Total Depravity
Doctrines of Grace
They Did Not Believe
Total depravity means that there is no spiritual good in man. Man does not meet God’s standard. Any good in man can only be spoken of from an anthropocentric (man-centered) viewpoint because the minute we put our eyes upon the God of the universe, there is no good in man. He falls short at every point without exception.
Total depravity is the fact that by his very nature man does not meet God’s approval. Man cannot meet God’s approval, though he is totally responsible to the God of the universe to do so. He is responsible, but he does not desire to meet it and he cannot meet it. He is totally depraved. He is a sinner in the sense of the definition that we find in the Word of God.
A Closer Look
The Nature Of Total Depravity
Article III of the Baptist Confession of 1644 states: “God had in Christ before the foundation of the world according to the good pleasure of his will foreordained some men to eternal life through Jesus Christ to the praise and glory of his grace leaving the rest in their sin to their just condemnation to the praise of his justice.”