DEVOTIONS: The Apostles Teaching
fellowship” (κοινωνία)
DEVOTIONS: The Apostle’s Teaching
Luke makes three points. (1) The apostles regarded teaching as one of their main responsibilities (cf. 6:1–6). (2) The believers continuously listened to the apostles. (3) The believers practiced what they heard the apostles teach (otherwise they would not “persistently devote” [the meaning of the periphrastic here] themselves to their teaching).
The Apostles Teaching in Acts
Jesus is Israel’s Messiah and Lord;
the Son of David and God’s Servant;
the holy and righteous Savior;
the prophet like Moses and the judge of humankind;
the necessity of repentance in view of God’s revelation in the life, death, resurrection, and exaltation of Jesus and in the bestowal of the Spirit of prophecy;
God’s offer of salvation through Jesus, who is Israel’s Messiah and Lord, available only in personal allegiance to Jesus.