OH! That's Why!
Ruth • Sermon • Submitted
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Ruth 4:13-
13 So Boaz took Ruth and she became his wife. When he made love to her, the Lord enabled her to conceive, and she gave birth to a son. 14 The women said to Naomi: “Praise be to the Lord, who this day has not left you without a guardian-redeemer. May he become famous throughout Israel! 15 He will renew your life and sustain you in your old age. For your daughter-in-law, who loves you and who is better to you than seven sons, has given him birth.” 16 Then Naomi took the child in her arms and cared for him. 17 The women living there said, “Naomi has a son!” And they named him Obed. He was the father of Jesse, the father of David. 18 This, then, is the family line of Perez: Perez was the father of Hezron, 19 Hezron the father of Ram, Ram the father of Amminadab, 20 Amminadab the father of Nahshon, Nahshon the father of Salmon, 21 Salmon the father of Boaz, Boaz the father of Obed, 22 Obed the father of Jesse, and Jesse the father of David.
13 So Boaz took Ruth, and she became his wife, and he went in to her. And the Lord enabled her to conceive, and she gave birth to a son. 14 Then the women said to Naomi, “Blessed is the Lord who has not left you without a redeemer today, and may his name become famous in Israel. 15 “May he also be to you a restorer of life and a sustainer of your old age; for your daughter-in-law, who loves you and is better to you than seven sons, has given birth to him.” 16 Then Naomi took the child and laid him in her lap, and became his nurse. 17 The neighbor women gave him a name, saying, “A son has been born to Naomi!” So they named him Obed. He is the father of Jesse, the father of David. 18 Now these are the generations of Perez: to Perez was born Hezron, 19 and to Hezron was born Ram, and to Ram, Amminadab, 20 and to Amminadab was born Nahshon, and to Nahshon, Salmon,
Today, I want to talk to you on the subject “Oh, That’s Why!”
Turn to your neighbor and say “Oh, That’s Why!”
Now I want you to say it like you been through some things where you didn’t quite know why you were going through what you were going through when you was going through it, but now God has revealed to you why.
Say to your neighbor “Oh, That’s Why!”
Anybody ever been there before?
Anybody ever been through some situations in your life you didn’t quite understand, but now years later or in hindsight you finally recognized Oh, “That’s Why!” Anybody ever been there before?
Teach for America Story
Teach for America Story
Teach for America Story
Before I graduated from my undergrad at UC Santa Barbara, I was applying for two different industries. I loved to teach so I applied to teach math for Teach for America and I was a Business Economics and Accounting major so of course I applied to accounting firms.
All throughout my undergrad, I had developed a good relationship with one particular accounting firm —Deloitte. I had been to leadership conferences, they flew me to Tennessee, they were wining and dining me. We were dating.
And then during the course of me applying to both Teach for America and the accounting firms, I learned that Deloitte had a partnership with Teach for America that allowed me to do both. I could go teach for two years and then come back to the accounting firm.
So now I’m praising God, thinking to myself that God connecting all the dots and causing all things to work together for my good.
I get accepted to Teach for America, but I get rejected from Deloitte.
I ended up getting accepted by PwC, another accounting firm, but they didn’t have the same partnership that Deloitte had with Teach for America. So now I had to choose.
I was heartbroken and went through a mini depression.
Eventually I decided to accept my offer to PwC and go to the accounting firm.
I started work, met Paige, and a year and a half later when it came to buy a house, I sat down with the loan officer, and the loan officer said usually in order for us to give you a loan, you have show sufficient income coming in for two years. You have only been working a year and a half, but because you went directly into what you studied, we are going to wave the two years.
Sometimes when you are going through things, it is not until years later you look back on it all and recognize “Oh, That’s Why.”
When I think about all the church hurt I have been through in my life, starting at age 14, and then to see how God has used those things to shape and mold the way I think, today I can say to myself “Oh, That’s Why!”
Ruth and Naomi have been through so much over the past 3 and half chapters.
They have been through a weeping period where they experienced famine, death and economic instability.
They have been through a working period where Ruth had to position herself on the barley field and pick up grain in order for them to eat.
And they have been through the waiting period where Ruth had asked Boaz to marry her, but because Boaz was a stand up guy and knew their was a closer male relative to redeem Ruth and Naomi back to economic stability, she had to wait to see if she was going to have to marry a man she didn’t even know.
And when you have weepped long and worked long and waited long, you start to wonder why are you going through what you are going through, but there will come a day when a light bulb turns on where God reveals His master plan and we say “Oh, That’s Why!”
And inside our text I see four things that might explain why God allows us to go through some of the things we go through.
1. To Bring You Back OR To Him (Chapter 1).
1. To Bring You Back OR To Him (Chapter 1).
The first reason I am going to suggest to you is not found in Chapter 4, but it is found in Chapter 1, and that is, the first reason I see in this text that might explain why God allow us to go through some of the things we go through is TO BRING YOU BACK TO HIM OR TO BRING YOU TO HIM.
In Chapter 1, we find out that a famine has hit Bethlehem and so Naomi and her family leaves to Moab. As I have told you before, Moab was a very sinful place where they worshipped other gods. It was a place named after the offspring of a deceiving daughter and her drunk father. Moab was equivalent to our Las Vegas. What happens in Moab, stayed in Moab.
Naomi and her family lived in Moab for 10 years, being shaped by the sinful culture. While they were there Naomi’s two sons even broke Jewish law and married two Moabite women, one in which was named Ruth. Now when we read Ruth, we only see her as a believer, but when Mahlon married Ruth, Ruth hadn’t necessarily converted to Judaism or “given her life to Jesus just yet.” Moab was starting to grow on them.
And it is not until Naomi’s husband dies and her two sons die, that she finds her way back to Bethlehem.
Anybody ever found yourself drifting into some Moab places, doing some Moab things, hanging out with some Moab people? In other words, anybody ever found yourself going to some places you have no business going to, doing some things you have no business doing and hanging out with some people you have no business hanging around?
Sometimes God will find you in the middle of your Moab and he will shake things up your life in order to bring you back to him.
At the beginning of Ruth, Naomi and her family leave to Moab. In Moab they worship and serve other gods. It was the equivalent of our Las Vegas. Not everybody that goes to las vegas go to wild out, but for a lot of people is a time where passions and desires are sought after. It would have been a place where people would have said what happens in Moab, stays in Moab. The sons had already married Ruth and Orpah before they converted to Judiasm or how we would say “gave their life to Jesus” so they could have started to dabble and take on some Moab tendencies. Death is what happened for Naomi, and sometimes God will allow things to happen in your life to bring you back to where you need to be.
There is a story in the Bible about a man named Jonah whom God had told to a place called Nineveh. Jonah didn’t want to go so he stowed away on a boat headed in a different direction. And because Jonah did that, God caused a storm to rock the boat. And the crew on the boat tried to throw stuff off, but Jonah knew that the reason why the storm was going on was because it was in a place that he wasn’t supposed to be. So Jonah told the crew to throw him overboard and the God had prepared a fish to swallow Jonah up and spit him out where he was supposed to be.
Sometimes God will cause storms in our lives to rock our boats and allow things to swallow us up and spit us out so that we come back to place that we are supposed to be.
And God will not only use these techniques to bring you back to Him, but he will also use these techniques to bring you to Him.
Ruth was a Moabite woman that worshipped other gods. But when her husband died, she went back with Naomi and told Naomi your God will be my God and your people will be my people. It is not until Ruth’s life has been shaken up, that we see her confession of faith. Sometimes God will take some drastic measures in order to bring to him.
And I know sometimes we might wonder how could such a loving God allow things like death to happen in order for us to come back to him or to him? And it’s a great question, but it’s only a great question when you are looking at your trials and suffering in the scope of this temporary life. But when you ask that question in light of eternity, it ought to change from a question of doubt to a a question of hope.
Boaz’s parents is Salmon who is a Jew and a foreign woman by the name of Rahab who was the prostitute that hid Israelite spies when they were getting ready to destroy go into Jericho.
It moves from questioning how could a loving God allow such things to happen to bring to him, to the statement that God loves me so much that he is willing to do whatever it takes in order for me to spend eternity in Hell.
At the beginning of Ruth, Naomi and her family leave to Moab. In Moab they worship and serve other gods. It was the equivalent of our Las Vegas. Not everybody that goes to las vegas go to wild out, but for a lot of people is a time where passions and desires are sought after. It would have been a place where people would have said what happens in Moab, stays in Moab. The sons had already married Ruth and Orpah before they converted to Judiasm or how we would say “gave their life to Jesus” so they could have started to dabble and take on some Moab tendencies. Death is what happened for Naomi, and sometimes God will allow things to happen in your life to bring you back to where you need to be.
And I wish I had me some believers in here that could testify
And I know sometimes we might wonder how such a loving God could allow certain things to happen in order for us to come back to him? But when you ask those questions in light of eternity it should chnage your perspective. I don’t ever want God to have allow somebody to die in my life in order for me to come back to him, but if you have to allow that happen in order for me to spend eternity in Hell, then Lord allow whatever you ever to allow.
That had God not shook up my life when I was in the streets.
In other words, anybody ever found yourself going to some places you have no business going to, doing some things you have no business doing and hanging out with some people you have no business hanging around?
That had God not shook up my life when I was doing some things I wasn’t supposed to be doing.
In chapter 1, we find out that when Naomi’s husband dies, her two sons take Moabite women to be their wives.
That had God not shook up my life when I was going to places I wasn’t supposed to be going.
That had God not shook up my life when I was hanging out with the wrong crowd.
I would be somewhere else other than church on a Sunday morning. But God loved me so much that he reached into the abyss of darkness I had fallen into, disturbed my comfort, and brought me back to himself.
Had God not shook up my life when I was I would be somewhere else on Sunday morning. But God loved me so much that he reached into the abyss I had fallen into, disturbed my comfort, and brought me to himself.
Sometimes we go through some of the things we go through because God is trying to bring us back to him or to him.
Boaz’s parents is Salmon who is a Jew and a foreign woman by the name of Rahab who was the prostitute that hid Israelite spies when they were getting ready to destroy go into Jericho.
2. To Make Space For What’s Coming (4:13b).
2. To Make Space For What’s Coming (4:13b).
1. To Make Space For What’s Coming (4:13b).
1. To Make Space For What’s Coming (4:13b).
Jewish Boaz marries foreign Moabite Ruth.
Boaz’s parents is Salmon who is a Jew and a foreign woman by the name of Rahab who was the prostitute that hid Israelite spies when they were getting ready to destroy go into Jericho.
The second reason I see in this text that might explain why God allow us to go through some of the things we go through is TO MAKE SPACE FOR WHAT’S COMING.
In the beginning of Chapter 1, we find out that Ruth was married to Naomi’s son Mahlon for 10 years, but didn’t have a baby with him. Now, she gets married to Boaz and on their honeymoon night, God opens up her womb and she gets pregnant.
In the beginning of Chapter 1, we find out that Ruth was married to Naomi’s son Mahlon for 10 years, but didn’t have a baby with him. Now in verse 13, we find out she gets married to Boaz and on their honeymoon night, God opens up her womb and she gets pregnant.
In the beginning of Chapter 1, we find out that Ruth was married to Naomi’s son Mahlon for 10 years, but didn’t have a baby with him. Now, she gets married to Boaz and on their honeymoon night, God opens up her womb and she gets pregnant.
Can you imagine being Ruth when she was married to Mahlon, trying to have a child for ten years and yet no matter what you did, you still couldn’t conceive? Can you imagine the shame she felt, because back in that day, when a woman couldn’t conceive they thought God had cursed you? Can you imagine the emotional and mental stress she had to deal with for not being able to have a baby? And to top it all off, can you imagine trying to have a baby with the same man for ten years, just for him to die and leave you childless and broke?
You see it’s already stressful when life happens and we have to go through some of the trials we have to go through, but it is even more stressful when you are going through something and you don’t know why God is allowing it to happen.
It’s not until we marry our Boaz and get pregnant in Chapter 4 that we begin to recognize why we went through what we went through in Chapter 1. It’s not until we get to a certain point years or months later where we are able to look back on it all and say “Oh, That’s Why!”
God closed that door so you could adopt or to take in some foster children.
Because you see had Ruth still been married to Mahlon, there would not have been space for a Boaz. And sometimes God allows us to go through some of the things we go through in or lives in order to make space for what’s coming.
Conception and birth after a long period of barrenness is considered a sign of God’s blessing on the woman. Both the OT and NT contain examples of formerly barren women becoming pregnant through God’s intervention including Sarah (; ), Rebekah (), Rachel (; ), Hannah (), and Elizabeth, the mother of John the Baptist ().
From Lucky’s to A1 Building Services
My last girlfriend before Paige cheated on me. Of course I was sad and heartbroken about it, but when I look at my Boaz by the name of Paige sitting over there, I now recognize “Oh, That’s Why!”
From Lucky’s to A1 Building Services
Before my father got into construction and real estate and established A1 Building Services, he was a meat cutter at Lucky’s Meat Market. While he was at Lucky’s, he became so good at his job, that his that his supervisor’s would send people to him to be trained. And you would think that someone that is good at his job and that is training people would be promoted, but every time he went for promotion, they wouldn’t promote him but they would promote somebody he trained over him.
Meanwhile at home, my father had taken in a recent homeless person named Steward to live with us. While Steward was living with us, he began to teach my father how to fix things in and around a building. They would get clients and they would go out and fix the buildings.
Business was starting to grow, but dad was still working at Lucky’s and person only has 24hrs in a day.
One day when dad goes to work at Lucky’s he gets laid off.
Now when you are one of the best workers the company has and people that you train are getting promoted over you that will aggravate you, and when you get let go from your job when you still got bills to pay, it might depress you.
But sometimes God will stop promotion and allow you get let go of your job, not because He is mean, but because he is trying to make space for what is coming.
You don’t have the time capacity to build A1 Building Services if you are stuck working at Lucky’s and because God knows that you are a logical thinker and you are not going to leave a job with benefits, God sometimes will give us a little push.
All I’m trying to tell somebody is that sometimes God will allow us to go through some things in order to make space for what’s coming.
Illustration: Full glass of water. I can’t pour anything else in it until it is poured out.
Illustration: Full glass of water. I can’t pour anything else in it until it is poured out.
Think about
I want you all to look at your life like a full glass of water. God can’t put what He wants to put in this glass, until space has been created for it. And in order to make space, God has to pour out what is currently taking up space. And because as human beings we naturally become attached to what is familiar, the process of pouring out hurts.
There are some people that have been depressed because you broke up with your boo, but I’m sure there are some people that can attest that when you look back on some of the people you have dated in your past and you’re trying to figure out why it didn’t work and when you look back you recognize, “Oh, That’s Why?” Thank you Lord, I dodged a bullet.
: God prunes us so that we could produce more fruit
It hurts when a close friend of yours is no longer your friend, until years later you recognize why God had to pour them out.
There are some relationships that you might have been heart broken over, but now in hindsight you thank God you dodged a bullet.
It hurts when you break up with your girlfriend or boyfriend, until years later you recognize why God had to pour them out.
It hurts when you had your heart set on going to a certain college, but they denied you, until years later you recognize why God had to pour it out.
It hurts when certain doors were closed in your face, until years later you recognize why God had to pour them out.
It is only when we have been poured out and space has been made, that we can then receive our Boaz.
It hurts when you can’t get pregnant, until years later when you adopt a child you recognize why God had to pour it out.
And somebody might need to hear today that even though they are no longer in your life, even though you no longer work there, even though you were rejected and turned down, God just might be making SPACE FOR WHAT’S COMING.
It hurts when you get let go from your job, until years later you recognize why God had to pour it out.
through some of the pain and trials in life, until years later you recognize why God had
Sometimes the reason why we go through some of things we go through is because God is trying to make space for what is coming.
3. To Bless Other People (4:14-17).
3. To Bless Other People (4:14-17).
The third reason that God will allow you to go through some of the things you go through is TO BLESS OTHER PEOPLE. I’m not going to stay on this point long, but I want to point something out to you really quick.
Look at verses 14-17. (Emphasize the words surrounding Naomi).
Look at verses 14-17.
14 The women said to Naomi: “Praise be to the Lord, who this day has not left you without a guardian-redeemer. May he become famous throughout Israel! 15 He will renew your life and sustain you in your old age. For your daughter-in-law, who loves you and who is better to you than seven sons, has given him birth.” 16 Then Naomi took the child in her arms and cared for him. 17 The women living there said, “Naomi has a son!” And they named him Obed. He was the father of Jesse, the father of David.
Ruth 14
Now I know we have heard that sometimes we go through things in order to bless other people, but what Ruth has gone through in order to bless Naomi takes it to another level.
You see, what Ruth has done is almost equivalent to that of a surrogate mother,.
Now for the women who have carried a baby for months and have given birth to a child you probably would be like wait a minute, why does it seem like everybody is throwing Naomi a baby shower?
It was Ruth that had to carry this baby for 9 months.
It was Ruth whose feet swelled up.
It was Ruth that had to to deal with the morning sickness.
It was Ruth whose body was stretched in all different types of places.
It was Ruth whose hormones were flying all over the pace.
It was Ruth that had to deal with the brittle nails and her hair falling out.
It was Ruth that had to deal with all the turning and kicking of the baby in her womb.
It was Ruth that had to deal with the pain of childbirth.
Yet all the women seem to be congratulating Naomi and throwing her a baby shower.
And had I been Ruth, I might have asked God some questions:
Why did I have to do all the heavy lifting just so that she could have a baby?
Why did I have leave my mother and father’s house and move to Bethlehem?
Why did I have to roll up my sleeves and go to work on the barley field while Naomi stayed at home.
Why did I have to marry old Boaz, when I could have had me a younger man. Even Boaz knew he was old.
Why couldn’t you have had Naomi marry old Boaz and open up her womb like you did for Abraham’s wife Sarah and had her carry this baby for 9 months?
Why did I have to go through all of this, just so she could be blessed?
Now for the women who have carried a baby for months and have given birth to a child you probably would be like wait a minute, why does it seem like everybody is throwing Naomi a baby shower?
Ruth blessing to Naomi would be equivalent to what we call surrogate mother’s. A surrogate mother is one that carries your baby with your DNA in your wombs for 9 months, goes through all the kicks and turns the baby does, the feet swelling, the body changing, the hormones rising, the nails and hair breaking and the pain of being in labor, just to hand you the baby after the baby is born.
4. Because Your Story Is Part of A Much Larger Story (4:18-22).
4. Because Your Story Is Part of A Much Larger Story (4:18-22).
The savior of the story is a woman, not a man. She is greater than 7 sons.
And I can hear God saying, the reason why I had you go through all of this, is BECAUSE YOUR STORY IS PART OF A MUCH LARGER STORY. That’s the fourth point.
Ruth was a Moabite woman, a Gentile if you will, who used to worship other gods until she gave her life to the only one a true God, and then who married a Jewish man.
You see it would have been easy for God to marry Naomi and Boaz, for they were both Jews.
But there is a larger story that is work.
It’s a story of redemption that says that even if you were born and raised in the slums of Moab, or even if you used to worship other gods, you still have the opportunity to be grafted in to the Body of Christ.
Police Officer (10 years hugged and forgiven)
A couple weeks ago, Amber Guyger (Guy-hur), the police officer who said she mistakenly walked into the wrong apartment and shot and killed Botham Jean (Boe-tham John), was sentenced to 10 years in prison.
After her sentencing, Botham’s younger brother took the witness stand and said I don’t want you to go jail, but I want the best for you. And the best for you, is to give your life to Christ. And he ends his remarks by pleading with the judge if he could give her a hug.
Officer Amber Guyger (Guy-gur)/ Botham Jean (Boe-tham John)
Now in light of so many black boys being shot and killed, some of us was ready to crucify her.
But I believe that somewhere inside the younger brother, he understood that even though it hurts that my brother was shot a killed for no reason, I recognize that my story is a part of a much larger story. In the midst of such a hate-driven, confused and post-Christian America, I’m going to allow God to use my painful story to shine light on God’s story.
But the reason why I believe the younger brother responded the way he did, was because somewhere inside the younger brother, he understood that even though it hurts that my brother was shot a killed for no reason, I recognize that my story is a part of a much larger story. Because in the midst of such a hate-driven, confused and post-Christian America, I need to let everybody know that this is not just a story about my pain, but this is a story God’s redemption.
You see we have to stop getting caught up in the minute details of life and recognize that our story is part of a much larger story.
At the end of the chapter, the author of Ruth lays out the genealogy of David. He starts with Perez found in the Book of Genesis which is before Ruth and takes it to King David found in 1 & 2 Samuel, which after Ruth.
At the end of the chapter, the author of Ruth finds it very important to lay out a genealogy of Ruth and Boaz because he wants the readers to know that the significance of this story doesn’t end with Ruth and Boaz having a baby, but the significance of this story is how it fits into a much a larger story.
Boaz’s parents is Salmon who is a Jew and a foreign woman by the name of Rahab who was the prostitute that hid Israelite spies when they were getting ready to destroy go into Jericho.
Ruth is a book that starts with barrenness, poverty and death, and when you are Naomi it is easy to get caught up in your minute story. And though I don’t want to downplay your story, I want you to understand that when you are a Christian, your story is part of a much larger story.
5. Because Your Story Is Part of A Much Larger Story (vs. 22).
5. Because Your Story Is Part of A Much Larger Story (vs. 22).
He says:
The author of Ruth finds it finds it very important to lay out the genealogy of Ruth and Boaz because he or she wants the readers to know that the significance of this story doesn’t end with Ruth and Boaz having a baby, but the significance of this story is how it fits into a much a larger story.
18 This, then, is the family line of Perez: Perez was the father of Hezron, 19 Hezron the father of Ram, Ram the father of Amminadab, 20 Amminadab the father of Nahshon, Nahshon the father of Salmon, 21 Salmon the father of Boaz, Boaz the father of Obed, 22 Obed the father of Jesse, and Jesse the father of David.
And he does it because he wants to communicate to the original readers that everything that Ruth and Naomi have been through does not begin with them and it does not end with them. The author of Ruth wants everybody to know that the story of Ruth is part of a larger story that started way before Naomi and Ruth were born and that will continue way after their die.
The author wants everybody to know that your story doesn’t start with you and it doesn’t end with you.
And because the writer of Ruth was only able to see how the story panned out two generations later, he ended with King David.
But for those of us who have read the genealogy in Matthew chapter 1, we know that the story doesn’t end with King David.
And for those of you that were here when I preached on , you already heard this so bare with me, but for the few of you that were not here, it is important that I end this series by letting you know that
King David became the father of Solomon.
And Solomon became the father of Rehoboam.
And Rehoboam the father of Abijah.
And Abijah became the father of Asa.
And Asa became the father of Jehoshaphat.
And Jehoshaphat became the father of Joram.
And Joram became the father of Uzziah.
And Uzziah became the father of Jotham.
And Jotham became the father of Ahaz.
And Ahaz became the father of Hezekiah.
And Hezekiah became the father of Manasseh.
And Manasseh became the father of Amon.
And Amon became the father of Josiah.
And Josiah became the father of Jeconiah.
And Jeconiah became the father of Shealtiel,
And Shealtiel became the father of Zerubbabel.
And Zerubbabel became the father of Abihud.
And Abihud became the father of Eliakim.
And Eliakim became the father of Azor.
And Azor became the father of Zadok.
And Zadok became the father of Achim.
And Achim became the father of Eliud.
And Eliud became the father of Eleazar.
And Eleazar became the father of Matthan
And Matthan became the father of Jacob.
And Jacob became the father of Joseph.
And Joseph met this fine woman named Mary, who got impregnated by the Holy Spirit,
And she gave birth to a baby boy named Jesus.
And had Ruth and Naomi been living, I would heard them say Oh! That’s Why!
Officer Amber Guyger (Guy-gur)/ Botham Jean (Boe-tham John)
But I believe that somewhere inside the younger brother, he understood that even though it hurts that my brother was shot a killed for no reason, I recognize that my story is a part of a much larger story. In the midst of such a hate-driven, confused and post-Christian America, I’m going to allow God to use my painful story to shine light on God’s story.
Paul as God to remove the thron, but God tells him my grace is sufficient
...And I can’t help, but think there was somebody saying to themselves, Oh, “That’s Why!
My last girlfriend before Paige cheated on me. Of course I was sad and heartbroken about it, but when I look at my Boaz by the name of Paige sitting over there, I now recognize “Oh, That’s Why!”
God closed that door so you could adopt or to take in some foster children.
There are some people that have been depressed because you broke up with your boo, but I’m sure there are some people that can attest that when you look back on some of the people you have dated in your past and you’re trying to figure out why it didn’t work and when you look back you recognize, “Oh, That’s Why?” Thank you Lord, I dodged a bullet.
Other Notes
Footprint poem
When I think about all the church hurt I have been through in my life, starting at age 14, and then to see how God has used those things to shape and mold the way I think, today I can say to myself “Oh, That’s Why!”
When Jesus died, was buried and was placed on a cross, I’m sure people were trying to figure out why, but when Jesus got up on Sunday morning I could hear somebody saying “Oh, That’s Why!
My Last Girlfriend
My last girlfriend before Paige cheated on me. Of course I was sad and heartbroken about it, but when I look at my Boaz by the name of Paige sitting over there, I now recognize “Oh, That’s Why!”
God closed that door so you could adopt or to take in some foster children.
There are some people that have been depressed because you broke up with your boo, but I’m sure there are some people that can attest that when you look back on some of the people you have dated in your past and you’re trying to figure out why it didn’t work and when you look back you recognize, “Oh, That’s Why?” Thank you Lord, I dodged a bullet.
The author of Ruth finds it very important to lay out a genealogy of Ruth and Boaz because he wants the readers to know that the significance of this story doesn’t end with Ruth and Boaz having a baby, but the significance of this story is how it fits into a much a larger story.
The author of Ruth wants everybody to know that the story of Ruth is part of a larger story that started way before Naomi and Ruth were born and that will continue way after their die.