When the Good Go Bad
Sermon Tone Analysis
“When the Good Go Bad”
October 6, 2019
This morning, we are concluding our series from the life of Gideon.
Illustration: Sour Milk, Good things going bad
That's what we see with Gideon in chapter 8. Gideon goes from good to bad. Gideon sours. Gideon falters at the finish. The theme for today's sermon is "when the good go bad."
Theme: When the Good God Bad.
1. The good that God did through Gideon.
Illustration: 9th Grade Basketball Tourney, A win is a win. MSU vs ULL
Theological: Last week, we left Gideon on a high. His team had won. The improbable, impossible happened. Israel with an army of 300 defeated an army of 135,000. Remember their weapons of war: a torch, a trumpet, and en empty jar. Israel won.
But let's give credit where credit is due. Israel winning had nothing to do with Gideon. The victory had everything to do with God. God won the battle. That's the only possible explanation.
(NKJV) O my soul, you have said to the LORD, “You are my Lord, My goodness is nothing apart from You.”
Gideon was nothing good apart from God. God used Gideon to do good. God did good things through Gideon. God did good things through Gideon despite his flaws. Gideon was weak, the least in his family. Gideon had fears and doubts. But Gideon allowed God to use him and good things happened. God pulled off the impossible, the improbable. Gideon's army of 300 defeated an army of 135,000. God used Gideon for Good.
Application: We are nothing good apart from God. We have weaknesses. We have flaws. We have fears. We have doubts. But God uses us anyway. Like Gideon, God can use us for God.
I want each of us think about how God has used us for good. Make the questionable personal. How has God used me for good.
Maybe, God is using you as a Sunday School teachers. You are not just speaking God's word into the life of your class. But you are there for them through thick and thin. Maybe, you are a youth volunteer. God is using you to teach, shape, and mold the next generation. Maybe, you have been a volunteer at VBS, and God used you to share the love of Jesus with children. Maybe, you sing in church, and God has used your song to touch someone's heart and life.
Sometimes, it's not just the big actions that God uses. God also uses small actions: an encouraging word or a welcoming smile on your face or preparing a meal for someone who is sick or for a family that has lost a loved one.
Make it personal: how has God used me for good?
Transition: But we have to be careful. Like Gideon, God can use us for good. But as we are about to see, Gideon turned rogue in the end.
2. The bad that Gideon does in the end.
Illustration: E True Hollywood Story — Description
This documentary series strives to give its audience the inside scoop on Tinseltown's hottest dishes, ranging from behind-the-scenes tension on hit shows to the real dirt inside a current tabloid scandal.
Theological: Chapter 8 is the E True Hollywood Story of Gideon. Chapters 8 is the part of Gideon's life that we don't get in children's Sunday School. Chapter 8 is the part of Gideon's life that is rarely told in church. In chapter 8, Gideon goes from good to bad.
V. 22: The people wanted to make Gideon king. The people gave credit for the win to Gideon.
V. 23: Gideon turned down kingship in word only. He said one thing, but Gideon's actions told a different story.
First, Gideon lived like a king. Look at v. 24. This is like collecting taxes. The people giving Gideon spoils from war was a symbol of submission. Gideon is the big dog; the people are his vassals. The amount of gold that Gideon collected was a treasure fit for a king.
V. 27: Gideon made an Ephod from the gold. An ephod was a vest worn by the high priest. Gideon creates his own vest. Gideon may not have been denying God, but it seems that Gideon is putting himself in the pace of God. This ephod distracted people's attention away from God. We will talk more about that in a moment.
Gideon is living like a king. Look at v. 30: Gideon had seventy sons and many wives. This is what kings did in the Old Testament.
V. 31: If you are not convinced that Gideon was not living like a king. The name of his son Amibelech means "My father is king."
Gideon is living like a king. It's no longer about God; it's about Gideon. Gideon goes from good to bad.
I want to go back to the ephod. Gideon led the people in false worship. Look at verse 27. Do you see the word prostitution or harlot? The word in this context means unfaithful to God. The people of Israel were unfaithful to God. Instead of worshiping only God, they worshiped this ephod of Gideon. The ephod became an idol.
In verse 27, do you see the word "snare." The word means to bait or lure.
Illustration: Fishing Lure
This ephod lured Gideon away from the Lord. Bam. It got Gideon. Gideon goes from good to bad. In the end, Gideon had a tarnished reputation.
Application: God can use us for good. But if we are not careful, we can end up like Gideon. We can get snared by sin. Our lives can go in downward spiral of sin. We can stray from God. We can go from good to bad. We can tarnish our legacy. We can tarnish our Christian witness. Chapter 8 causes us to think about our spiritual legacy or witness. What kind of spiritual legacy do we have? What kind of Christian witness to we have?
Illustration: Running 1 mile first meet of senior year, finish strong
Gideon didn't finish strong. Gideon missed an opportunity to bring revival to the land.
No matter where we are in our individual journeys, let's finish strong.