Sunday October 20
I told you that.
The message wasn't a popular message.
And I told you that.
I would still preach what he tells me to preach. Does anybody remember what the title last week's message was?
The title was where you ride. And then I ask you to remember one phrase from an entire message. Do you remember what that was?
four words
the forward that I asked you to remember where the king is coming.
He's coming back one of these days.
he's going to Rapture of the church I mean he's going to return for a second time. I don't want to go backwards a little bit before we go forwards. Because it's important that we understand last week. I freaked from Revelation this week. We're going back into Matthew. I want to show you how. one thing leads to another throughout the Bible There's more scriptures that can be tied to this, but I'm just choosing very few so that I get you out of here on time. Last week in Matthew 24 41 to 44. I started out with two women will be grinding at the Mill one will be taken the other left what's there for for you? Do not know the hour your lord is coming. But know this that if the Master of the House had no one hour the thief would come he would have lost another last his house to be broken into there for you. Also must be ready for the son of man is coming at an hour. You do not expect. When I was a kid, I had a drug problem. I got Runyon to church every time the doors open at sometimes I got rug into churches at work the church we attended.
This thing like all the messages back then word. The king is coming. He's going to come again. And it seemed like all the Evangelist through all of the revivals. We went to had the same message. They were different personalities preaching it. But they had one message. The king is coming. You going to come back one of these days and how will you be found? Hello my brainchild there was a heaven. But there was a hell. With preachers today don't want to touch the hell subject and I'm going to expand upon that later. What has the church. The way from the sing song where we lost our vision about the king is coming. If you don't believe me, you need to read your Bible little bit more. What's Christians we oughta be wanting this coming back, right? fly What should be what you come back?
We love him and he loves us and it's always itchy body. I'm going to ask anymore. There's old human this that we carry with us is going to be gone.
Do you know? The Rapture is not the second coming, right? Yo with me. They're two different events.
And we didn't really get into the Rapture a whole lot last week and we're going to go into it more today. You know, the word rapture is not in the Bible. You know comes from the Latin word rapio. Which means caught up? 1st Thessalonians, 4:17 says then we then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. Unless we shall always be with the Lord. Ruptured means we're going to be lifted up with love. Say when the Rapture happens the Gate of Heaven is going to open. There's going to be a trumpet sound. the dead in Christ shall rise and then the world alive will be caught up together in the sky. Notice Jesus didn't come here to get it. He's calling us up. Hope he's calling us up and can't be his second coming, right. That means there's more to come.
There's going to be a trial and tribulation. Of 7 years from the Rapture to the second coming. Who did about 7 years what's going to happen?
What's going to happen during those seven years?
Hell on Earth is going to rule the Earth. Satan will rule the Earth along with his little Antichrist, buddy. the song that you that said under braking
they fit you can miss the rapture. And still be okay. You think you can play around and after the Rapture happens is going to be alright. Cuz he's not came back yet again.
If you can't make it in today's society as a Christian, how do you possibly think you'll make it after the Rapture?
What is the Bible tell us about what goes on after the Raptors of those they're going to try to cling on to Jesus.
You might get killed. Now do you really think Siri? Can you turn me down just a little bit buddy? You really think that it's going to be a quick easy death.
torture you remember how Jesus died?
Turn all the flesh ripped off of his back kicking down in the center of town. theme on a tree
Do you think your death will be any easier than that? Parts of the Bible that says he will be beheaded. But what kind of torture are you going to endure? before you get beheaded
so I can explain to you how bad it's going to be. But I promise you. It'll be. Your mom is going to be loved ones. beneath medicine in food
What are you going to do for him? Are you going to stand? Plain Christ as your savior you going to Save Mart for me so they can be taken care of.
Can you let the loved ones that you have now suffer? without treatment because after the Rapture you're going to have a choice and eating and getting medicine.
and if you take that
It will satisfy you for a short. Of time. but when Jesus comes back you're marked for hell. What you receive the mark you cannot change your mind.
So I ask you again. You think you're going to make it through the tribulation to get caught up with Jesus on his second coming?
I think the percentage will be less than 3% of the population. Let's go make it will be a few. It'll be very sad music.
So, why do we wait? What are we waiting on?
It's not a pleasant thought is it? And then I also talked to you about how he came the first time and how he's going to come the second time. I told you the first time they came as a humble child. What do you return the second time? He will be the honored King. I told you he died from crucifixion and when he comes the second time, he's going to be the coronation of the king. We going to recognize him for who he is. The first time he went to die on a tree the second time. He's coming to sit on the throne. What is going to be a big difference between the first time in the second time? The first time he came for you and me to get saved the turtle lives around and what's going to happen.
The second time will be judgement. Save the first time. He came to redeem the second time. He's coming to rain as king.
The first time he stood before Pilate. The second time pilot will stand before him. You remember the Judgment pilot set for can you imagine the Judgment Jesus?
All those that thought they got a head. They're going to line up and pay the price now. To the first time he came as a child.
The second time he's coming to the ruler. The first time he came as a servant. Put the human is the second time. royalty he won't be serving anymore. The only servant he's going to do his handing out punishment. To those that refused him. Tell those that are dead in Christ are going to be called up. What's going to happen? AutoStart rebuked him and rejected him throughout the ages. He's going to call him all awake again. He's going to call him out of the ground and then I'm going to stand before him. What's going to happen? Depart from me.
He's going to send them to Hell forever. What is going to judge the work?
Do you want to be in that judgment? When he says hey you. Depart, I never knew you if you don't live your life today. Lined up with his way in his will you can come to church? You can put your initial in the jar back there. You can get your check for being here. That's not going to be good enough.
He's going to say depart from me.
Just because you said what doesn't mean you're going to get caught up?
During the seven years.
Will come to an end at the end of the seven years.
What's going to happen?
The whole sky is going to open up the heavens. The one you looked up there doesn't matter where you are in this world. You're going to see the heaven open. Elephant on the heavens you're going to see this man sitting on this white stag.
I'm behind him an army.
Well that man that say you coming to do far. He's coming to rule the land. If you ever read about stallions. And what they were like and Wars is used forces. You know much about him. Do you know how Fearless they are the battle? When you gain the confidence of that stallion he'll ride. And he'll carry you through.
I can only imagine what the devil's going to think. What are you looked up and lyrics?
Set up on that stage and he's not going to be some slumped over.
yellow back Back molars man, that's afraid to lead an army. He's going to be set my imagine about 20 foot tall muscles about this big around. With a stern look on his face this time. There's not going to be any more sympathy and empathy and grace and mercy. All that's gone now.
It's time to pay. And the whole time he's going to parade. This is just my mind thinking. I can see him up there on that fourth parade. You ever watch movies about battle back in the day of the horses have the generals would ride up and down in front of the troops. Why was he good man? He was gathering the retention because of the drop with his sound so I'll coming. Yeah, but what the stallion shake his head and put on the reign of the one who trusts it's not because he's Defiance it's because he wants to get in and get the job done. The reason he was born was The Carrie Diaries back. And here City Chiefs on this Majestic animals.
getting ready to come. MMO the bus that get caught up in the Rapture. What did the Bee on the Fly Force 2? They were that Army that's coming with me. But I don't think our horses going to be quite like you. I think ours is going to be able to step down. There's only one General this Army. There's only one leader. What happened to the church today? When we only had one leader. What happened to the church? It was focused on Jesus and God. Phillies lost her Focus. We've lost our identity. Why?
What happened?
Let's talk about a parable that Jesus wrote. You know, what a parable is.
Come on, somebody knows what is a parable.
The story in the Bible that teaches a lesson. It's kind of a
so that people that are really hungry can understand it.
You know, Jesus didn't always use parables. He spoke a bunch of them. I think it was like 40 something that he used but you know, he always didn't do that depending on where he was and what he was doing.
What was the purpose of the parables? besides illustration It was two reasons. The illustrations was one and the other was so this. The truth to be revealed to those that were searching for the truth. And that the truth would be hidden from those that didn't want the truth anymore.
You see a lot of that in today's society. People are not hungry for the truth anymore. What the Bible says?
And Isaiah 6-10 and we'll come back to this later. Basically. It said it was Isaiah's prophecy of a hard-hearted spiritually blind people. Where are we today?
Let not describe America today. We don't care about our fellow man anymore. We only care about one thing.
What quick care we could became hard harder. And then we started becoming spiritually blind. We didn't want to be late anymore because it wasn't popular to preach telling you it wasn't popular to be different see the church was more concerned about blending in and being peculiar. Where can I get free blend in with the world we can fill the pews and have more groups that we can go do more things. The one thing we better be concerned with.
Is are we ready? The king is coming. We're going to talk about the bridegroom coming today. We're going to go to Matthew. 25 on the 13th For the Kingdom of Heaven still be liking to ten virgins who took their lands and went out to meet the bridegroom. The five of them were wise and five foolish those who were foolish took their lamps and Signal oil with them, but the wise script oil in their vessels and their land but while the bridegroom was delayed they are numbered and slick Midnight Cry Was Heard behold the bridegroom is coming out to meet him at all. Those virgins are rose and Simms are live in the forest once said to the wife give us some of your oil for our lamps are going out with the wise answered saying no less there be less than should be not enough for us and you but they're rather to those who sell and buy for yourselves and while they went to buy the fragile Luther King and those who were ready went with him to the wedding in the door is shut. Afterwards the other virgins came also saying Lord Lord open to us, but the answer he said assuredly I say to you. I do not know you. What's there for you know neither the day nor the hour for which the bride the son of man is coming? The bridegroom is coming. You understand that right? The king is coming. The bridegroom is coming. Are you going to be ready? The parable of the ten virgins is about my opinion today's Church. When you sit around and compare how they prepared I was the church prepared. The Virgins represent the members of the Earthly shirt, I'm not talking about this District. I'm talking about global why Church some members are wise and summer foolish.
All of us want to Bear the name of Christianity and Christian.
But what happened?
Just bearing the name doesn't get you in having a little fish on the trunk of your car is Lord isn't going to get you there.
Hanging on to your husband on your wife folktale isn't going to get you there.
Those Mama Prayer Warriors and great Mama Fair Warriors that spray and pray without ceasing you're not going to be able to grab app on their hotel and make it to heaven.
I was watching a little video this week. It is stated something like as long as I live a good clean life. As long as I show up when the doors are open. I'll make it.
Oh contraire you foolish one. You will not make it on that alone.
Well, it appears all the birds and seemed to be part of the bridal party to the nah. When you come into the church have we all seem to be part of the same team? Do we not?
It's a wrap that happen to still going to be here.
Some of them lack the oil that it takes to join. operation What are you lacking to keep you away from the celebration? What in your life is holding you back from being prepared? But all them are called bridesmaids and are invited to the wedding. Some of them will be shut out. And it will be because of their own movie. They're not going to be able to bring Pastor 10. Patrick anymore and you the king is coming. Are you ready?
It reached the unpopular message. steps on your toes if you were born
Not everybody who says Lord Lord will be saved at that time. I already told you that Jesus is going to say he depart from me. I never knew you.
If you call yourself a Christian, but you have no faith in Christ. You're like the five foolish one that had no oil. We have to stand on our face. if he's coming we have to stand on our faith that he coming to rescue us up. See it takes a while. Exercise your faith. I know it's just because you don't see that he's coming.
Jesus tells this terrible it is the foolishness of the five. Cuz I forgot in the oil that's the most important part of this parable. Why?
Because we've been lulled to sleep.
They put their trust and everybody else around them. Instead of putting your trust in the one that's calling me then.
Putting your trust and everybody else did you want?
hurt broken misguided
LED astray
if you don't believe me look at Facebook. Oh my goodness, some of the things I read on Facebook. Just I just shake my head in it. Linda people giving advice that are qualified to give you advice because the minister is bigger than the mess. They are advising on.
I want a ride.
Close your book get on your knees. and getting some FaceTime
quit Facebooking and get FaceTime.
Quit putting all your dirty laundry out there and send it to the washing machine.
Don't put your dirty laundry out on public hair. I'm not dirty laundry into the washing machine. They didn't fix it.
Quit trying to get sympathy and empathy from all your friends. So they don't tell us a always going to be okay without you on the back if I was going to be better.
Quit relying on your friends to Build You Up? Get on your knees and get the front of the one that'll lift you up.
Get down there when it's dirty and let your stuff fall off. I think people think that the office a clean place. Can I tell you I did a message the office a dirty place the old off the recovered with blood missing at the other? Bills before you shared all the junk in your life. You can tell how well the altar used in your place by how much the carpet or the furniture or whatever it is. We're out.
My mom is bedroom where she knocked down everything that was wore out places.
Nuketown where she spent time
Can you tell where you spend time? the friend of God
if you can't it's going to be without a wig.
Isn't it? Foolish they weren't there.
There were 10 of them. together if I went on and got prepared for the bridegroom coming. Why didn't the other five? They have the same opportunity.
They were given the same instructions. What happened?
Interval Apple this evening.
Because see where all the seeds by distractions a lot of times. I told you the few weeks ago when he knocked me down up here with the Apple that you carry in your pocket, but just like the Apple that was in the Garden of Eden. If you got a Apple iPhone anybody. Don't be scared. Look at the back of it.
Coming up, right? Buck Mason
It's not a whole apple is it? for the bike
I don't like this one bite out of the Apple in Eden. Did you see the world?
What about the Apple you carry around? Did you get so distracted with? It's deceiving you. Don't get me wrong. Democratic beliefs against cell phones I got an Apple iPhone. I got a Apple iPad and Apple. But can I tell you? the third distract can I tell you? They will mislead you. And just because you don't have an Apple iPhone. You got a Microsoft circle of it. It's the same receiver.
You're all the same.
Every week I get a report on how much time I spend on my phone.
Have you all got your program that way?
Do you normally go up or down?
Come on, let's get real. I've already stepped all up in tonight's top and then I got boots on. We're going deeper.
I've made a commitment to myself it when I get my stupid little report on Sunday that I go down. Sometimes it's 30% What time does 3%
What do I pay attention to that? Because the last time I spend the night stupid little thing no more time. I find for him.
I'm not talking about the phone calls that are important. Are you texting him? I'm talking about the ones where you all are boohoo in about yesterday. spreading gossip about your neighbor And get caught up looking at the girly pictures you shouldn't be looking at when you posted when I see him. befriend me
You wouldn't believe what people get to me.
there deceived the scales of them pulled over their eyes the foolish virgins at Scales put over their eyes. They didn't think what they did matter. Everything you do matters. Everything that you breathe matters everything that you speak matter. Every minute you spend matters if you haven't been here on Thursday night for the Bible study. I would encourage you to come. I'm not teaching but I like to throw wrenches out there every once in awhile. We got this target. Emmit Fenn ring on this target those 10 rings represent your day. FlightAware
where buys all buildup and we said how much time do you spend 24 hour? Nearby with the mark for the middle. So it still say I said you understand 10% 2.4 hours per day, right?
No, it's realism. It's the bring you to a place in your mind to understand when the deceiver of the Apple gets more time in the king is coming. There's a problem. They got the speed and you have to take this little Target. You have to start. Fixing to where you are. All right. Almost in 10 minutes today. When you make that 10 minutes to check it and next week when I make my 10 minutes, I'm going to go to 20. Do you build yourself up for Success instead of failure in discouragement? You have to understand how you managed to manage your time. All I have is priceless I read.
If I had as many crises is everybody right from their Facebook. I just ended I'll be done. I throw my hands in the air and is a go out of boys and girls. I'm packing it in. I hate drama. I'm not going to be involved in drama. I'm not going to support drama. I'm not going to tell him somebody supporters because they want me drama mama. Not going to leave it. Done with you. got time for
That too much to do I was tearing it up. What's 168 hours in a week? I get them go 45 in the church 45 last night. Thought about another 78 hours. I spent 12 hours with my dad every week. Read text me down to my help me.
78 - 12 is 66 and if I sleep
for 36 hours a week.
1130 hours
I'm running out of time quickly. Eminem
I try to spend time with my wife.
How much time I got for?
How many? I got. Who was supposed to be?
New York creates more hours for me Google failing
can you sleep with her?
What time runs out during the week? We haven't done nothing all week. Haven't even sit down with a meal together.
How many matters?
The last time I spend on my phone. The more time I'm going to find for her.
first started elimination of time is ridiculous.
It started building up important. Fargo biggest commodity you know that right?
the thing that holds the biggest value Is your time?
What do you spend your time at? You still look like the foolish virgins? Thanking you got tomorrow. You've always got tomorrow. It's always going to be better tomorrow.
The bridegroom is coming. The king is coming and you're going to run out of tomorrow's one of these days. It's too late. You're in trouble. I'm not talking about my career in trouble. I'm talking about your Eternal trouble. I told you last week that when he send you the hell you're going to be in for me forever. Rat worm. The guy stopping the fires going to be hot. You're going to feel all this pain. You're never going to get away from her ever. forever you should be in it.
your foolishness Is leaving you there? Taking you back. Tomorrow is leading you there. What's going to happen if your next breath is your last breath? You're in trouble.
I'm going to close in a minute, but I'm going to finish what I got here.
Just talk about preachers.
Why this happened to our preachers?
We've lost Focus.
pictures of more worried about how many rear ends are in the seat the Mets are worried about how many lives are being changed. They don't care about. things they care about number and then the second I really care about is.
How much money does Church take in? So that they can live a life of luxury. They can get on these Street don't think I'm going to business for their whole family to be rich. Cuz I can have 10 private jets to fly around in. What happened to a preacher?
Taylor willing to trade Holiness for worldliness How do you notice the church is more like the world in the world?
you noticed that it's more like a club than a church. I'm not saying I'm having things to do is wrong I'm saying we have to pay attention to what the focus of the church year. I want to be able to do everything. But where are we going to pay attention to the king be prepared for him everything we do will be based upon him instead of how much the church have.
TV preachers that are feeling big churches you ever listen to their message. There's a whole bunch of milk. Which is very seldom any meat. The constantly spoon-feeding milk out there. They're allowed to sleep just like their congregation.
Look preacher that lost their vision. They've been lulled to sleep by the enemy.
Does have bigger butts have better, but that prettier. As long as I'm here behind this pool. Shepherding this church our number one priority if they had to get to heaven. What I want to focus on numbers and money we're going to focus on Jesus cry in the king is coming. That's what our Focus will be. I don't care about money more the older I get the less I care. I'm not looking for Earthly well.
I'm looking for Eternal treasure. I don't care what I get paid here. I'm waiting for what I get rewarded with their. That's what it's about.
Our job is preaching.
We forget to tell people. the whole tree forget to tell him that there is a hell and it is hot.
What should we do?
Continue along the same path wrong with a side to be different. Whoever's going to play fuel. Come on. Camo clothes here.
If you all will stand with us. I'm going to ask you a few questions. With every eye closed and every head bowed. I want you to hear what I got to say.
There's some things we need to understand in today's society. Just because it's not popular doesn't mean it's not the truth.
Just because the words a little strong doesn't mean it's not the words you need.
I'm held accountable for the word I speak.
What letter is Jesus coming right there? Are you going to make it? Target open in a minute
Whoopie slings ybk right, man. Where you going?
Thinking about going to have tomorrow.
If he comes right now. Where you going to be if it comes today we can make it about the loved ones that are around you. But you're afraid to tell them the Jesus is coming, but maybe your wife.
Speak the truth in order to get paid for you to come on honey. Let's go next week. You better get an urgency about it and get them in it. But you can look like the devil. Breakthrough pill for a refresher take it you don't understand. the origin C The king is coming. I like to have fun and I like to do something but when the fun things take precedence over my God, my Jesus should like Christianity those fun things are distracted with on you.
What is your distraction? Distractions are different from each of us. What distracts you away from the father but keep you from doing his will his way what happened to him? But it really started to Seton Hill.
churches laws
churches losing people everyday because we're not hungry anymore. We're not relent for C&R for suit at the end, but he's told us to do we're better bring in excuses. Not to be all we can be. I can find excuses everyday. Too tired my truck broke down.
What keeps you from being everything is supposed to be? Sometimes you get distracted.
What doing other things?
You better decide what's important?
You better be making a decision. The king is coming.
Don't be deceived anymore, Isaiah 6-10 said and he said go and tell these people keep on hearing but do not understand keep on saying but do not proceed with no part of this people don't know in their ears heavy shut their eyes with they see with the eyes. It wasn't here to understand with my heart and returned to be healed church today.
Women loves lie about what's true. And what's real.
quit wasting your time
What did get caught up in the world?
Don't keep thinking about tomorrow.
Today, maybe you're laughing tomorrow. today, maybe it
I know it's not a population.
But I got a burger.
Protect you from hell?
Detroit Zoo for about 3 weeks about this
He's okay. What are you doing?
There's people that you contact everyday speak with everything. You're going to help Boston College.
What are you doing with your time?
bubble Brian John management
Show me how to maximize my time.
As far as I can go.
my work ww.w slate look worried about how big the Church Road.
It doesn't seem distracted for me, doing wrong.
Don't worry about what you doing girl.
Quit worrying about the things you can't control.
Take charge of those like using the control. So here I am.
now the way we're going to rain about 90 more seconds.
the number going to close
don't leave with a heavy heart.
Don't leave the way you came to me.
Decide this day. Did you go to become all you can be? But you're not going to be no foolish version. See what he calls me late. Will be no more.
It says messenger.
If you're not going to come today.
You can call me anytime. I'll meet you here. I'll pray with you on the phone. I'll do whatever I can be with you.
Don't be left behind.
My heart to clear. We're going to close.
Table you dismissal.
Wait till you get home.
major decision