what IRA is-Individual retirement account.
But what is a HSA?
It’s your heavenly sheltered annuity!
Which is the safest of all investments you could ever make. An investment in God’s work in this world through your church!
I have in my hand here a widow’s mite:
On one side of this mite is the sun with six rays. Which says she was counting on the son of righteousness to shine on her life.
On the other side is a ship’s anchor, which says that she was anchored to the promises of God.
This poor widow’s giving speaks volumes about who she was, and what was important to her.
And this morning you’re giving speaks, about who you are, and what’s important to you.
When you give to God’s work, your giving says:
1. I want to be involved in God’s work.
God has instructed us in the Bible, that the way to support his work in this world is through tithing and giving an offering. And when I give my offering, what I’m saying is, I want to be involved in God’s great work in reaching people with the gospel, seeing people discipled, and the ministries and mission of Crossway Baptist Church continue.
This widow woman was investing in the work of the Temple in her day that the priest, sacrifices, and ministries of the temple could continue.
God work is not supported by bingo parties,
Cake-walks, raffles, bazaars, and church-wide garage sales.
God’s work is supported by the faithful tithing of the members of this church.
I’m so grateful that my dad taught me to tithe when I got my first job mowing grass. And I have been tithing ever since, and I know the joy that comes from being involved in God’s great work in this world through my giving.
When every member of this church tithes and gives an offering the needs of this church will be met, and we will be able to do even more ministry for our Lord.
Every time I preach on giving someone will send me an email about how we can raise money for Crossway Baptist church. And I get some good ideas, but there is only one biblical plan for meeting the financial needs of this church; and that is the tithing and giving of the members!
A 2 year old boy swallowed a nickel; the mom immediately picked him up and began to hit him on his back. The little boy coughed up 2 dimes. The mother yelled for her husband, he came running into the room and said, what’s going on? The mom said, Billy swallowed a nickel, I hit him on the back and he coughed up 2 dimes, what should I do? The Dad said, keep feeding him nickels!
People try all kinds of things to raise money, but God’s way, the Bible way is you and I tithing and giving to God’s great work!
This church has not begun to see what God can do through its ministries and mission efforts, if every member would tithe and give, and give to missions, and give to the building fund.
Your giving says:
2. I love God, more than I love myself.
Jesus said is more blessed to give than to receive; now it is a blessing to receive; but it is more of a blessing to give. You always enjoy giving to someone that you love! And when I love God, more than I love myself, I will give. I give out of obedience, and out of a heart of love and Thanksgiving for what Jesus has done for me.
When I give my offering I’m saying God you matter to me, your work matters to me, you’re church matters to me and my family, and this city!
-“giving proves the genuineness of your love”. How do we know that God loves us? Because he gave! -For God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believed it then him should not perish but have everlasting life"
No one has ever loved you like Jesus loves you, and if the love of Jesus ever becomes real to you that love will motivate you to give!
Giving demonstrates our love and devotion to the Lord Jesus and His church.
Nothing crucifies your flesh, and connects your heart to God’s work like giving.
Where your treasure is there your heart be also.
Your heart will always follow your treasure.
Your giving says:
3. I am trusting God to meet my needs.
How is it that we say we trust God for eternal tomorrows, but have a hard time trusting him for today? When I give my tithe and offering, I’m saying; I’m trusting God to meet my needs. God promised that if we would try him, trust him, and tithe, he would open the windows of heaven and pour out a blessing on us. Jesus said give and it will be given to you. David said you have never seen the righteous forsaken, nor his seed begging bread.
Greed, lack of faith, and plain foolishness is what keeps a Christian from giving.
The greatest barometer for what’s happening in your spiritual life, is you’re giving.
To know him, is to love him, to love him, is to trust him, to trust him, is to obey him, to obey him is to be blessed.
The more you get to know Jesus, the more you will love him, trust him, and obey him, and experience his blessings.
Your giving says:
4. I believe God will reward me.
There is no evidence this woman ever knew what Jesus thought about her gift. There’s no evidence that she became prosperous in her life.
But she believed that God saw her gift, and that he would reward her gift.
And when we give, we are saying, I believe that God is going to reward me for my investment in his work in this world. , tells us that there is going to be a judgment for Christians, and that our Lord will give rewards of gold, silver and precious stones to those who have given to him and served him faithfully.
Jesus said, lay up treasures in heaven, where moth, rust, and thieves cannot get it.
All of our possessions, are going to end up in the dump, or the dirt, are destroyed. Only what we send ahead by giving to God’s work is going to be eternal.
King Tut, the Egyptian king was only 17 years old when he died. He was buried with solid gold chariots, and thousands of golden artifacts. His gold coffin was found within gold tombs. His burial site was filled with tons of gold. The Egyptians believed in an afterlife, one where they could take their earthly treasures. But all the treasures intended for King Tut’s eternal enjoyment stayed right there in that tomb.
Don’t make the same mistake by burying all your gold in this world.
The Bible promises us that what we give, and what we do for the Lord Jesus Christ will be enjoyed in heaven forever. Don’t leave your treasures behind, send them on ahead. Someone said, we are either moving away from, or toward our treasure; but there is no middle ground.
Your money talks, what is it saying?
If you’re here today and you’ve never been saved, God doesn’t want your money, God wants you! Give him yourself, before you give him anything else.
Jesus paid the ultimate price for your salvation! And he offers you today the greatest gift you could ever receive, forgiveness, salvation, eternal life.
-“The wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord”.
Your money talks, and when you give to God it says:
1. I want to be involved in God’s work.
2. I love God more than I love myself.
3. I am trusting God to meet my needs.
4. I believe God will reward me.
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